Now that I'm back in my apartment and in bed, I feel a wave of comfort return back to my body. It's my first time getting sick, but to think that it'd be this bad... I can see why my classmates didn't come to school during those times now.
At some point, Midori did have to go back, along with Shin, but the nurse did come by before then as she took over with caring for me. Midori mainly just tried to keep me hydrated, and Shin helped with some of the clean up... I wasn't paying attention this morning and apparently I left the house in quite a mess. I'm starting to believe that it's not that bad having friends now... Without them, I'm not sure how I'd manage. That's including Mei, the nurse.
"You're looking better than this morning."
She checks my temperature while laying down a cold, damp cloth over my forehead, causing me to shiver a bit in bed.
"Colds are funny, huh. One moment you're sweating buckets and then you're shivering the next."
But I do feel bad that I have dragged everyone here to help me... I really should be able to take care of myself.
"...Sorry that you have to do this."
"Hmm? It's fine~ You're Ren's precious little sister. Can't let my future sister in-law be all my
herself like this, hehe."
"Mmm... Wait... Huh?"
Then I wasn't imagining things? So my brother and this nurse... They're actually seeing each other?
"Pfftftft. Joke~ Hehe. That reaction was pretty cute, Luna."
"Well, we have known each other for a while now, ever since our freshmen year in university. We were really close, but we then went our separate ways before I could get my feelings across. So it was surprising when I saw him again coming to school as a substitute teacher."
"So then... You like my brother?"
"Yup! But I don't think he ever saw me in that kind of way."
So then this woman, Mei... She "wants" to be my sister in-law? I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it, but having her wipe the sweat from my body does help me in seeing her in a positive light. Still, I feel like I need to make sure that she's actually good enough for him... To be part of the family.
"Hehe. Those eyes. Are you trying to gauge what kind of person I am?"
I don't know if I should be concerned that she saw right through me or not. Actually I think I am a little...
"Don't worry. I know full well what your brother's trying to do. It's one of the reasons why I fell for him in the first place."
"Wait, how much did he say to you?"
"Mmmm~ Basically everything? I know your parents are no longer around and that he's been looking everywhere for his sisters. Hehe. When I saw him again last week, he was so happy that he came straight to me. I could tell immediately that he found you."
Wouldn't that mean that Mei played a part in my brother finding me? If they were friends in university, then surely Mei might've notified my brother what school I was in, essentially bringing him right to me.
"So... Did you tell my brother where I was?"
"Hehe. Correct. But I'm a bit mad at myself for taking so long. You were never sick so I never really got to see you. It was only when I was with a student who had a last name close to yours did I catch your name on the list."
So it really was her... Without her, then I might've never even reunited with my brother in the first place. Just the thought of that brings a smile to my face, knowing that I'd probably still be alone.
"Ara? Looks like you approve of me now? Hehe."
"...Just a bit."
"Alright then. The soup's probably cooled down enough. You hungry?"
After finishing the soup that Mei had brought over for me, she starts tidying a few things up before heading towards the door.
"Okay. Take care, Luna~"
"See you, miss."
"Hehe. You can call me 'sis', if you like?"
"How about no."
"Then~ How about Mei? Ah, but not in school!"
"Hehe. Then, see ya~"
And just like that, with the door closing behind her, I'm left all alone. She did say that my friends would come over in the morning to check on me, but I'm unsure who she meant. To be honest, I don't even really mind if it's Nicole and her boyfriend, but I'd prefer if it was Midori.
Mei did leave me with a few bottles of water on the bed side table that I can easily reach over to. I also don't need to worry about showering since Mei did help with wiping my body and doing the laundry, even letting her dress me as well, putting myself completely in her hands. I'm only just now realizing that maybe she's using this as a way to build favor with me in order to get with my brother... And it's working... If it's someone like her, then I could see myself accepting her.
But seriously... I never knew a cold was this rough. I feel a lot better than this morning, but I still feel heavy, including my eyelids as I feel them slowly begin to shut. The sun's still out, but it's still quite dim considering the rain is still ongoing; although it's definitely calmed down since this morning. Slowly, I begin to submit myself to the sleep, holding the plushie to my chest firmly.
