January 6th, 626
My eyes opened a few seconds before Umara started shifting. We were still in the medical ward of the Franks Tower since Terrace wanted to observe her for a day or two before letting us go.
She had been out for 18 hours so far, only just now waking.
I pulled myself out of the field bed I had set up in the room. No way was I sleeping in a stiff chair.
Once beside Umara's bed I grabbed her hand. She clenched it as she woke up, eyes fluttering open.
I made sure it was dark in the room, because although her eyes hadn't changed visually, her vision was certainly much better than before. I didn't want her senses to be overwhelmed like mine had been back then.
She found me with her eyes and stared at me for several seconds before lifting her arm and looking at it. Her skin was certainly paler than before but ever since the transformation stopped she regained some healthy, supple color. Still, losing a layer of skin left her looking like a delicate sheltered girl who hadn't seen the sun in all her life.
She had been reborn.
"How are you feeling?"
Umara looked back at me when I asked, taking a few seconds to formulate her words.
"I don't know…"
Her voice came out slightly different from what I was used to. It was smoother, lacking any of the harshities earned by screaming in battle, deeper but still undeniably feminine. Most importantly, the fluctuation her mere words caused reminded me of the ethereal voice of the King Blood, how it spoke to our souls instead of merely our ears.
It drew attention, exuded majesty, made her seem more mature if one disregarded the otherworldly nature of it.
Her arm suddenly pulsed, mana snapping down from her shoulder to her fingers.
"I'm not sure if I feel amazing… or if I'm still in pain."
"You're sensitive. Time will fix that."
"...My head is cold."
I hesitated with a small smile, Umara's hand moving to her scalp, gently touching the short hair that was only just starting to come in.
"...Am I fucking bald?"
"Sorry babe. It fell off when you shed all your skin. It's growing back nicely though."
"My skin shed off? What the fuck happened to me?"
"A lot. But the important thing is that everything went according to plan. You even managed to protect yourself with the Invocation for the duration of the transformation. You did good."
I gave her hand a squeeze. She gave me a small nod, still feeling her scalp. She had only grown a few centimeters of hair but she hadn't started growing back hair until about 8 hours ago, when I went to sleep last.
She was regrowing it fast but it still might take a week or two to get short hair.
I smiled.
"I can shave my head so we match."
"Huh? But your hair is so nice…"
"I don't mind being bald with you. I've been thinking about chopping some of it off anyway. Now's a good time."
I pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. Umara smiled at me, and then her free hand moved to hover over her stomach, brushing it gently.
"So, children…"
"We can't know. I mean, it's difficult enough to have children as it is, especially as we get more powerful. I already asked Terrace if there are any tests they can do but he said there aren't any that wouldn't risk false promises. So there really is no way to know. It'll still take two months for everything to completely settle in anyway, so we should just wait and see."
She nodded, looking sad but otherwise holding it in. Neither of us were optimistic but we had made peace with what we needed to.
It was done. There was no turning back now.
At some point, Terrace walked in to do his checkup. He cast some magic and made sure that all was right with Umara's body, that nothing was still injured or healing.
"Take at least today to rest and do nothing except eat and sleep. Tomorrow you can start walking around and we can test your sensitivity and magic. We want to make sure everything works properly, including the new organ you have. It's perfectly ready to use but try to refrain for now. I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"Let me know if there is anything you're concerned about. Otherwise I'll leave you two alone today. You can order whatever you want with the Aerial right there."
"Thank you."
We gave our thanks and Terrace left. After that we had plenty of alone time, talking about idle thoughts and getting some food. Umara was starved and if I smelled food I knew I'd want some too.
The rest of the day was spent like that. Umara couldn't do much of anything so instead I humored her and spoke of Earthly things. She had thought of more questions since I told her I was from a different world.
It was mainly about my life, or the context surrounding my life. I spoke of school, from elementary to university, the various fields of education, what I studied, and where I had gotten most of my knowledge from. I spoke of the more complicated but widespread technology like the internet, social media, television, radio, satellites, telescopes, and more.
