Chapter 25: The aftermath of a succes!

"...Prepare the cannons! We will exterminate the beast!" Solan shouted across deck. As the members got on work and went to their stations the cannons were loaded with anti-shell. The Sky division sailed behind them, letting the lighting division take over. 

Sarah stood silently, yet a prideful smile on her stoic face. Witnessing Solan ordering the members around with a stern and professional voice indicated his potential as a successful admiral one day.

"...He's got the leadership"

she smirked before turning her back, heading towards the bridge. 

The 'Silver back' was charging towards the fleet. It seemed to be out of control, it changed direction every now and then. Fehler noticed that something was wrong, he turned to Solan to ask about it and recognized that scary grin. Solan had done something to the 'Silver back' but Fehler wasn't sure... Looking more at the uncontrollable force it seemed... confused?

'The Book I received made left a severe impact on the 'silver back's head. When it appeared and almost knocked out the Leviathan it left injuries in its head... which is why its going into all directions, not only that... but my spear on its back is still filled with my corrupting vessel... Its in a state of immense pain' Solan thought to himself. 

The Silver force came right at them this time, its vision wasn't blurry any longer and it saw Solan standing by the ship watching it struggle. In agony and anger it charged them head on. 

Solan smiled his aura surrounding him calmly. With one last grin several spears started levitating onboard the ship causing a great confusion between everyone. It was Solan's power, the skill of telekinesis. The 100's of spears started floating behind Solan before he pointed his hand towards the 'Silver back' direction sending hundreds of razor sharp sticks at it. 


Solan could change the directions of flying spears with his power. Using that level of telekinesis had a slight toll on him but it would be enough to subdue the 'Silver back'. 


The spears hit its armored back, deflecting from its heavy cloak. Though luckily some of the spears hit through the armor cracks and went pierced its way into its softer skin beneath. 

Fehler raised his hand after being notified that all of the canons were loaded. 



The anti-shell went flying hitting its backs causing critical cracks on its shining back. It had caused the lighting division problems at the start, but now with the fog/mist gone there were nothing to be afraid of. 

Solan muttered something raising both his hands towards the Leviathan that was yet to hit them. His eyes shined in a brighter hue of green, indicating the use of his death vessel.

"...Pierce through its soul, let its offsprings and blood be cursed for centuries...".

Solan said twisting his hand, clenching in a fist form. 

The spear's that had hit its body were twisting into it's body. Piercing half a meter deeper into its scales. 


The Leviathan stopped its charge, staying completely silent as its eye's closed. The air within its body made it turn upside down with its white soft scale turning to the surface. The upside down-turn indicated that the Leviathan was dead. 

":..Ah, that was easier then I thought"

Solan said before the headaches hit his temple. Similar to how a battle ram normally shot through a castle's door. Solan fell down on his knee, wondering what had happened the stone tablet hanging from his waist started to shine. 


They were getting louder. Those darn voices that could never stop until his final breath. 

Sarah approached his side, her gentle hand grabbing his waist.

"...Another mission complete...". Sarah said with a proud smile. She knew Solan was going through the usual routine so she spoke softly.

"You should rest for now... We will take care of the rest...".


Shortly after Solan went down towards deck. 

Sarah and Fehler watched as his figure disappeared completely. 

"Did you notice that weird tablet?" Fehler asked with an suspicious tone. 

"...Yeah I did" She replied simply. 

'That tablet, I saw an aura that I've never seen emitting from it... It was a familiar feeling... Yet it was.. so uncanny' Sarah shrugged it off, she'd just ask him later about it because right now they'd have to net in the dead Leviathan before them for their reward. 

"...The metal on its back will be useful for armory creation, I'm sure the research facility will buy it for a good price". Fehler told. 

The crew got on rowboats attached to the back of the vessel before drifting towards the floating Leviathan. Climbing it's stomach they attached hooks to it, dragging it closer to the ship before netting it around and lifting it up with raw strength of the crew members.


The members shouted in unison, their muscles tensing under the weight they were holding. dragging the huge netted beast towards the starboard's hull it was probably the worst part being a Leviathan focused division. Tying it up and securing tightly to make sure the ropes wouldn't fall off. 

Benedict stood by his own ship seeing the hardworking members. Leaning into the fence's of his fleet he had many things in mind. Solan had displayed quite many skills during his time watching him. 