Upon waking up, I was greeted to the sound of the door bell through the intercom system. I got plenty of sleep so I got up quite easily, but that was when I noticed that I feel a hell of a lot better now. I just naturally got out of bed like it was nothing. That said, I still feel a bit groggy as I go to open the door. Mei did say that someone was coming in the morning. It better be Midori.
But unfortunately, my prayers weren't answered as I'm met with the sight of Shin instead.
"The nurse said for me to come around to check on you."
"You think you're okay for school?"
"Nn. Just give me a bit to change. Come in."
He's already dressed in his uniform, so I wouldn't want him to wait for too long. This apartment is a bit small as the living room is connected to the kitchen, with my bedroom behind a door which leads to a small balcony.
After changing into my uniform and tidying up my hair, putting the final touches with my hairpin, I step back out into the living room where Shin was sitting patiently on the sofa.
"Y-your color's looking a lot better."
"Nn. My head still hurts a bit, but I should be fine to go to school."
"Hmmm... On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"
"The nurse told me to ask that question. If it's anything above a 4 then you need to stay home."
So he just straight up gave me the answer? I guess Shin can be quite dumb sometimes. Well, he does slack off in class sometimes so I'm not really that surprised.
"About a two then."
"Okay, good."
Honestly, I'd probably rate the discomfort at about a three, but I played it safe just in case.
"Just let me quickly make some breakfast and we can-"
"Ah! Don't worry about that."
Suddenly, Shin takes out a box from his bag, looking to be filled with food already made inside. Don't tell me Shin made this? This guy knows how to cook?
"This is on behalf of Midori as she couldn't make it in time."
Nevermind... Wait a minute.
I quickly recall the time when Midori "attempted" to cook for me, only to fail at making rice. Looking at the food that Shin has presented to me, I find it quite hard to believe that Midori made this. That said, I take the lunch box from Shin before stuffing it inside my bag.
"Huh? You're not going to eat it?"
"I'm not that hungry at the moment."
"Hmm? But didn't you say you were going to make-"
"I changed my mind. Now let's go."
It's true that I am a little hungry, but I can wait until lunch. I'm sort of curious about this food so I want to bring it up with Midori before I eat it. When I started learning how to cook, it took me at least a couple weeks to properly get through the basics. Then once I was comfortable I slowly started to expand on the things I cook until I was satisfied. But from the lunch box I got given, I see a wide assortment of food, all carefully sculpted into the neat sections of the box. I'm sorry Midori, but I can't see how you can pull this off after what I know.
My question would soon be answered as lunch was soon upon us as we all met up at the cafeteria in school.
It was a bit difficult to concentrate in class, but it was mostly things I already knew so I managed just fine. The teachers also let me open the window that was next to me, letting the cool air blow against my face when I thought I'd start getting too hot. But it was also a double edged sword as the cold wind only reminded me of the coming winter... I really don't want to spend another winter alone... Another Christmas, another birthday alone... Without my sister. But now's not the time to stress about that. Right now I need to focus on what's in front of me.
"Eh? Wait, you didn't eat it?"
I pull out the lunch box that Shin gave me as Midori quickly took notice. She probably didn't think I'd save it until now.
"When I heard Shin got it from you, I just had to bring it here."
"I know you're not the one that cooked this."
"H-hey! Don't say that out loud~ My reputation will fall apart."
"Pfft. You 'still' don't know how to cook?"
"I-I'm learning Nicole! I need to catch up to Luna."
Oh? Now that's a pleasant surprise. So she "is" trying to learn how to cook...
"So then who cooked this?"
"Ah, that'd be from Alisa. Oh! But I DID help, okay? I helped do the- uhm... The omelette thingy."
"She's her father's attendant."
Attendant? So then a maid? Wait-
"Was that the woman that drove us yesterday?"
Well that explains one thing. I was almost certain that it wasn't her mother.
