The Things They Are (vol 2)

I ran downstairs to my door and looked out the peep hole I saw a man probably my neighbor and was banging on my door before getting tackled by something bloody it looked like a zombie I held back as I moved away from the door and toward the weapons I had found I held my head, my hands shaking my family is still out there... I grew more worried and grabbed the weapons. My garage was closed but the second I open it they would come in, there isn't many right? I quickly went in my car and used the garage clicker inside to open and quickly back out before closing again I sighed with relief and drove away from the neighborhood I looked at my phone a National security alert on it 'keep calm stay indoors apocalypse starting ' I felt myself starting to cry, I haven't been this scared since I was little I clenched the steering wheel tightly and drove to the doctors hoping my family was there when I got there I looked around, totally abandoned and raided it isn't a apocalypse it's a purge every person for themselves no police no nothing we are on our own I parked in front and took the weapons with me I walked inside and was immediately hit with the smell of blood and wrinkled my nose I looked around, nothing but some pills I looked through to see if any were any good my gaze landed on a certain pill bottle I grabbed it and saw my brother's name on it they were here I grabbed a nearby clipboard, they checked in but never out I grumbled quietly before hearing a groan and grabbing my pistol and aiming it in the direction on the found and saw...