"So what genre are you choosing this time?" Nicolas asked and Amara coughed a few times.
It wasn't the type of cough that comes from sickness, it was the type that comes from awkwardness.
"Well, I am planning on going for a romantic movie this time, if it's ok with you, of course,"she said looking at the opposite direction.
She didn't have the guts to face him and say this.
Nicolas obviously didn't have any objections. He was more than ok with whatever she was going to choose.
To him, watching her was more important than watching the movie. He could stare at her the entire day and not get bored.
Never in his wildest dreams did he thought that one day he would fall for someone and that too this easily.
It was love at first sight for him. The moon goddess was just too generous to him and he was praying that she was generous enough to put love in her heart for him as well.
"Have you decided which movie we are going to watch?"
"I don't remember the name of that movie but it was an Turkish movie. It was really cute that I couldn't help but awe at the couple. I really want to watch it again but why can't I remember the name?" She said with a frustrated pout.
Nicolas felt like kissing her pout away but after shaking his head to clear out such thoughts, he suggested that they search on the platform writing 'cute and romantic Turkish movie.'
It was such an alone thing to do when you can't remember something, with a hope to find that accidentally.
He was feeling a little embarrassed while sharing this with her but then again, if she thought that something was cute, he needs to watch it.
He was mentally preparing to take notes from the movie to use on her later.
He wanted to win her heart and what could be a better tip than taking tips from a cute and romantic movie?
They did as said and after searching for more than 20 minutes, Amara wanting to facepalm herself and knock herself out by punching her face against the wall and Nicolas loving every second of it due to her cute reactions, they finally found the movie.
Amara was so excited that she felt like jumping on the bed but she didn't. She doesn't have any intention of breaking Nicolas's bed.
The guy was already too good to her. She didn't want to make him get another bed because she couldn't control her emotions.
But then she realized how ridiculous she was sounding. She was after his life and yet she was caring about his financial situation here.
She was such an weird girl and she honestly thought that she was really confusing. She started the movie and Nicolas's entire attention was now on the screen.
He was more than ready to take notes. Impressing her has become his life's number one motive.
He was so into the movie that he didn't notice her gaze that was stuck on him the entire time.
She was rethinking her life decisions but she didn't have any other way.
She was drowning in the river of guilt but deep inside, the hatred for him was still there.
Time was slowly passing away and with each passing second, Nicolas was getting more and more confused. The movie was supposed to be cute and romantic.
But it seems like they have played the wrong movie by mistake because it was anything but cute and romantic.
It was sad and made Nicolas so angry and frustrated that he wanted to meet the writer to punch him a few times for writing this script.
"Are you sure that we are watching the correct movie?" He asked Amara in a frustrated tone who immediately looked away but he caught her on time.
He understood that she was staring at her the entire time and it made him happy.
He was over the moon because if she was looking at him with such concentration then it could only mean one thing and it's that she has started feeling something for him as well.
This made the insides of him giddy.
He didn't want to tease her thinking that this might push her away and she might never look at him again like this due to embarrassment.
He pretended like he didn't notice anything and Amara was finally at peace.
She didn't want him to get any wrong ideas.
"Yes, we are watching the correct movie," she replied after looking at the screen for a few seconds.
The whole time she was focusing on him, resulting her not noticing what movie they were watching.
"But it's making me feel frustrated. There's nothing cute about this movie. It feels like we are watching a tragedy written by Shakespeare."
"You are wrong. It's a cute movie. Watch till the end. Don't judge a book by it's cover and similarly, never judge a movie without watching the entire thing. There might be a few twists and turns," Amara said with a wink.
Nicolas decided to trust her and they finished rest of the movie.
By the time, this movie ended, Nicolas was looking at the screen with a blank expression. Nobody could guess what he was thinking by his facial expressions.
He wasn't looking happy neither he was looking sad. He wasn't looking angry, frustrated or anything else either.
His face was blank, like entirely blank.
"How was the movie? Did you like it?" Amara asked in a small voice and he looked at her with the same expression.
"You said that it was a cute movie but it was more tragic than I thought it would be. They both died at the end. It wasn't cute or romantic unless you don't know what these words mean. Wait a second, do you know what cute is? Why did the director even set this movie as a romantic one? Was he or she on weed?"
Amara felt like awing at Nicolas's expression. He was looking like a little child, complaining about the wrong things life has done to him.
