The Dragon landed on another Wolf and tore its body with his underdeveloped claws. Then, he jumped on another wolf and bit off its head.
Within a few seconds, the Dragon had dealt with three wolves, attracting the aggro to him.
The Dragon wasn't allowed to engage any further, and at Kael's shout, he flew into the air, distancing himself from the wolves, making it impossible for the poor wolves to attack him.
Yes, these wolves could spew flames, but…
Igni just flew even higher, making it difficult for even the flames to reach him.
Then, the Dragon flew toward his father.
By now, Kael's Dragon Surge had run out for a while. The little distance he had created from the wolves had pretty much diminished, and the wolf closest to him pounced on him.
Kael, however, didn't stop running. Heck, he didn't even turn around.