"Is she also the one that dresses you up like that?"
She looks down at her food, taking a bite of a piece of meat as if to try and dodge the questions.
"Hehe. I wish I had someone to brush my hair, making it all straight like that~"
"Mmmm, I admit it's nice, but it makes me feel like a child..."
("Hehehe. Your hair's so long, sis... It's pretty~")
("If 'my hair is pretty, then 'your' hair is as well. Let me brush yours next.")
("Mhmm! Ah~ Maybe we could try brushing each other's hair at the same time?)
("Yeah! Let's try it!")
"Huh? Yeah?"
I'm suddenly brought back to reality at the mention of my name, causing the flashback to quickly fade back into the back of my mind. I never knew that I'd be thinking of my sister this much after meeting Midori and the others...
"You okay? You're still sick, right?"
"I'm... I'm fine."
Just like Midori, I begin to eat, not wanting to touch on the subject anymore. I even feel my eyes have teared up a little, but it seems like I was pulled back in before any tears had the chance to shed.
"How is it?"
"Nn. It's delicious."
"I'm glad. Just you wait. One of these days, I'll cook you up a lunch like that all on my own!"
"Oh? So this isn't just a one time thing?"
"Hehe. Well, I'll need a taste tester, so-"
"Eeeh? But don't you have me as well, Midori?"
"I'll cook some for you as well, Nicole~"
"...Why do I feel like I'm now a second thought now."
Nicole grumbles that as she goes back to eating alongside her boyfriend. I can tell she isn't angry though. If anything she shoots me a soft smile, seeming to be happy that I'm getting along well with Midori. I'm not sure when it happened, but I feel like I've just become part of this group somehow. It might've started with just Midori; albeit quite rocky as I just found her as a nuisance, but now I feel a tinge of relief knowing that her friends accept me.
"Glad to see you're feeling better."
"Eh? Uh, yeah."
Shin speaks up to me with a soft smile on his face.
Despite feeling better though...
Manager: "It's okay, no need to push yourself. I know you're a hard worker, but I won't let your health get any worse. It's not all too busy, so just rest up until Friday, okay?"
I messaged my manager after getting arriving at my apartment, but it seems like he won't even let me work even if I go over there. That said, he still would like me to work Friday...
Makes sense.
I type up a reply, saying that I'll be there on Friday before heading into the bathroom to change out of my uniform. Midori wanted to come by my apartment to see me, but apparently her father is quite strict, which makes sense as to why Midori suddenly looks different this week than the previous week. I honestly would've liked to hang out as now that I'm all alone, all I can think about is that train station.
But right as I thought that, my phone rings as I quickly check to find that it's my brother.
"Hey. Did you make it back alright?"
"Nn. I'm just getting changed."
"So you're feeling better? Did you want Mei- uhm, the nurse to come over again?"
A tempting offer, but I feel like she and I would do more talking than her taking care of me. Plus, I don't really feel like I need anyone to go out of their way for me like that at this point.
"My head still hurts a bit, but I'm fine. I can handle basic things."
"Nope. I'll have her call around just to check on you."
"Pfft. Why did you even ask then?"
"Hmmm. Dunno, haha. Sorry, I'm just worried is all."
He's always like this, even when we were little. He's always been protective of my sister and I, sometimes acting like a second father in a way. I wouldn't be surprised if people thought that was the case.
"Then will you be going back to the train station?"
"Ah. Maybe. I didn't find anything last night. I asked around for a list of people, trying to see where Reina might've come and gone, but there's only so much I can do. I'm not like a police officer, haha."
So he went as far as to try and look at the records... I didn't actually think of that, but I guess that led to nowhere anyways... Wait-
"So you're saying there 'are' records?"
"Yes, but it's not accessible to the public."
Maybe if I sneak in there and get my hands on it, maybe I could find an answer to-
"I know what you're thinking, and trust me, don't. You don't want to wind up in prison, do you?"
I'm surprised that he could figure out that much just from over the phone. Even his voice went lower as if to persuade me into not following through with my plan.
