"Er... yes, My Lord."
"Oh, yes. And leave the rat."
Harry hesitated, but then reluctantly opened his robe and pulled his partner in crime for the evening out of his pocket. Impossibly, the little creature was curled up and was fast asleep. He shook his head and dutifully-gratefully- followed his Head of House out of the office and towards his new home. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo
Once Harry and most of the staff had left, Voldemort, Snape, Lestrange, and Nagini turned their attention to the perceived culprit of that evening's events. The headmistress poked the furry lump with the end of her wand. It merely curled up tighter. Irritated, she emptied her cup of hot tea on it. It let out a pained squeak.
"Pettigrew, you idiot," she hissed. A moment later, where there was only a rat, now sat a very frighted and very damp man.
"Ouch! W-what was th-that f-for?" he sniveled, finding himself suddenly surrounded by three of the most frightening people he knew.
"You were suppose to keep Nagini entertained awayfrom the feast, not in the middle of it!" Voldemort hissed. "There are half a dozen students sleeping in the infirmary because of your stupidity, you brainless twit!" "I-I'm s-s-sorry, Master, but I-I-I w-was getting t-tired a-and she-she is so en-energetic! I'm n-not as-as y-young as I use-used t-to b-be."
"And I suppose hiding in the pocket of the James Potter-look-alike was an attempt to bring back your more youthful days?" Snape said.
At that Pettigrew's rat-like face became haunted as well as fearful. Oh, what would his old friend say now? Seeing him so reduced? And yet there he had been, appearing there to rescue him... eleven years too late. "I should crucio you until your mind breaks and then hand you over to Knott for experimentation," Voldemort said. Pettigrew knew he would too, but he didn't think he could get anymore afraid without dropping over dead. "But since your bungling has brought forth some valuable information, I am feeling generous tonight. Check on McGonagall's office to make sure she's behaving herself, then return to your post in Gryffindor tower."
"Y-yes, M-master!" He bowed, unable to believe his good fortune. "Nagini will accompany you along the way to make sure you don't find your way into anyone else's pocket tonight."
Pettigrew let out a little squeak as the serpent turned her shining yellow eyes towards him. He was a rat a second later, and flying down the staircase as fast as his little legs could carry him. Nagini slithered out of her master's lap and pursued at a leisurely pace, singing her silly hunting song as she went.
With the three Slytherins alone in the office, the atmosphere became a bit more relaxed. Lestrange refilled her empty tea cup with sherry and offered the other two brandy. Snape declined, as was his custom during the school year. Voldemort accepted a glass and further relaxed into his chair. A slight smile found its way onto his face as he considered the events of that evening.
"This is... magnificently ironic," Voldemort said. "To have a child of two of my more persistent enemies, and a Gryffindor on top of that, become my counterpart in magic."
"Counterpart, my lord? I think you give him too much credit," Snape said. "He may simply be an example of how your policies have allowed for a greater level of magical ability within the nation. I wouldn't be surprised if other Parselmouths started showing up in the next fifty years."
"I would have to agree with Severus on this one, my Lord. He's a Gryffindor. His temperament and morality," she said the second word as if it were a curse, "prevent him from being on par with you. He's merely a curiosity."
"Convenient logic," he chided them both, smiling to let them know he wasn't angered with them, "I don't know if Severus told you, Bella, that in addition to speaking Parseltongue, young Harry also possesses the brother wand to my own? That is not the byproduct of increased magical ability."
Bellatrix looked stunned all over again. Snape also looked surprised, and then quickly disguised it as outrage, turning to glare at the headmistress.
"You didn't know? I put that information in my report for you to give to our lord."
She turned an equally venomous glare back at him.
"That's was Sunday. I was busy finalizing castle security. I haven't gotten to them yet!" "I have, though," Voldemort admitted, surprising them both. Suddenly, Snape thought his plan to slip the information right under Bellatrix's nose didn't seem so clever. She was horribly neglectful of her paperwork, and she rarely checked his reports unless prompted. It would have been easy. He had done similar things several times before. Should anyone have learned of the truth, Snape would have had...did have his proof of loyalty and competency.
He hadn't taken into account that his Master ran the school like it were his own household. The man held little love for reports and paperwork, and delegated such tasks to trusty servants like himself and Lestrange. But Voldemort apparently hadn't trusted Lestrange to do her work, and Snape hadn't seen that coming. He was torn between feeling dread over his blunder and exhilaration over the waning faith he held in his nemesis.
Neither thought would have met with Voldemort's approval, so he merely continued to direct his accusing eyes on Bellatrix, hoping the other wizard didn't suspect anything. Meanwhile, Voldemort was making a mental note to remind his faithful servant to stop being so obvious in her ignorance. It was an unSlytherin trait, and lately she hadn't been at the top of her game. All the teachers had made a very clear and professional report on all the muggleborn's excursion to Daigon Alley, and though Snape was perhaps a bit dismissive of Potter's wand as a product of chance (fifty years! Some one had to pick that wand eventually), it was curious enough that she should have been made aware of it. This sort of thing was why the muggleborns were all sent with their teachers after all. "Regardless," Voldemort continued, "We share a gift, an ancestry. I feel it makes him partially my responsibility. I am certain I can make this turn of events work in my favor."
"Surely you're not suggesting adopting the boy?" Bellatrix exclaimed. Severus barely managed to keep from rolling his eyes. Voldemort fixed her with an irritated look, and she shrank back in her chair like a scolded first year.
"No. Not yet anyway. I will have to see if he shows any true potential first. But I was just thinking... the Wizarding World has its king... perhaps its time it had its prince, as well?"
McGonagall escorted Harry to Gryffindor Tower in utter silence. He got the distinct impression she was angry with him. But, he figured, everyone was angry at him, except probably the Weasley twins. They were probably laughing their asses off at him. They stopped before a portrait of a very fat woman sleeping in her chair. "Wake up," his Head of House commanded, and the fat woman stirred. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and watched them blearily.
"Bit late, isn't it Professor?"
"I am aware of that," McGonagall said primly, she turned back to Harry for the first time since leaving the headmistress' office. "The password is Devil's Snare."
The portrait swung open to reveal a circular portal.
"I leave you here, Mr. Potter. The boy's dorm is on the right, your room is in the highest part of the tower." She turned to leave, but Harry called out to her.
She paused, not looking back at him.
"I am really, really sorry that I got you in trouble," he said, trying to convey how badly he felt about it. She stiffened, and he thought for a moment she would ignore him and walk away. She surprised him by turning around, her expression softened.
"I am sorry too. Lord Voldemort was right. You were my responsibility. I should have known immediately that you had fallen behind when everyone was lined up for the sorting, before that even... A great deal of trouble, and pain, might have been spared otherwise. We will both have to tread more carefully from now on. Well, it's late Mr. Potter. I bid you goodnight."
"Wait! One more thing!"
Now McGonagall looked curious. "Yes?"
"Um... could you... could you not mention my being a parselmouth to anyone?"
"I suppose. Why? Most would be rather proud to have such a gift." "Well... I'd rather not have people making comparisons between me and... Him. Especially since I'm Gryffindor. They're mad enough with me as it is."
She gave him a wry smile. "Him and me, Harry. And I see where that might make some uncomfortable. On the bright side, you caused just enough chaos that no one remembered to dock Gryffindor points. That will go a long way in earning your House's forgiveness. I dare say by Christmas they'll be recalling it as something of an adventure."
"Thank you, Professor." "You are welcome. Now off to bed with you."
She strode away, a little more spring to her step, and Harry climbed in through the portal. He was greeted by four very curious Gryffindors.