In New York City, far from his operations in Silicone Valley, and away from his puppets that worked through the playgrounds of D.C. Richard Burke spent most of his free time relaxing in his penthouse suite. Being on the 130th floor of the Central Park Tower gave him a clear view over the city. It allowed him to grasp the alluding feeling of pure omnipresence.
From his home computer he kept all of his files from work. Profiles on politicians, data and statistics on public opinion and predetermined outcomes in politics, as well as blackmail and fragile information on those currently with power. Often in the afternoons, when his time was free, he would browse over the files. Looking for ways to align himself for success. The world of politics and power was similar to a high stakes game of 'Risk'; where he would control his plethora of resources to take and stack more power to his advantage.
A new player had decided to enter his game though, and uninvited guests tended to piss him off. The assassination of Brad Pines, while minor in the grand scheme of things, was something that had been looming over him through the last week. Pines was a perfect piece in his collection, being able to rally both democratic and republican votes with balanced policies and speech. The lieutenant governor who is taking Pines place is less desirable, and would be near impossible to puppet. Joe Miller is an elder politician, with a wide net in family and reputation. Putting him on ice would prove high risk, since altering his long running stances in favor of Incognito's goals would raise eyebrows. That, paired with the fact that he lived in-house with both his immediate and extended family in a large mansion, meant there were too many factors to consider.
The identity of this new player fermented in his subconscious. Who had the intel to figure out Pines was an android? Do they know Incognito was the origin of its manufacturing? How much more could they know? Would this prove to be a thorn in his side that could eventually draw blood?
Alas, whatever was to come from this unknown, there were still enough resources on deck to move ahead with his plans. Burke leaned back in his recliner at his desk. A servant entered the office to serve him his lunch. As the plate and cover were set on his desk, the phone rang. He waved the servant away to leave the room. Burke waited for the phone to ring two or three times before answering. He clicked to answer the phone and place it on speaker.
"Talk to me," he answered.
"It took longer than anticipated. Camera surveillance of the suspected vehicle that led to Pines assassination proved to be a dead end. There was also no contract within the government to have Pines taken care of. So, we know the hit didn't come from within."
"So… what do you have for me then?"
"We tracked the building that the sniper originated from. The surveillance footage was fried, but we are working on recovering some of it."
"So, you don't have anything."
The voice on the other end of the line paused before speaking again. "Well… we do have an update on the project…"
Burke raised his brow, "Ahead of schedule?"
"I'll be there in the morning. Have it ready.
"Yes sir."
Burke hung up the phone. He turned around in his chair to face out to the window. As he sat in silence, he remembered the lunch that had been placed for him.
He spun back around and faced the sealed plate. He removed the lid, revealing a shot glass of black, murky, espresso-like liquid. His index finger rubbed around the rim of the glass, before eventually lifting it up. In a single gulp, he inhaled the black murky substance and slammed the glass back down.
"Good shit," he muttered to himself.