"Yes, I do understand the meaning behind these words but you seem to have forgotten what that means. First of all, they both died but they died together. The chances of them living together in the afterlife are high. It's really romantic."
Amara decided to explain where she was coming from but everything was going over Nicolas's head.
His heart was broken and he needed some time to restore and heal his broken heart.
He was someone who showed little to no emotions for real life people but his emotions were at another level for fictional characters.
He wasn't ashamed of admitting that he has cried over so many fictional characters in his entire life.
Everytime a fictional character dies, he would cry or he would start to feel empty.
He would mourn alone like someone close to him has died but he had this 'idgas about real life people' attitude. He still does but there are a few selected people, he would pour his heart out for.
She was one of them. And the funniest part is she wasn't even aware.
"And I thought that it was really cute when he wrote letters to her. I honestly don't understand why people don't write letter anymore. That's literally the cutest thing on the entire earth. If I could,I would write letters the entire day. That's cute on another whole level. You must agree with me on this," Amara said with a serious look.
"I agree that it was cute but don't tell me that you marked the entire movie cute only because of this thing," Nicolas looked like he was going to lose his shit if she says yes.
"Don't be ridiculous. I obviously won't mark this entire movie cute only because of this," She said and he felt like his lifespan was restoring.
He was waiting for her to say something healing that would confirm that she wasn't haIf as crazy as he was thinking that she was.
But what she said next made him want to change his whole existence or wipe off his existence.
"There was a cute dog in the movie as well. He is literally the cutest thing I have seen until now. If I were in the movie set, I would have kidnapped him no matter what," Amara said with adoring eyes.
She had this lovestruck look plastered on her face. Nicolas wanted to delete this moment from their lives but at the same time he couldn't.
He doesn't know what he did to deserve this.
His inner wolf cried in sadness.
It was sad that his mate choose a little puppy over it, a wolf.
Amara, who was unaware of what Nicolas was going through, continued to fan-girling over that little puppy.
She was going on and on about how the puppy was the best thing on the movie even though she loved everything else as well.
But to her, the puppy comes first.
Nicolas despite not liking all of these, couldn't tell her to stop.
She was freely speaking to him and it means that she was comfortable around him.
He didn't want to ruin this comfort level just because he couldn't control his fragile ego.
And for the first time, a wolf was jealous of a little puppy.
Nicolas decided to focus on hearing her voice and her smell rather than her words.
It's not like she was going to know anything, right?
Well, he was wrong. Soon she asked what he thinks about that puppy.
He wanted to say that he absolutely didn't like that puppy but he obviously couldn't say that.
He just said that the puppy was cute but they could have improved the storyline by not killing the main leads.
Amara agreed with him.
"I know that they shouldn't have given this a sad ending but let's be honest, if it had a happy ending, I honestly won't have love it haIf as much as I do now. I would watch the movie, be happy that it has a happy ending and move on. But since it has a sad ending, I would forever feel sad about it. I will continue thinking that they could have given this a happy ending only if they wanted to. This regret won't let me forget this movie and I will remember this forever."
Nicolas understood where she was coming from.
He couldn't help but praise the director at the same time for such an brilliant idea.
"By the way, be honest, you also wanted to adopt that puppy, right?" Excitement was dancing in Amara's eyes.
Nicolas looked dead into her eyes before shaking his head, indicating that he didn't have the same wish as her.
"You didn't? That was literally the cutest puppy I have ever see-wait, you have a wolf of your own," Amara's eyes widened by the end and she couldn't finish her sentence.
She just realized that Nicolas wasn't a human like her. He was so comfortable to talk with and didn't rub it over her face that he was superior and more powerful than her that she forgot, he belongs to the same creature's world that has hurt her for her entire life.
"I am extremely sorry. I didn't realize that, ugh, I am extremely sorry. I honestly need to get my mind checked. I keep messing up everything," Amara had a guilty look on her face.
"Hey, hey, take a deep breath and calm yourself down. Breath in, breath out. Good, now repeat a few more times. Good girl. Now, calm down and don't take stress. It's not a big deal," Nicolas said and only then Amara relaxed.
"You are just too comfortable that I forgot everything," Amara said while looking down at her fingers.
"It feels good to know that you think that I am comfortable enough. I hope that I would be able to hold on this title."