She looked at me wondering why I was worried when she was just a mere stranger I sighed "sorry I'm just still on edge but it seems like it best to stay this way..." I gently smiled and heard a growl I quickly looked toward the sound and saw my brother "sorry I'm hungry but I didn't want to intrupt you two." He gave us a smirk and I glared at him "I am going to portion this so it'll last awhile you bigback" I said and evenly separated a can of food giving some to him and her "breakfast is ready" I smiled and ate a little of my food and gave the rest to my brother and the rest to her "alright? Ready to move out?" I said, grabbing my stuff and bag I noticed Elissa looking at one of my knifes a handing it to her "here take it, you'll need something to protect yourself with..." I handed another knife to my brother "lets get a move on folks!" Jumps down from the tree and looks at them, my brother also jumps down and Elissa hesitates I sigh "come on I'll catch you." I outstretched my arms she hesitates more before jumping into my arms, I caught her and put her down safely "see? You won't be harmed while here with me and my brother." I smiled and started walking the two following the day passed quickly since I was with people and walking toward an apartment that was abandoned I carefully walked in and waved the others in I went into an apartment and made sure none of the things or other people were in here i waved them in and locked the door behind them before the sunset "alright we should be safe here." I said and set down my things I looked through the apartment and found some more food and bottled water which I put I the bag I noticed my brother went to bed in one of the rooms so it was only me and Elissa "coffee?" I asked and she nodded "not much of a talker huh?" I teased while starting the coffee machine she looked away shyly and I laughed lightheartedly "it's okay I don't mind," I looked at her taking in her curly brunette hair and slim body, more of the feminine type unlike me, I chuckled and poured her some coffee "here you go ma'am." I said giving her the coffee "thanks" she said drinking the coffee, we talked about our family and our jobs before she fell asleep I stayed up and looked out the window, looking out and watching some of the buildings burn emergency services destroyed around the cities and the Things walking around looking for their next victim I sighed wondering what happened and how everything turned wrong so quickly I watched the night slowly go by I went to check on my brother and say him looking at his hands his face pale "brother what's wrong?" I looked at him concerned "m-my sickle cells...they're worse I can't feel my hands.." he looked at me with tears in my eyes I nodded and ran to the bag looking for his medicine "is that why you went to doctors?" I saw him nod "did they refill it?" He shook his head shaking his arms trying to get feeling in his hands.