Timeless High: The Paradox Chronicle
At Timeless High, a prestigious academy that straddles the line between modern-day and future technology, Kaiya Monroe discovers that her family’s wealth and influence come from an unimaginable secret: time travel. When a mysterious time-altering project, known as The ChronoProject, begins to unravel, Kaiya finds herself at the center of a web of betrayal, love, and an ancient conspiracy that has been hidden for generations.
Teaming up with her childhood friend, Liam Cross, they must navigate the complexities of time itself — from rewriting the past to ensuring the future doesn’t collapse on itself. But their journey is not without complications. Loyalties are tested, romances bloom in the midst of chaos, and dangerous alliances form as they uncover truths about their families' deep involvement in the manipulation of history.
As they race against time, Kaiya and Liam must uncover the Paradox Chronicle, a mythical text that holds the key to unraveling the threads of time, before a rival corporation can seize control of it and rewrite history in their own image.
With betrayals, forbidden romances, action-packed twists, and time-bending adventures, Timeless High: The Paradox Chronicle explores what happens when the past, present, and future collide — and the cost of trying to change the unchangeable.
This synopsis sets up the main plot, introduces the central mystery, and hints at the conflict and themes in the book. It also teases romance, action, and the deep conspiracies surrounding the time travel element.