Firstly, it was the Exo-skeleton he used against Samira at their encounter, secondly was the ability to use telekinesis... and thirdly, well... there weren't really that more to it. But having years of experience with killing people he had seen and how some acted... Benedict knew Solan was hiding more than he was telling.


(4 Days later: Soldat city) 

Across the bustling streets of Soldat a group of children were playing around with a ball. The visible blue sky clear empty of clouds, the sun reflecting down onto the sea creating a lively atmosphere. 

The children moved trying dribble each other one of the boys accidently kicked it into the port right beside the area they were playing at. 

"H-Hey! Why did you do that!" One of the older kids said annoyed.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll go get it!"

"You cant, the port is where the strict adults work...". 

The child responsible for kicking it faraway shrugged it off and went towards the dock. Approaching closer he saw the many fleets of different sizes docked. He was looking in awe before an older guy bumped into him. 

Seeing them in a hurry he was baffled by seeing more people gathering running towards port. 

"Hey Look! Its the lighting division and... The sky division!?" 

The tall metal gates on the gulf of Soldat slowly got raised. The Lighting galleon making its way towards port. 

"They're back!" 

The young boy watched in awe before a hand grabbed his wrist. A strong rough touch was felt and turning to look behind it was his father.

"Be careful son, we must make way for the crowd and the marines...": His father wasn't angry at him for going to the port which made him relifed. 

--Ding! Ding!-- 

A loud bell from one of the towers started ringing, indicating that a marine ship was arriving. the loud bell continued echoing through the big city, locals making their way towards port to see their arrival and spoils of 'war'.

"Woah! Look at that beast, Its clad in silver and in the form of a serpentine... Its the 'Silver back'!" One of the locals shouted in amazement. 

Docking onto port then workers on-top of the wooden platforms grabbed the ropes thrown onto the wooden pillars, tying them up and securing them. 

"Make way for Admiral Kesak and the Lighting members!" 

Sarah made her way off the ship, walking with a straight back and raised head. In elegance the onlookers were watching with awe and bewilderment of her beauty.

"Hah, Whenever I see her I cant help but get stunned by her beauty!"

Right behind walked her two most infamous members, Fehler the 1st. commander and Solan the Leviathan hunter. 

"This mask is embarrassing"

Solan mumbled under his breath, right before docking he had completely forgotten that he didn't have his helmet anymore due to a certain someone(Samira).

Sarah had instead given him a old mask she found in one of her shelves. A red cemented mask in the shape of a demon of some kind. It came with two tusks similar to the elephant, wrinkled temple and a big nose.

"...Don't be embarrassed, that mask comes from old tales from my home country...". Sarah remarked with a huff. 

The rest of the lighting members stayed back at dock, needing to get the defeated Leviathan on land so the butcherers could take it with them to start cutting out the edible parts and other useful parts.


Shortly after marching through the main street they'd arrive before the palace. Entering its long luxurious hallway with the white walls and red carpet. the palace guards saluted them, welcoming them back. 

After a shorter walk they stood before Lumine's office. Fehler stretched out before telling them

"..Admiral, I'll be downstairs waiting at the lobby"

Fehler left fast after being dismissed, a slight giggle on his face. Solan understood him after all they were finally back in Soldat after the long grueling mission, their beloved home. 

Before entering Solan had a few questions.

"...Master, wasn't Benedict supposed to come with us?" 

Sarah looked over her shoulder before telling him with a smile.

"...Samira's still recovering, she wont be able to attend the report, as for Sir. Benedict... He's probably going for a drink with his crew..".

'Drinking in the middle of the day?"

Sarah had a knowing expression on her face, she knew clearly why. 

"...Well, for the Anax hunters drinking after a successful mission is a tradition to let off some steam... as far as I know Sir. Benedict was once a anax hunter before he joined the marines".

'he was an Anax hunter? hah, no surprise he had such a familiar appearance to him. Rough looking with an unattended beard, he understood now the familiarity with Sir.Benedict'

"Anax Hunter, that's understandable I guess... But.. they barely did anything if we count out Samira" 

Sarah shrugged it off before taking a deep breath.

"Forget about that we're here now and we'll be the one to make the full report for Master Lumine...".