Katherine port
I am not a dreamer I'm a realist and I can be blunt and sometimes too nice. I hate this fucking world sometimes. I feel like I just got out of prison and no one wants to give the
newbie a chance to prove herself. My bills... I tried to keep up with everything, the few monthly payments for school got me still.I had to get more hours but couldn't because my boss was all I have to give everyone the same chances for extra hours and stuff. So I'm looking for another part-time job. Going online... Let's see...Shit... dancers needed no
experience necessary, all shapes welcomed, flexible hours 11 pm to 4 am, free meal. Payment-speak to manager *Bonus pay if you can move!! Hell no I won't... I can't. This is so ironic like I can't make payments so now I have to be a stripper...Fuck it has a Bonus pay!! which means they are desperate, but not so much because they don't show the payment. Hmm. I assume it's a strip club, "obviously". I'm not shy about my body in the
least bit. I have what my ex called J-hello curves so the guys tell me. My booty is nice and round, soft but firm, and my daily routine of running and yoga has kept my body in shape I do have a bit of meat on my bones but it's all in my ass, except for my breasts, I have B cups and I don't mind being big in the back, I know I look good and guys seem to love it. My mom was a Latina and my dad was mixed, African American and white. So I got my waist long light brown hair, and greenish-grey eyes from them, I'm 5'4 and my skin is a really light brown complexion like Zendaya.Two years before I went to the 11th
grade my parents both worked hard. They both had two jobs each, but my dad got hurt and soon had to stop working he messed up his leg badly, he was in the hospital for
weeks, and the insurance didn't cover everything they tried to make it seem like he was at fault, he needed another surgery done on his leg at the time. My mother picked up more hours at work and I even had a part-time job, but the bills stacked up and we were
struggling, I was so focused on school and getting a better education so I could one day have a high-paying job to take care of them.
I was a fool. When mom got off work
in the evening she had to pick up my
dad from physical therapy and then
drop him off so she could get to her second job.They got on the road it happened to be
raining out of nowhere, the rain had picked up really bad it was completely unexpected and
she didn't break in time to stop from hitting a truck. It caused the car to be pushed into oncoming traffic and they both were killed instantly. The year in high school after
the accident, I went through it completely numb. People thought I was heartless, of course I cared I just couldn't cry, I thought for a while that the kids were right about me yet, when the milk fell into Jasmines lap at lunch out of nowhere after she pissed me off calling me a non-heartbitch or Alexandria hair falling out in science Lab after loudly whispering about me so I could hear her. I found out that
it wasn't lack of empathy that kept me from feeling lost, it was self-protection. If I had let the shock go and fully gave into the grief of the pain, I would have crumbled and buried myself, never to come out of the coma of pain that threatened to consume me. That day changed not only the course of my life but it
irrevocably changed me. I became hard and a loner. People were cruel and opinionated when not needed. They jumped to conclusions without thought, they are judgy... okay...so am I, now being the perfect
example lol. But this is my point, I just don't see the point in being open. Life disappointed me and set me up with the same struggles my parents endured.