Chapter 19: A pair who battles beneath logic


Sarah stepped forward and glanced at Samira with a smile, like it had been years since she last time saw the girl. Samira gazed over Solan's shoulder and saw Sarah approaching with a knowing look.

"Ah...I greet the admiral" she said softly, wanting to show of her past teachings of how a elegant woman should be. 

"...You look elegantly as always...".

"Yes auntie, That's just how it is being the the eldest daughter of the 'Kritanta' household". Her voice laced with pride.

She swifted her long dark azure hair into the air, flowing like how light feather ran calmingly fell down from the sky. 

"Anyways auntie, I don't mean to disrespect your ways of education but have you not taught Solan how to greet a woman when she speaks?" 

While the two of them spoke took the chance to walk away. Silently as his leather boots carefully sank in the sand with each step taken-

"And Where are you going?" 

Samira turned to the frozen Solan with a frowning expression, getting sick of his behavior.

"I am headed towards my room, I have my daily responsibilities to attend too"

The tall woman in her early twenties eyed down Solan before a slight smirk appeared on her face. 

"If its your training that I presume it is, then I'll gladly help you" Her expression with intentions behind her eye-candy face.

"Lieutenant Samira, I don't think flirting with a boy the same age as you little sister is acceptable thinking about your role" Admiral Benedict spoke with an amused expression approaching Sarah's side.

'Sir. Admiral, you take things too serious... I'm talking about a one on one match...".

A one on one? Solan thought baffled, he wanted to meditate alone in his cabin yet here she was insisting on a match? This woman knew well that Solan disliked her and wanted nothing to do with her. 

"A one on one? That sounds rather interesting" Benedict spoke. all eyes turning to Solan's wide back in-front of them, waiting for his answer.

"A battle between two vessel users? Its been a while since I witnessed that type of battle before...". Benedict said, a slight excitement in his voice. His voice sowing that he was highly interested in seeing it happen. 

"Hm? I would lie if I said that I'm not interested either... What about it Solan? I'm sure this could serve as a good match to bring our two divisions together before our mission". Sarah said with a smirk. 

"....Alright, I'll do it....". There were no use in talking back, Everyone wanted to see Solan's strength and he knew himself that he had to show it to other people eventually.

"...A one on one match....". Solan turned to Samira again, a annoyed gaze behind his dark silhouette of the veil. Samira smiled widely. 


A few moments later, the two stood opposite from each other, a 20 meter gap in-between them. The division's member that were once scattered around the camp site started approaching the scene, making a large circle around the two combatants. Sarah and Benedict stood by the sideline, the two admirals serving as the overseer of the match. 

"...That's Solan the Leviathan hunter right?" 

"...He's going against Samira... I wonder if he'll even handle her...".

The crowd around were muttering amongst each other, some leaving bets on the outcome of the match. 

Solan stood there, materializing a spear out of his vessel. It sparkled calmly in a sea-green color. Creating an powerful and eerie atmosphere in the crowd. Solan stood tall getting into position lowering his body slightly, gripping his spear hard.

'Despite Solan's usual stoicism he was rather anxious. He knew of Samira's circumstances. She too was a vessel user now, inheriting the powerful glacier vessel from her father before her. He knew of her strength through word of mouth and witnessing it first hand. She was a genius in combat, one that even Solan was slightly anxious to go against'

"Are you ready Solan~?" 

Samira said, unsheathing her sword, its thin sharp blade seemingly almost fragile but used for slashing as fast as possible, it had a blue rose guard reaching to the beneath of the guard in a thorn stem. Engraved with a lone dark blue crystal above the guard.

It was Samira's Leviathan slayer: 'Blue petals' A Sword capable of handling her glacier vessel which could freeze to sub-zero. 

Samira Raised her a bit in a guarding stance, positioning her feet and body, her footing placed further behind creating a path-trail of sand beneath her. 

"Before the match begins, What you witness here on this island stays on the island!".

Sarah shouted loudly enough for everyone watching to hear. 

Raising her hand high above her head only to lower it again- 

"...Now... Let the match begin!" 

Everyone watched with anticipation but... it was... silent.


No one had moved a slight bit. Solan and Samira still standing in place, with their stance in position. It was obvious to the people with combat experiences that this was all about analyzing your opponents attack. 