Computers were still a generally foreign concept to her but since the Aerial existed she was able to wrap her head around simpler functions. It was just that simple things to me like social media and video games were completely alien concepts. She could never truly grasp the scale and depth of what they meant without experiencing it herself.
But she loved hearing about it. I was even able to tickle her eyes with some illusions, putting an image to the things I talked about.
That day passed and when the next morning came, Terrace was back to do some physical tests. Umara finally got herself walking and for a moment it looked like she needed to relearn how to walk.
The amazing thing was that the elements followed her every movement. Her body was now as in tune with mana as she was, and that quickly led to subconscious elemental manipulation. By simply wanting to reach her goal faster the air would come to cradle her, and when she felt the cold floor with her feet for the first time, fire mana streamed through her soles and into the floor.
When she accidentally tripped the entire atmosphere surged and picked her back up. It was like the entire world was at her command, her magic directly tied to her nervous system.
She was almost a completely new being. And one thing that I only noticed after she first stood to her full height was that she had actually grown, putting her right around 6 foot.
Those bone marrow injections really put in work. Umara remarked that she'd have to get a new wardrobe, but thankfully the hat still fit so she had no excuses not to continue wearing it. I got a glare after pointing that out.
It was about 6 hours of physical and magical therapy where Terrace went through a checklist to make sure Umara was working fine. The conclusion was that she was more than fine, although the sensitivity would take a little while to die down, no more than a few days. Like me, her senses had been boosted significantly which meant a lot of her concentration was spent trying not to get overwhelmed by it. She also didn't have the mental capacity I did, so for her it was just a matter of her brain numbing over time.
When that was over and night came, I decided to finally shave my head bald. The doctors in the ward obviously had shaving knives so I got one and even got some help. Before long my scalp was gleaming.
Umara laughed her ass off for over a minute, then sporadically for an hour as she molested my shiny bald head.
With all that said and done, there was nothing else for us to do, and so we were free to go.
I had already handled any other business I had with the Church in advance, so there was no more reason to stay here.
I sent messages to a few pertinent people and notified them that we would be leaving. Luna was one of them and she came to visit in the medical ward.
But apparently word travels fast and the Pope showed up with Anderson as well.
Umara was rightfully shocked when one of the most influential people in the entire world showed up at the door. She was dressed in some of my clothes, which meant they were baggy, and she felt self conscious.
Still, the Pope shook her hand after a few greetings.
"Congratulations Miss Talerria. It may be difficult at first but this Crown will afford you vast power. I hope you will exercise it to its fullest against the Scourge of this world."
"Yes sir, I will. Alongside John I will bring forth my greatest potential."
"So you will."
The Pope smiled at her and turned to me.
"Great men demand great women, but by consequence they too make great sacrifices. Treat her well, John Cooper, and place her within your right mind. She is one who will bear you in ways no other person will, so forever spare her from your pride."
"Thus is my intention."
I answered him plainly, not enjoying his scrutinizing gaze. It wasn't malicious, but it felt like he was seeing things I didn't want him to see, and I didn't need someone reiterating something I had already decided for myself.
The Pope nodded, and our conversation came to a close.
After he and Luna left with Anderson, who remained quietly smiling in the corner of the room the whole time, Willow and Ignatius came by. We held a small conversation with them before deciding it was about time to go.
I gathered all of Umara's things and we took my helicopter back to the City of Joffrun, taking several hours to do so. By now everyone had left the Whetted City and I heard that the military was starting to get tabs on the survivors from the Treehouse.
When we landed in Talexia's backyard, she naturally wanted to see us. Faey also came running out, and both of them froze in their tracks when they saw us.
Talexia narrowed her eyes.
"Why are you two bald?"
"It's the new trend these days. You haven't heard?"
"Apparently not."
"Yeah, everyone under 30 years old is supposed to shave their heads. Hey Faey, let's bring you into the fold."
