Archers, to the cliffs!

While Kael was busy dealing with the Northern Gate, Tobias had a task of his own.

It was the Eastern Gate.

"I see movements, they are about 5 kilometres away from the desired position, be prepared."

Tobias heard a voice and, in an instant, he signalled his men to move. Most of his men were already in position, all they needed to do was wait.

Right now, Tobias wasn't standing on the Eastern Walls, he was in the outpost created about one kilometre away from the Eastern Gate, deep in the forests.

The Eastern Gate was too close to the Town Hall and the basement where everyone was hiding.

Kael couldn't risk it.

So, unlike in the Northern Gate, where the plan was to let the Brutes in, limit their movements in the narrow streets and kill them,

For the Eastern Gate, Kael made sure that these beasts never even got close to the gate, no matter what.

"You know what to do, correct?"