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> That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World > Chapter 236: Don't Be Meek

Chapter 236: Don't Be Meek

That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World by Sp4de

421 7 39

December 27th, 625

The City of Valence was the most prosperous northern city there was as it was the main hub for a majority of Rail lines going beyond and before the River of Desolation.

It was also where I had sent the survivors from the village.

Our helicopter slowly touched down in the open plaza near the center of the city. I could feel the gazes on us even before the hatch opened.

The five of us walked out, greeted by a large crowd of onlookers. Nearby were the other helicopters, letting out the last of the villagers.

Those with family who had left earlier ran over to their loved ones with cries. I gave them a few glances before turning to those who had started speed walking toward us.

Sawn, Talexia, Polly, and Jasmine all came walking over. I pat Umara, letting her go to her mother while I broke off with Sawn.

He looked me up and down.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. Since it worked out though I can say you did a good thing. Still, are you sure you can't just let me get you out of the military? It would be incredibly easy. All I need is the word, and you can go and develop weapons over in Wonderland and enjoy your wealth."

"I'll think about it. I'll need a ride out of this city. Are these pilots still on standby?"

"They are. We've talked to the city lord and he will be taking care of these villagers as refugees."

"Good. I'm washing my hands of this then. When's the soonest we can leave? I'm giving myself at least a month off after this shitshow."

Sawn glanced at the helicopters.

"We can leave whenever you want. But don't you have to report?"

"To fucking who? Nearly every General and Major General died in the retreat. The entire theater and everyone in it has been annihilated. There's a single person left in my chain of command above me and that's the fucking Sovereign. And unless he wants to come and personally talk to me, I'm doing as I fucking please."


Sawn just nodded. That's when I looked over to Jasmine and Polly.

"Well, I suppose not everyone is dead. I actually forgot about you guys. That's not supposed to happen."

"You're just a little on edge, John."

Polly gave a short greeting to Sawn, who stepped away to arrange the helicopters.

She looked off into the distance.

"We made it out of there, thanks to you. And you sure as hell aren't going to get orders from me. Even I'm not sure what to do. There isn't much that covers a complete eradication of command."

"Maybe I should write a new protocol for it."

"It would be your hundredth."

"My 63rd, actually."

"Hm. Are you going back to the Capital?"

"Don't know. Depends on my girlfriend. Chances are, I'm going to the Talerria estate. Besides, Talexia technically holds command now that she's here. I'll have to talk to her."

"That would be good."

We went silent, waiting for Umara and her mother to finish talking.

Once I felt an opening I walked over, Talexia looking at me.

"How are you doing, John?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"A little tired."

"Mm. I want to bring you back to the estate so you can rest. Same with the rest of your friends, Pollina and Jasmine included. For now, I'm assuming command of you all. There will be extensive talks about what happened so I want to gather you in one place, as well as give you some down time to recover."

She spoke loud enough for the others to hear.

"Technically I can't take command of Special Operations. You guys are out of my jurisdiction and have standing orders even if a base falls. You're supposed to go straight back to Stronghold Beta to report. But we haven't heard from Gurns so for now I'm keeping you all with me. The investigation will require your presence anyway, especially that of Pollina. As of now, she's the sole surviving General of the Treehouse and Stronghold Charlie. There will be many interviews."

"I understand."

Polly nodded, and the others definitely had no objections to getting free time off.

Soon after we were on a helicopter back to the City of Joffrun. I had Sawn promise to send my assistant Boris to get me some things, a new Aerial for starters since mine was fried. He would be coming in my helicopter, and if he was able, I told him to get Maxwell to me as well.

I would be relatively busy while away from the military. I'd have to stop by Wonderland at some point, as well as make plans with Umara. I had some ideas churning that I had a feeling would require her.

For now though, I needed to rest.

The ride took long enough but eventually we made it. Talexia had built an airfield for the city but she also had her own helipad in her estate. We landed there, disembarked, and flooded her home.

Apparently Talexia had called a healer, so that was the first thing our knights did. They still had lingering wounds and a few broken bones, Feiden especially. Polly and Jasmine were also slightly injured, and they were healed quickly.

All the while, servants prepared our rooms. The bathrooms were used first though. Everyone was dirty since we hadn't bathed in almost a week. I turned the water brown as soon as I got under it.

