Hello, FalSe sMile, here! 🙃
As you can see, this is not a chapter. Simply explained, this is an apology letter for you, dear readers.
If you are new here, I will simply say... Hello? Please, ignore this and go ahead.
If not...
First, I want to thank you all for following this story so far. It's been an incredible journey sharing these characters and their world with you.
However, I need to let you know that I will st... No, I won't stop writing this. 😂
No, but there will be a change. A big one.
Seeing how I am very bad at changing POVs without throwing people out the window, I decided for a more streamlined approach. The story will now follow Noah and Noah alone.
Will no other POVs ever be added?
Not exactly, but it will be rarer for sure. 🤧
What this means is that the chapter 4 will now be a brand new one with Noah never escaping the manor. With that, I hope to correct a few "mistakes" from the original.
You see, I had a rather solid plan of how things would go when I started, but this conveniently didn't include a way to naturally explain some basic things like what a Muddy Tongue actually is, or how magic works.
This led me to do something I deeply regretted... Well two things actually: making Kate being the one who ask Noah to work into a mine and revealing the "other" Vasilisa so soon.
Seriously, that last one really wasn't something I planned to do now. 🤧
But even before that, we even had that moment with Noah using magic. Sure, he can, but this is about him (or them) becoming a Crit-Based Swordwoman for a reason!
Of course I could continue, but this really bothered me. The other Vasilisa wasn't created to be a navigator-type character and Kate was not to be such a... Well, you see.
Which is why, I am starting over from chapter 4 with a development that is closer to my initial intentions while covering for a few problems I saw in the story.
Will this solve everything?
No. 😂
Will you be happy of the change?
I sure hope you will. 😅
Will it be easier for me now?
Yes. Sort of. 🤧
Now then, I also made a few other changes on earlier chapters—well, only on the status screen of the second chapter at the time I am writing this—but want to reassure you that most plot points from the earlier version will still be relevant.
The whole long night and selection deal for instance will still happen. Not just that in fact. You have so much informations in your hands actually. 😂😅
I am also thinking of making the old version still available, but I am not sure how. Maybe creating a volume for lost chapters? A sort of limbo?
I am open to suggestions.
Well then, I must apologize once again. You might have liked the base version and my rewriting might destroy everything you cared about in this story. I am deeply sorry for that.
I just needed space and a few other things.
Now, I will start with the new version. I hope you will... Not hate it? At the very least? 😂😅🤧
I don't actually know how to finish this so I will say this again:
Hello, FalSe SMile, here! 🙂
Hope you enjoy the new version!