Trevon's piqued with interest. Solan grabbed a hold of something on his waist before handing him the chained stone tablet.
Trevon's seemed confused, his eyebrow raising in suspicion.
"...What is this?"
"...Its something I received...".
Trevon stared intensely at the stone tablet, his fingers slowly but surely grazing the stone cover. He felt the hardened rock and just the tiniest of dust falling off at the physical touch. Noting the weird chain wired around the book his curiosity piqued even more. At the very corner was a blue crystal, Not the usual type of stone either... It was an sapphire Trevon thought.
"...Interesting, from how wide it is, I can only guess that the stone is actually just a coating of some kind, protecting what I theorize is a book inside maybe.
"Though the stones didn't seem enough, the chains are rather overdramatic...".
Trevon told still having a good eye around its ancient like cover.
Solan stared at Trevon silently before telling him with the casual monotonic tone.
"...I received it from the abyss...".
Trevon hand stopped immediately, he had frozen. Trevon's head was the only part moving, his attention now turning back to Solan. His eyes widened and he was seemingly in shock, no... Maybe it was even fear? It wasn't easy to explain it to say the least.
The tense atmosphere loosened once Trevon started laughing hysterically, the elegancy still carried in his tone and expression.
"The abyss? Did the abyss physically give you this? That's something that I've heard from a fairy tale haha". Trevon continued to laugh. But stopped once he saw Solan's serious expression, his face didn't waver at all. Eyeing the book once more he told himself.
"...Who am I kidding, we live in the world of
Solan spoke up, standing up and reaching for the stone tablet in Trevon's hand. Solan noticed that he had to use a bit force from his hard grip.
"I came to ask if you knew anything about this... or the so called abyss...". Solan asked, his tone still remained monotone but it was easy to tell he was being serious and wanted answers.
Trevon raised himself from his chair, approaching the window frame putting the two curtains to the side letting the sunlight hit the dark room. The ray of sun hit Solan's face, covering his eyes for a few seconds before getting used to it.
"Let me prepare some drinks for us, and then we'll talk"
After Trevon arrived with the drinks Solan started explaining himself about the encounter with the "Abyss" and how it had handed him an relic from the depths.
Trevon was surprised, He hadn't expected that Solan received the tablet from a mysterious Leviathan.
The two of them had turned to another room. Trevon's private library which was mid sized. as the researcher himself was looking for something in and out of the endless shelves of books.
"...I've read about the mention of an old sailor who once stumbled upon the two pairs of silver eyes"
"...An old tale coming from the Orient..".
Trevon's eyes sparkled once he found the book. A small book that could almost fit in the palm of Trevon's bigger hands.
"...I bought this years ago when I was travelling around the Orient with my father... The book is about an lone anax hunter that nearly crossed the borders to the unknown region 400 years ago".
Solan got hold of the book, sliding through the first pages.
[page 1: Recruit Pyro, newcomer of the Javelin crew... My journey as Anax hunters has finally began!]
"The story starts with his recruitment and his first encounters with Leviathans, throughout the book it goes as how any story usual goes. He rose through the ranks of the group he was part of and became a captain within just 5 years...". Trevon explained, watching Solan slide through the pages, almost like he didn't even take note of anything at all.
[page 180, I'm finally captain now!-]
[Page 205, We are entering the Loren valley soon in the pursuit of an elder beast-]
[Page 210, We barely escaped the wrathful beast, our ship is damaged and-]
Continuing to change page every second he arrived at a certain page that stopped his impatience
[Page 260, I fell into the dark waters during our hunt, I pretty far down... the sunlight barely reached the level of deep I was in. There, I saw two pair of silver eyes staring at me from the darkness. I thought it was a metaphor for sailors traversing through Endeia... But, I think I know what they mean-",
The book cut shortly after, Solan was a bit surprised by the abrupt ending. Checking the next page he was met with the cover. He had reached the end of the book, thinking thoroughly Solan wasn't the only one who had seen it.
"...This is more like a journal and less then a story".
Trevon nodded before answering "Yes, It was written by captain Pyro, the protagonist... It began as an adventure but throughout his journey everything became more restless so he started to write every week about his experiences....".
"...So this is based on a true story then?"
"Yes, the Javelin crew exists... Its existence resides within the Anax guild's past codex. It was a major or big crew, just usual mercenary I'd say".
Solan contemplated to himself, confused by what to theorize It was no doubt of its existence. So this 'Abyss' Leviathan only appear once your in dark waters, hidden beneath the void's surface.
"..The voices said that it had taken a great liking to me, just what could that possibly mean...".
"...I have a theory that the Abyss Leviathan that you encountered must be something greater than even a elder beast. the fact that it gave you an ancient relic means that it must have intellect, It couldn't just given you the stone tablet without intentions behind it....".
Before speaking again, Trevon placed the stone tablet at a desk in the middle of the library. A desk with even more books and documents.
"..I'll take care of the stone tablet, I might have some friends that are familiar with ancient artifacts...".
"..:You have a someone?"
"Yes, She doesn't live here in Soldat, she's from the northern continent... She sent a letter recently that she'll visit Soldat now that the festival is currently ongoing...".
Solan looked at him, stoically before asking.
"She wont tell anyone about the stone tablet?"
Trevon nodded slightly, making a reassuring smile.
"...Don't worry, I'll tell her about the the situation... She wont tell anyone...".
Shortly after Solan was walking towards the blistering walls again, always amazed by how polish they were for no reason whatsoever. But he had other things in store with the free time he could finally enjoy.
'Now that the tablet was out the picture Solan would find himself freed from the work he was putting up with. With the festival around the corner that meant there wouldn't be any missions sooner or later with most of the workers having the tournament on their back.
--Step, step--
Arriving at the front of the manor he was met with the servants. Amongst them stood an taller gentleman, old with few wrinkles, lean but seemed to be fit throughout the suit.
"...Welcome home lieutenant Solan" the old man said, lowering his head with the right hand reaching above his chest.
"...What's with you old man 'Simonee'. Why the sudden formality?"
Under Solan's helmet he smiled amused, it wasn't a very impressive one but a humored one.
"The grandmaster bestowed you the rank after your return, you've officially on your way to become an admiral one day". The so called Simonee said raising his head up, their eyes meeting through Solan's dark helmet.
"Why are you saying this now?"
"...You've been staying in your room or had 1on1 lessons with the admiral, you know we cant interrupt such training. We've barely seen you except when you leave for the manor or shortly arrive back only to rush into your room".
The old man isn't lying, that is probably the truth. Though the lessons he was going through were nothing but pain and agony, there weren't anything to learn except the feeling of master Sarah's hard strikes with her sword. The lessons are nothing but hitting a metal rod into another reinforced wall, you cant get past it at all.
"That's true, but drop the formalities... it makes me embarrassed being called by a title...". Solan said clutching his helmet off holding it by arm.
"...What about the other title you have. 'Solan the Leviathan hunter'?"
Simonee's voice wasn't laced with any teasing and or respect. Just plane curiosity
Solan continued to walk towards the butler and told him once he went past.
"Thats what I am though, A Leviathan hunter" Solan said with an humored smile.
"...Anyways, I will be staying in my room until evening... Knock on my door once its dinner"
He raised his hand in a dismissing way.
Now that he was home he rushed back into room. Undressing his white attire taking off the gadgets off, they were comforting clothes but what else wasn't comforting when you have the chance to sit beneath the soft cushion on the bed.
"...Lets see how far I can come today...".
Settling down on the bed he crossed his legs, his arms resting above his hips breathing calm, his chest heaving up and down in a slow pace.