"...But Reina-"
"At least we know that she came to this city, right? Let's just be patient. I'll head over there soon. Just need to finish a few of these papers."
"Thank you, brother."
"She's our family. I'll do my best to find her, so just rest up for now okay?"
We soon hang up there as I end up moving outside to the balcony just past the bedroom. With the rain now gone, I end up looking high into the sky as images of my sister flash through my eyes.
She's definitely family, no doubt about it, but to me, she's more like my other half... I don't think you can get any closer than family, but I feel like that is the case for me and Reina... Leaning my arms onto the railing, I wonder if Reina is actually looking up in the sky right now? Is she also thinking the same things as me? Are we looking at the same sky even now?
I feel the corners of my mouth rise into a gentle smile as I think that, almost as if my instincts are telling me that I'm right, telling me that we're close to one another... But even still-
"It hurts..."
Not just my head, but my heart as well.
"Christmas is coming, sister. So please..."
There's no shooting stars to be seen, let alone stars at all, yet I find myself praying that one might show itself. I tend to not believe in silly stuff like this, but I feel myself craving to try something. It's been nearly a decade now, and with her being so close, it might not hurt to try and wish to the stars.
"Let's celebrate it this time, together-"
Suddenly, I hear the door to my apartment being knocked, which sent chills down my entire body.
It can't be Mei, right? There's no way she got here this quick. Midori is at her father's place and my brother said that he'll be looking for Reina again.
It only took that one moment for my legs to begin bolting straight to the door. I know it's stupid to think my prayers have been answered instantly like this, but my legs just couldn't stop as I felt my heart rate rapidly increase. The moment I arrive at the front door, I waste no time in flinging it open. However...
"Woah! L-Luna?"
I felt all the weight return to my body as I feel the gravity pulling me down at the sight of Shin and his friend, the transfer student.
"A-are you okay?"
The transfer student asks that, probably thinking that I'm probably still sick from how I acted just now.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What did you guys want?"
I swear, I've gotten too used to having these guys over at my apartment. But I guess I was looking for some company. That said, I can't help but feel like my dreams have been crushed.
"We just thought that we'd check up on you."
"The nurse will be around again later. Plus I'm feeling a lot better."
"Y-you sure? You don't look too great."
That's 'cause my will to continue this conversation with these two have reached an all-time low. I was expecting my sister, but I can't just say that to them.
"Yeah. Just a little headache, but that's it."
"Want us to pick up any groceries for you then? You shouldn't strain yourself."
Wait... I "am" running a bit low on rice. I'd like to also stock up on some meat as well.
"...It's okay. I'll get them tomorrow after school."
"Are you sure? We don't mind."
Shin... He's not going to just drop this that easily, huh. I can tell from the look in his eyes that he wants to help, even the transfer student as well...
"...Fine. Then could you grab me some rice?"
"Sure thing!"
"One moment."
I step into the nearby kitchen to grab my wallet before returning to the two of them, handing them some cash.
"Ah- don't worry. I can pay for it."
What on earth is he on about? I seriously doubt he has a job. I'm not about to have his parents being the one to pay for my food.
"You don't need to-"
I forcefully put the money into Shin's hands which caused his face to grow a tinge of red for some reason.
"Thank you, but I can pay for my own things. You two can keep the change to buy whatever you want."
The transfer student seemed bewildered by my action as Shin is just left stock still, as if still trying to process it all.
"Isn't that too much?"
"Not really."
"W-w-wait! Th-then we'll buy you more than just rice!"
Shin finally caught up to the conversation as he looked over the money in his hands.
"Hah~ Then just buy some eggs then, oh and milk, maybe some flour too. Oh and some oil as well. Anything else is up to you two."
"A-alright! Then we'll be off then!"
"See you soon, Luna!"
Waving the two of them off, I finally return back inside as I end up letting out a long sigh. I feel like all the pain came rushing back to my head all at once just now. I held it in infront of them, but that's probably what had me fold, letting them help me with some shopping.
"...I guess I'll just rest a bit until Mei shows up."