I waved at the teenage girl, who quickly shook her head.
"No, I'm okay."
"Come on, it'll be quick and mostly painless."
"Get over here!"
She squealed when I dove over and threw her over my shoulder, running into the house as she called out for her mother. Talexia ignored us, her and Umara following behind but ultimately heading somewhere else to talk.
I body slammed Faey onto a large couch. It was about 3 years after I'd first met her and now she was 17, into her first year at the Magisterium.
As expected, she was a knight but with the temperings I'd gone through I was actually stronger despite her being Authority 3. Not to mention that when she finally started wrestling back against me, I was able to engage my knowledge and expertly handle her into a lock.
She ended up in a triangle choke, completely at my mercy, the two of us face to face.
She struggled a bit, even used Vigor to try and brute force her way out but it didn't matter.
She eventually gave up, and I smiled.
"So how are you?"
"Heh. Before you pass out, tell me what you think of this."
I took out a small box, opening it and revealing a ring.
Faey's eyes widened. The ring was made of the purest gold that Rupert's gems could get their hands on and studded with enchanted diamonds that made them swirl with colorful mana.
It wasn't reinforced or inlaid with powerful Crystals because it was supposed to be a symbol. I had forsaken the expensive things to get something relatively simple. It didn't even have magical functions besides the aesthetic enchantment.
"I'm going to marry your sister, and wanted to make sure I got your approval first."
I undid the lock, Faey laying against me as I let her scan the ring.
"Do you feel alright with that?"
"...To be honest, I half expected you two to come back already wed. Mom was talking about you guys basically getting married with your trip."
"That's probably because your mother considers the gift I gave Umara to be a dower. Many millions of coin were spent and favors were exchanged, but what I gave your sister isn't something that can be bought. No matter what though, I want to make sure that you're okay with this. I want your blessing as well as your parents'."
"W-Well I'm obviously not going to say no…"
"I don't know that. That's why I'm asking, because believe it or not it's important to me that my sister-in-law doesn't hate my guts."
I went and tickled her half teasingly, making her jerk around and laugh.
I obviously knew her answer but what mattered to her was posing the question at all. If Umara was any indication, these girls had never considered that their opinion mattered regarding relationships even if they wanted it to. It meant something that I was coming to her for approval.
After talking a bit longer about that, the two of us talked about her time at the Magisterium. It seemed like she was doing well there, although I loathed the idea of her being a student under Carrion.
I had been there only a few years ago, even though it now felt like a lifetime ago.
I internally decided that I'd just need to make sure I kept an eye on her, especially once they started going on expeditions and visiting bases. God forbid she goes through anything similar to what Umara and I did. The way things were going, she wouldn't even get the chance to run.
I messed around with her a bit more before deciding that Umara and her mother were taking too long, so Faey and I decided to leave the house. It was a bit after noon so I decided a lunch date was in order, the two of us heading to a nice restaurant and getting some chow.
It was only after we had eaten and wandered the city a bit that I finally got scolding messages from Talexia and had to go home.
Once there Talexia called me to her study where she and Umara were. I had Faey go off and do her own thing while I went.
Inside the study, Talexia held some papers behind her desk, and I sat beside Umara.
"Gurns showed up, gave everyone leave. They all went back to their families for a time as the military regroups. The numbers also came out for survivors. Many different groups were found but in total we've recovered 8 thousand survivors. Most of them are higher combatants."
"The ones who could actually run."
Talexia handed me one of the papers, and I absorbed all the information with a glimpse.
As expected, the defeat was almost absolute. Everyone had retreated not long after the Generals ran away, and naturally those who could escape were those with the power to run. Even then, it was pure luck that they could make it out.
"4% survival rate. Fucking atrocious. So, were you given any plans for mustering another stronghold?"
"Not yet, but some say that they want to construct another base just outside the River, to the west before the mountain range that led to Stronghold Charlie. No plans have been made though. Since the Scourge isn't pushing farther, they're waiting."