Solan stared at Samira, his spear clenched harder in hand before Samira let out a slight smirk.

"..Don't mind me!"

In just the blink of an eye Samira had left her position, charging Solan at a fast altitude which had left a big ripple in the sand she had stood on. The pressure itself from her speed making the sand beneath fly everywhere from the wind. 

"My eyes!" A member of the lighting division shouted groaning. 

Arriving 5 meters Infront of Solan he was surprised to see how fast she had closed the gap. Raising his spear he had no choice but to block it. Her sword clashed with his spear igniting a slight sparkle due to the speeding pressure.

Solan was pushed back a and before he realized it Samira charged at him again leaving him no room at all. Clashing again Samira's face was only mere inches away from Solan's own face. 

"I wonder what kind of expression you have beneath that cute mask of yours~!" She spoke with a wide grin. Samira seemed excited and happy, her eyes were crazy like she'd been waiting for this moment all her life. 

Solan pushed her away with his spear needing to create an gap. Her speed was impressive, almost too impressive. For an spear wielder, the right distance was important no matter what. Getting to close with the spear would leave too many openings for Samira. He had to think thoroughly.

Yet again Samira charged him, this time faster and her sword pointed towards him ready for a powerful strike.

Solan stood there still waiting for her to get even closer. At the right moment he parried her strike leaving her in a slight surprise, her face showing it visibly before getting composed again with that same smirk. 

"...Samira's as feisty as always...". Sarah said her arms crossed and a let out a slight chuckle.

The two of the combatants were trading parries every now and then, their attacks grazing their bodies and slight cuts that didn't affect their overall health. Looking from an veteran's experience Samira was all out on speed and offense, and for Solan he was more cautious on the defense side.

"...Despite the fact I can't see his face, I can feel it in my bones that the young Solan is super focused". Benedict spoke to Sarah watching every moment of the outgoing battle.

"...But, this isn't even the best part!"


After Solan was continually being pushed back by Samira's piercing and slashing standing his ground this time. This was going nowhere, Solan would have to go for other means to finish the battle faster. A aura was emitting from his body, his materialized spear shining brighter. 

"So we're going there hm?" 

'Solan didn't want to use his vessel but was probably the only way of winning. He knew that she had more years of experience, practicing ever since she was given a name. Not only that, but she specialized in fighting against other people unlike himself'.

Samira raised her blade Infront, holding it up towards the skies above. Her crystal started shining and her sword's silver blade was slowly but surely being covered by a layer of ice. Giving it an even sharper edge that could cut through Solan's inner armor like nothing. 

The sand beneath her was also frozen. The sun and her ice clashing against each other creating a light steam from her own side. A aura of slight snowflakes falling around her. Samira's already widened grin turned even more twisted. 

"...Tch, what an annoyance..". Solan thought to himself frustrated. He didn't want to use his vessel, but at this point it was his only choice if he didn't want to make a bad reputation of his master. 

"...I'll defeat you, damn psycho ....". Solan told Samira, getting even more angered. 

"...hah! Come at me you damn punk!"

Charging each other once again in a inhumane speed both were preparing a powerful blow with their weapons.


The spectators watched with tense to see what would happen and Samira pointed out her sword straight at Solan's head. 


The sound of metal hitting each other echoed through the false arena. Solan's helmet flying off his head. Samira backed fast to create a distance between them before gasping slightly.

As for the crowd their eyes widened and they all seemed shocked. 

"Oh my... he's good looking" Benedict muttered under his breath slightly surprised

Solan stood there firmly, holding above his temple. A minor cut in which blood ran down past his right eye. Solan's expression visible unamused. 

"...That wasn't with purpose" Samira smiled teasingly, getting a good look at his young facial features.

"That's his true face? He looks young as hell!" One of the spectators said baffled.

Sarah standing by the sidelines let out a huff.

'That helmet was expensive'

The air was tense, Solan was starting to hear the voices getting louder again creating the usual headache. He suppressed his vessel with his willpower and dampened the annoying voices running through his mind. 

"You have done it now....". Solan thought to himself. Wanting Samira to pay for the damages. It was one thing to destroy his helmet, but as obvious as it was. It was Samira's goal from the beginning.

"...You'll pay you wretched pshyco" He said his voice dangerously low which meant business. 

"...I'm ready...!" She smiled, not caring at all. 
