Lin Xinya, a renowned healer in the modern world, wakes up in the frail body of Bai Yue, an orphaned girl with an unknown lineage but a prestigious background. Cast aside and treated as an outcast within the noble Bai family, Bai Yue’s life is a constant struggle for survival. In this ruthless world where strength reigns supreme, Xinya must rely on her medical knowledge and intellect to carve out a place for herself.
However, her journey will not be easy. Surrounded by hidden enemies, manipulative nobles, and secrets buried deep within the Bai family, she must tread carefully. As she gradually regains her strength, Xinya begins to uncover traces of her true identity—an identity that some would rather see erased.
With her wit as her greatest weapon and an unshakable will, she embarks on a path of self-discovery, slowly transforming from a powerless girl into a force to be reckoned with. But in a world filled with betrayal and power struggles, will her healing skills be enough to protect her from the dangers that lurk in the shadows?