It took some time to read through the whole status page. The additions to my skills weren't helpful either. But the Core-Domains and Abilities raised some questions.
"System? How do these work exactly. I understood the gist of it but I will need a breakdown on spirits."
Spirits are born from Nature and believe. Once the are born the belief will only be able to slightly influence them. Domains are similar to the divinity of gods but work differently. Because spirits are essentially immortal. The will always exist as long as their domains do.
When a domain is that of a season, festival or others, the spirit is not only one that can and will cause the phenomenon related and associated with the domains to occur. But it can also trigger incursions on other festivals and seasons/domains. Furthermore during the time frame of these incursions the spirit will be much stronger and so will it's abilities be. For example: If user were to use the Ability: Hunt, you would be able to track, find and eliminate threats within the domain closest to you(i.e.the forest you are in).
However, if it was Fall/Autumn the Ability will be strengthened. Now you would be able to track, find and eliminate anything, as the season and hight of your power is in Fall.
Host will also be strengthened when more of you domains overlap.]
So as I understand it I will be responsible for Fall. But why should I hunt down everything outside of their homes during it?
[The season of Fall and the spirits connected to it are and have been for the longest time connected to the concepts of Fear, Death, Sorrow and Hunting. Most of the abilies you will have will either be connected to these or will be related to the bringing of Autumn.]
So the Abilities are tailored to what I as a spirit represent?
[Spirits are primarily needed to protect nature and only secondaryly to protect sentient forms of life, such as humans. Furthermore spirits are encouraged to nurture human children into respecting nature and its spirits.
The point of being aware of all threats is not primarily to hunt people but to hunt those that are a threat to the people you wish to protect. The ability is only secondarily meant to find those you protect and bring them where they are safe, similar to a herding dog. ]
Aha, thank you for explaining this. Now I believe it is time to leave the bathtub.
As I was climbing out of it I heard several small voices from all around.
I turned my head so fast that my neck cracked and I became nauseated for a bit. Then I felt movement near my ear.
I decided to follow the advice and waited instead. Suddenly there was a snake in front of my eyes. It was looking at me and then it opened its mouth.
[Host please be aware that these snakes are part of you Monster race: Medusa.]
"How do you know this?" I asked. After all, the system hadn't informed me of anything like this.
I moved to the mirror after putting them on.
I got the first look at myself once I stood infront of the mirror.
My hair, which seemed to shimmer and change between hair and a nest of snakes, was black and reached to my shoulders. The snakes were plenty. Their scales were dark violet almost black, the eyes a beautiful shade of speckled gold mixed with violets of different intensity. And right there sat my headphones. The snakes seemed to gather around my ears. They looked like they were waiting for music to play over them.
The headphones were black but as I turned my head to look if the had any logos on them I saw the Led-Display. There was a purple glowing circle around it on the outer most part of the speakers but the display was clearly covering the entire part.
My skin was tan. As if I spend several hours of my day bathing in the sun.
My eyebrows were similar to the scales of the snakes. So dark violet that it was almost black.
My eyes were also similar to those from the snake. Both in color and in form. The only difference was that while my iris was the same shade of gold there were even more colour specks. There was a deep blue and amber mixed in aswell.
They were perfectly framed by my gold and black rimmed glasses. The glasses were round. The outside of the rings were black while the inside was gold. The colour's switched when they neared the ear. The top was gold with a small black part on the bottom.
My skin was clear without any blemishes. And my lips were just the right size.
I was a bit taller than boys my age, standing at 1.6 meters.
Once I finished looking at myself and deciding that I looked good, it was time to put my clothes back on.
Once I left the bathroom I realized just where and when I was.
It was the start of my year at Yancy Academy. I knew there was no Mrs. Dodds yet and up until now there was no mention of Grover Underwood in my memories.
Suddenly there was music. One of those where you just have to move your head to. Then I felt a movement in my hair. Throwing a look into the mirror of the wardrobe standing on my side of the room revealed that the snakes really had all moved to my ears and were now moving to the beat of the music. One of them had to have activated the music by touching the display. The glowing circle was now also moving, slowly rotating around the center and spiking and dropping to the middel/away from it. Displaying the high and low notes of the music.
After I spend some time looking out of the window of the room I decided to go to bed. The music was still playing when the sun dipped and I fell asleep soon after.