I was unharmed though. I almost didn't want to believe it but I hadn't taken on any mentionable wounds. The last injury I got was a nasty bruise when that monstrous amalgamation the King Blood of Unholy Light made exploded. I had tumbled several times but my coat was as sturdy as ever.

I hadn't been touched since then. I had gotten too good at evasion. Nothing could even see me short of Authority 10 King Bloods.

I spent a clean hour in the tub, almost falling asleep but willing myself to stay awake.

Once out of there I went straight to Umara's room where I'd be staying. I found her in there, hair still damp from her wash, dressed in a nightgown.

She was really hot, but I couldn't say I was in the mood for much tonight.

I threw off all but a pair of shorts and plopped down into her bed, watching her comb her grey hair at a vanity table.

After a bit she used some air magic to blow it dry before standing and climbing into the bed next to me.

The two of us were silent, Umara sitting up on her side of the bed, simply staring forward.

I finally broke the silence with a mutter.

"Do you think what I did was wrong?"

"...I think what people, or Paragons, have a hard time rectifying is the fact that you planned for it to happen. You're smart and that leaves no illusions for how things will go or what must be done. People can get a bit scared in front of that."

"Are you one of those?"

I glanced at her, and since her answer wasn't instant, I knew it wasn't going to be as reassuring as a simple no.

She sighed, "I'll admit that I was a bit jarred when I saw you do it, even though I had already guessed what would happen a bit earlier. Jaya was obviously a bit more expressive than I was. But we're different. I may have felt something die a little inside when I saw that but that doesn't mean I didn't agree with it. It just means I've finally seen first hand what will happen if we don't stop the enemy before they reach the cities behind the River."

I nodded silently, Umara's hand snaking into my own. It was still warm and smooth from her bath.

"I just don't want to ever put you in the position to do those things alone. Just because you can make the decisions doesn't mean it's any easier. It just means you're too smart to knowingly let people suffer, too capable to just let them get slaughtered. As you said, don't let the ineptitude of other people affect your judgment. You're going to do what you know is best, and I'm going to be right there with you."

She turned to me and looked me in the eyes. I stared at her silently for a few seconds before giving her a long kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"We should sleep. We can talk more tomorrow."


Both of us bundled under the sheets, Umara using my body warmth since the room was slightly cool. The window nearby showed the night sky and snow flakes highlighted by outdoor lamps.

I passed out quickly, feeling like I'd need to go comatose for a year to catch up on sleep."


December 28th, 626

I woke up gradually, smelling food and feeling something on my back.

My head raised a bit, my nose filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food. I quickly realized that I was starving for some good eats.

I also realized that Umara was tracing her fingernail on my bare back. I looked at her through squinted eyes, setting my head back down since it felt nice.

"What's this new stuff on your back?"

"It was from my marriage with Totenstahl."

"The gun?"

"Mm. The inscriptions are the declarations of intention that the two of us shared. Bound by the soul we shall abide by them, until death."

"Should I be jealous that you got married to your weapon before me?"

"Well I can only have sex with one of you so…"

She rolled her eyes, making me chuckle.

I felt refreshed, so I rolled on top and across her before slipping out of bed.

"We have some things to talk about, but only after breakfast."

"I'm hungry too. Can finally get some real fucking food."

She followed, the two of us throwing on some clothes before heading down.

All the others were already in the dining room, servants moving around, bringing and taking away plates of food

It smelled heavenly.

I looked around and glanced at the others, all of them in some casual wear. Everyone looked completely different now that they weren't running and fighting for their lives.

I walked past Faey, ruffling her hair and taking a seat, Umara taking the one next to me. Two servants immediately deposited some plates of food around us, my mouth already salivating.

"Good fucking eats indeed."

I started scarfing down what was in front of me, my body warming up in real time to burn the fuel I was loading my stomach with. Uamra was just as voracious.

The food was loaded with Magika, nothing but the highest quality food. I had tasted seldom better in my life, only the top restaurants in the Capital able to surpass. It was clear that Talexia wanted to treat us.

I was grateful. So much so that I polished off four plates, my belly bulging.

I finally sat back with a loud sigh of content. Talexia took that chance to speak.

"Do you have any plans today, John?"

"Umara and I need to talk about some things. After that, I'm all yours."

"Very well. Just forewarning all of you. There will be a General coming tomorrow, along with some of the Royal Guard. They will be conducting interviews."

Everyone gave nods of assent, silence prevailing.

I lingered a bit longer before standing, Umara mirroring me.

"Excuse us."

