
Harry took a breath and calmed himself, pushing away his fear and his anger.

"I can see how my words have been easily misconstrued." He said politely. "I wasn't subtly or otherwise trying to break the betrothal between us, just observing that perhaps this could have waited another couple of months, at least until the winter break. The news of this betrothal is new to the both of us; perhaps it would have gone smoother if we'd had more time to digest the contents of the contract first, before signing it."

Rodolphus had the wind taken from his sails at that and he deflated a little, his shoulders shaking from the exertion of keeping them raised even for a short amount of time. He looked to his grandfather.

"I see what you mean, Grandfather. He has got a tongue of silver."

"You should have seen him put down that jumped up mudblood Head of Magical Transportation in the Wizengamot meeting. He ripped him to pieces in a slow, deliberate way that completely ruined all of his points of view and left him unable to come back from such a blow. A little sixteen-year-old wisp of nothing rationalising such a complex situation and coming up with that compelling argument, on his own mind you, and that mudblood was completely lost for words, he couldn't even formulate a comeback, he was just gaping and mouthing like an uncivilised beast. I've never laughed so hard internally; I thought I was going to rupture my spleen."

Harry let out a soft choke of laughter before he inhaled deeply and got control of himself again, adjusting his posture and relaxing his shoulders as he dropped his hands to his lap.

"It was my pleasure to…enlighten him on the flaws of his proposal." He answered instead, to cover for his slip of composure.

"You've done well with him, Lucius. Imagine, just five weeks and you've turned him into this magnificent, intelligent beauty." Xerxes complimented.

"Thank you, Xerxes. It wasn't at all as difficult as you might believe. There is a reasonably strong, sound mind hidden under that hair."

"You're really beautiful."

Harry looked, startled, at Rabastan to find the man studying him incredibly hard, focusing on every feature of his face. It immediately stopped him from pouting at Lucius' roundabout compliment or complaining to him for making it, which likely would have earned him a punishment later, once the Lestranges had left.

Harry had expected Rabastan to have a shaky voice, one which perhaps cracked or went through different pitches and octaves, but it was the opposite. His voice was strong, deep and even, an almost complete contrast to his appearance. His voice hadn't changed over the years, but his appearance had. Harry found himself desperate to see the healthy body that matched that strong, deep voice.

Harry smiled at him. "Thank you for your compliment."

"Your eyes are different. Most purebloods have brown or blue eyes or grey, but they're rarer. Your eyes are green. I hope our children have your eyes."

"Calm yourself, Rabastan; you're here to talk about an engagement, not about potential children." Rodolphus chastised his brother. "Since I lost my last betrothal fourteen years ago I've had no one else of worth express interest in me." Rabastan told his brother. "Who else will I marry and have children with if not the one who took the initiative and set up a contract with me?"

"What did I tell you about not sounding desperate?" Rhadamanthus snarled.

"He doesn't sound desperate, I assure you." Harry cut in as Rabastan drew back and reached for his brother's hand. "There's nothing wrong with thinking about children nor asking if your betrothed would like them. I would like them. I haven't much thought about how many I'd like yet as I am still young, but if I'm honest; I'd like at least three."

"Most purebloods don't have more than two, Harry." Narcissa told him patiently.

"I know, but I'm not most people, am I? I'd like as many children as I can get, but three is a minimum. Though, I am open to hearing debates."

"You won't get any from me." Rabastan told him. That made Harry smile at him.

"Under usual circumstances, I would advise you to stick to two or three children, but as the lord for the Potter and the Black families, I would believe you have enough wealth to cover more if you wished for them and that is without carrying the heir for the Lestrange line or taking into account the wealth of your potential husband." Lucius told him.

"Rodolphus is still the heir to our line as my oldest son." Rhadamanthus hissed.

"Don't act foolishly." Xerxes demanded of his son. "Rodolphus and Bellatrix are not going to have children together; they can't even stand in the same room without infuriating each other. You well and truly messed that match up. If I had known about it, I would have stopped you. Those boys are more mine than they are yours and a Ministry hearing would declare them as such, as you well and truly know."

Harry had done as he had sworn to do and he'd sent a clipped letter to Bellatrix, sealed with a blob of black wax with the Black family crest blotted onto it, which ordered her to have a fertility test. The results had come to him as her Head of House and the test had come back positive, she was fertile and able to have children; the problem it seemed wasn't an issue of fertility, but an issue of actually getting the two parties into bed together and actually engaging in activities that would lead to a child and not to the death of one or both of them.

Bellatrix was completely in love with Voldemort and Rodolphus resented Bellatrix for a multitude of reasons including her disinterest in him, the disrespect she showed him, her obvious love and longing for their Lord and, to an extent, her older age over himself. That and Bellatrix was no beauty like her other two sisters. It was widely believed that overuse of dark magic had disfigured and twisted her and Azkaban was no spa resort either.

"What electives have you taken this year?" Rodolphus asked him, seemingly content to warm up a little to him from the venomous malice that he'd shown when he'd arrived.

"I'm still taking Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, History of Magic, and Herbology, but I'm also taking Arithmancy and Ancient Runes as I passed both of the exams I took over the summer to catch up. I had to take both my entry-level exams and my O. within weeks of each other."

"Which electives were you taking before?"