We both walked out, heading back up to her room and shutting the door.

I sighed and went around her bed, grabbing a chair and sitting. Umara sat on the bed in front of me, crisscross apple sauce.

I stared at her, smiling after some seconds.

"I know you have questions."

"So it's about that."

"Yes. I think I've finally decided to come out with it. No point in hiding it after what you've seen."

"I'm listening."

She propped her chin up on her fist, staring right at me.

I leaned back.

"I want you to take this as literally as I say it. I'm from another world. Not another kingdom, not another landmass or continent. Another world entirely, potentially another dimension, I couldn't know. Maybe this is the same universe but I have no way of verifying that."

I stopped there, watching her reaction as she processed it.

She didn't look shocked. I knew she had her suspicions. There was no way she didn't, but this was the most outlandish possibility there was.

Then again, in this world of magic, people didn't have as hard of a time believing crazy things.

She nodded.

"Alright. You called it Earth, right? Or was that just a random name?"

"No. That's what we called our planet."

I brought up my hand, projecting some Psyka out and creating an illusion.

Earth manifested above my hand in all its magnificent blue and green and brown glory.

"This is Earth, my home world. Humanity on Earth had no magic, but we managed to conquer most of our world. We pushed science far, and right now they're probably pushing it farther. I'm just not there to see it."

I stared at the planet for several seconds before changing the image. It zoomed in on North America.

"I'm from the North American continent, upon which lies a country called the United States of America. There are 50 states in that country and I lived in Texas."

The image reflected my explanation, showing the dividing lines between the 50 states as it zoomed in on my home.

The image of Texas remained for a little while longer before I whisked away the entire image.

"Anyway, that's where I came from. I don't know how I got here. All I know is that I was killed and dropped in this world. All that knowledge I've given you on science? It all comes from Earth. The planes I've built are mimicries of the earliest warfighter designs that humans made on Earth. And these…"

I brought out Totenstahl, the large weapon resting in my lap, the barrel cold.

"These guns, the weapons I summon from grenades to rocket launchers, all come from Earth. They were all technologies developed there, over the course of a few centuries. The weapons you saw in my Mind Palace are mechanized weapons. Missiles, rockets, high explosives, ballistic cannons. In the end they're just visualizations but soon I'm going to make them a reality in this world. The planes were the first instance of that."

"...Well I certainly can't say many things don't suddenly make sense."

She chuckled a bit, sitting in silence as I let her think.

"...That girl, Aki. She's from the same world?"

"Yes. Different country, but same world. But she came over many years before I did, so that's why when we talked, I was mainly catching her up."

"Right… Do you know of any others?"

"No, other than the one she mentioned that died. But chances are, if there are two, there's more. We seem to be a rarity but I'm obviously not unique."

"I would say you're the best of them, considering what you've accomplished so far."

"I think so too, but I wouldn't underestimate any others. Back then, I couldn't actually sense the depth of Aki's strength. Her Aura is extremely developed, and she has those invocations. I would bet that all of us have amazing talent because we've probably been brought here to fight the Scourge. I can't imagine any other reason for something so impossible to happen."

"I guess…"

She went silent again, thinking. I chimed back in after some seconds.

"Do you have any questions? About me or otherwise? You know my big secret now so I'm basically an open book at this point."

"I don't think so. I'm just thinking about all the things you've said in the past. They're making sense now. But otherwise, I don't think there's too much to ask about…"

"Well, if you think of anything, don't be afraid to inquire. I'll tell Feiden and Tana later. Now, second order of business."

I looked her in the eye, "Umara, I still have the corpse of the King Blood."

Her brows raised a bit, "I had forgotten about that. It would make for a powerful Crown."

"An extremely powerful crown, just about the best you could ever get. Now, there's someone in the Holy See that I can go to in order to get a Crown made and installed. He's probably the best person there is for such things. Question is, who's going to get it?"

She silently looked at me for a few seconds.

"...You know I'm going to tell you to take it. I don't know much about the bloodline of Unholy Light but it seems to be suited for mental attacks. It would suit you best, then."

"But its primary form of attack was through Mana. You don't have a Crown yet, and this could massively boost your attack power. It would require thorough discussion with the person I know and people at the Church who would know more about Unholy Light, but I'm telling you now that I want you to get this Crown. It would only be supplemental to my abilities because that King Blood's main method of mental attack was through Aura, not necessarily psyka. But you…"

Umara looked down, slightly uncomfortable, probably because she knew I was right.

"...John, I don't think I should take this. Nonnen gave his life to kill it. It should go to you."

"No, it's mine to do with as I please. Doesn't mean I have to take it. It's our responsibility to make sure that we gain the most out of what he left us. I know that you'll be the greatest vessel for this Crown, and my asking you about this was moreso to inform you that you're getting this, and that you should prepare."


"Don't be meek, my dear."

I stood and walked over to her, giving her forehead a kiss.

"I trust that you can handle it, so I'm giving it to you. There are still many details to flesh out but for now, consider it yours."

"...You're mean."

I chuckled when she gave me a small glare, giving her another kiss before walking toward the door.

"I'll be speaking to your mother about it, get her to sponsor the operation. It'll cost a pretty penny. Until then though, there will be plenty of things for me to handle. It's a long list, so you'll have time to mentally prepare."

My mind fluttered through the hundred different things that needed my attention as I left her room. I needed to implement new ideas into development projects at Wonderland, as well as start some new projects and modify existing ones. I had ideas for Aerials, enough to create an entirely new generation for Sawn, and I wanted it handled so I could use it. It was the same for his Node system. I was thinking, with enough modifications and efficiency improvements, we could massively improve the network, create a proper internet, and start injecting aerials into the wider population.

I also wanted my Mana Engine to start permeating the industry. I wanted people to start building, to start mechanizing, industrializing. The Mana Engines were even greater than the steam engine, greater than gasoline or electric. They were a straight jump to the best possible method of driving machines.

The only issue was time. It would take decades to properly revolutionize this world but it was better to start now. Sawn, at least, needed to revolutionize his own industry so that he could start churning out weapons faster. Hand making everything like they were now was too slow. I needed to develop the assembly line and machining tech so that we could mass produce with precision. Thankfully there were plenty of summoners eager to learn, summoners that would massively speed up the adoption process thanks to quick learning. Sawn's industry would be quick to change with my guidance.

However, besides that I also had ideas for new gear to make and new enchantments to go with them. Enchanting was universal in that it required knowledge of how to manipulate magical energy. Enchantments could apply to mana as much as it could vigor or psyka. Mana enchantments were just the most popular because they were the most versatile.

But psyka enchantments were just as useful, though more niche since usually only summoners had use for them. But now, I was one of the smartest summoners there was, and I had plenty of knowledge on how to manipulate psyka. Maybe not as much as Maxwell but more than enough to develop important gear for me and my friends.

I primarily wanted to see if I could develop gear similar to what the Church and Third Claw had, that which could confuse or hide Aura. I had started to implement it into my own Aura but the enchantments were definitely rooted in psyka, which meant I could make it myself. Invisibility wasn't off the table either. Anything that confused or altered the mind was within my grasp and able to be enchanted. I just needed to work on it.

My list remained ever growing.

For now though, I had to talk to Talexia.

After hanging around with Umara a bit more I left to go find her mother. She was in her study, talking with Polly.

They paused when I arrived.

"Come sit, John. Polly, thank you for the discussion. We can continue later."

"Of course."

Polly stood and left, leaving me to sit in front of Talexia.

She let out a long sigh, combing back her grey hair before looking up at me with those bright purple eyes.

"Polly gave me a report on everything that happened up until she was flown out of the village. She looks shaken."

"She's never been in the middle of a fight like that. She saw what we usually do firsthand."

"Yes, summoners and their sheltered selves… But you managed to get her out despite everything. She credits you and Nonnen for doing the bulk of the work."

"It took all of us."

"I know it did. There were only eight of you. Now five. And you took on an Authority 11 King Blood and won. It may have cost Nonnen's life but I can assure you that it's just about the best possible outcome for a fight with one of those. If it had gone even slightly worse then all of you would've died in the worst possible way."

"I know."

My mood fell a bit, images flashing through my mind.

I changed the topic.

"Since you got a report then I can tell you about what I needed to."

"What is it?"

"I'm prepared to give Umara a Crown."

Her brows raised.

"You mean you've acquired the materials for one? I hadn't considered giving her one because I only want her to have the best, but acquiring materials is exceptionally difficult."

"Then you should be extra grateful at Nonnen's funeral. And prepare to open your coffers, because this one's going to cost us."

I waved my hand, and suddenly a massive corpse fell to the floor.

Talexia shot up out of her seat, foci in hand when the sheer menace of the King Blood's lingering Aura washed over us. It was definitely dead, its head crushed, but the power that resided in its body was still dangerously potent. Its armor still glowed, its shimmering blood still luminescent, full of blasphemous power.

It was in near perfect condition, and for something so powerful, that made it one of the best materials in the entire world. It was just equal to a vital part of a Sovereign-Class Royal, and those were national treasures that couldn't be bought.

"You have it?!"

"Yes, and it's in perfect condition. Talexia, I'm going to give this to your daughter. If its head was intact then I might've taken that, but it's not which means most of its powers that afforded it mental afflictions are gone. But its blood and organs are all still there, unharmed, and full of power. Nobody knows about this, so I suggest we keep it that way."

"...Agreed. So put it back."

I wild the corpse back into my spatial storage, Talexia putting away her foci, finally relaxing when it was gone.

She was silent for some time, still standing, before she turned to me.

"John, this is an immensely precious treasure. Disregarding you gifting it to Umara, I don't know of anyone who could possibly handle making a Crown out of this. It's too powerful, and everyone would know about it as soon as we spoke of it."

"Don't worry about that. I know someone at the Holy See. I can take Umara there and we can get the operation done, keeping it completely secret. Nobody will know we even left, including secret agents of the Kingdom."

"...It would be dangerous."

"I know how to handle myself. I think you forget what kind of department I ran at the Treehouse, which was largely successful, I might add."

"Yes, I remember."

She sighed again and sat down, tapping her desk with her fingernail.

"...You're sure you want to give this to Umara? I want you to know first that I've managed to get the ancestors' support. There will be nobody within my family who would oppose your marriage to Umara, and we're ready to stand our ground against other houses. I could announce your engagement tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'm not using this to buy your support. In fact, I don't want your ancestors knowing about this at all, not the slightest hint of it. I'm giving this to Umara because I want her to be powerful, to be safe. And regardless of your support or not I was planning to marry her anyway. So you could say that this has nothing to do with you all."

"...In a way, that relieves me."

She nodded, looking down at where the corpse was just a second ago.

"...Very well. If this is what you want and Umara has agreed to it, then you have my support. I will provide the finances you need. It's the least I can do, since you've afforded us this opportunity."

"Thank you. I will get in contact with who I need to as soon as possible. We'll wait until I no longer have to show myself to interrogating generals or Royal Guards before leaving. If you really wanted to come then I could figure something out as well."

She shook her head, "No, I couldn't possibly leave right now. The fall of a stronghold demands all attention. I will be extremely busy in the coming months as we prepare to construct another stronghold. It will be a massive undertaking but it must be done in order to cover our flank."

"Indeed. Then I will make sure it gets taken care of. But be reassured, the man I'll be employing is supposed to be the best, one of the pioneers of Crown making. He did mine after Maxwell brought me to him, so I trust him."

"Then I will trust you to take care of my daughter. Tell me when you need the funds and you will have them."

"Will do."

With those plans in place we discussed a few more things before I left.

I looked down at my Aerial, seeing a message.

Boris had arrived, with my helicopter and with Maxwell.


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Comments (7)

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EpimeTheAus· 7 hours ago

I wonder how polite an interrogation John is in for given the circumstances?

I can't imagine they're going to react well to how he's about to point out exactly why sh*t hit the fan and who is to blame.

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Kahunabob· 2 hours ago

It's probably going to be very, very polite after John kills the first one or two that try to pull the same crap they did when the secret police ambushed him a couple of chapters ago.

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Blizzisme· 7 hours ago

I wonder what he can tell them...

"The front fell because your marshal's, generals, and sovereigns are incompetent cowards, and the nobles, including the king, are too busy playing politics and completely divorced from reality."

Could go over well....

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Revenant_Sabbath· 6 hours ago


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IkeFiction· 3 hours ago

I think that John has the forethought to playcate the nobles for a while. He will need a good excuse to go to the holy see. But I imagine the next five chapters might have an advancement.

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Kahunabob· 2 hours ago

Interesting. Some sort of time leap montage? Go over the big stuff, hint at John working on his advancement and poof, next Authority? I can see that happening. But as a reader, I'd like a little bit of slice of life mixed in, too. Letting John and Umara get reconnect again, let both of them heal a bit mentally. Stuff like that.

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yocka· 30 mins ago

Well now their relationship can go to the final stage,

I didn't even know you could have more than one Crown per person, I don't remember that information

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