"Well, it gives me time to do my thing."
"I was going to ask, but what plans did you have in mind?"
I set the paper down and leaned back.
"I plan on creating a new army. I want to build it from the ground up, induct soldiers and train them my way, to fight a different kind of war. But to do that I need metal, and to that end I'll be working with Sawn. Two months should be enough to build my foundation, but your help would be appreciated."
"What kind of help?"
"I'll need soldiers, lots of them. I also want to be placed at whatever new base gets founded. Polly and Jasmine need to come with me, and I'll be speaking with Gurns about acquiring operators from him."
"That man is difficult to negotiate with. He won't just give you the best soldiers in the Kingdom."
"He will after he sees what I have in store. But again, I need to build it first. That's why I'll be bouncing around for a while. I'd like Umara with me as I do that. She needs time to acclimate to her Crown and I have things to teach her."
Talexia nodded, glancing at Umara.
"Gurns only gave them two weeks before he wants them to report to Stronghold Beta."
"Don't care. They'll bend for me, or I'll leave them to hang. I have a feeling they know exactly how valuable I am now so if they have any wrinkles on their brain then they'll shut their holes. If they don't, then just tell them to come find me. See if they can."
Talexia hummed, not denying my words.
Silence reigned for a few moments, Talexia sifting through papers idly until I chimed.
"What's your plan?"
"...I'm just worrying about keeping you two safe. It feels like things are out of my hands."
"Then put your hands back in."
"Speaking so simply hardly eases the difficulty."
"Well, there's going to be an opportunity. Let's just say, you're still a powerful warlock and I'd love to have a Marshal among the forces around me, one I can trust. That way I can support you too. Of course, you'd be back in the field, but I think it would be a good change of pace."
"...We'll see. Get your affairs in order first. If you need any help, you know where to find me."
I stood from my seat, the two ladies mirroring me.
I gave Talexia a hug.
"I'll be leaving tonight for the Capital so I can grab Sawn. After that, I'm going to disappear for a while."
"Mm. There are rumors of the King holding an Assembly soon. High military officials and nobles will be in attendance to discuss our next courses of action. It wouldn't be for another few months or so but you should make sure to keep an eye out for letters. If you or Sawn aren't invited then I'll bring you under my name. Either way, you should attend."
We separated with those words.
The rest of the day passed leisurely. Umara got teased for her bald head by Faey, Ikhor was off on business apparently, and after the night ended with dinner Umara and I decided to fly ourselves to the Capital.
We didn't land at my house though. That was too easy of a spot for the Third Claw to get to me.
Instead, I landed on top of the Black Spider Hotel, which was now fitted with a large platform holding eight helipads and a lobby.
I took one of the open pads and walked into the rooftop lobby with Umara, who wore her Witch hat. The Key Master was behind a desk there and smiling happily.
"Good evening, John. Good evening, Madam Talerria. It is good to see you two back."
"It's good to be back, Key Master. Is my room still collecting dust?"
"It is tidier than you left it. Would you like me to prepare any room service?"
"No, thank you. We'd like a quiet night until we leave in the morning."
"Understood. Now, how would you like me to deal with the unsavory individuals watching you fly in?"
I glanced to the side. I had also seen the unique Aura-disrupting cloaks of the Third Claw on my way in. But there was no way they could definitively tell it was me.
I waved.
"Fuck those guys. They aren't worth your trouble, and they can do nothing to me anymore. The second they exposed themselves to my knowledge is the second that they lost any advantages they had against me."
The Key Master smiled wide, almost maliciously.
"Indeed. You are an exceptional man, John Cooper. Please, enjoy your stay at the Black Spider Hotel."
"I will. You enjoy your night, Key Master."
Umara bowed after we exchanged goodbyes, the two of us stepping away and going to my room.
Once there, I threw off my coat and settled onto the familiar couch in front of the window wall.
Umara sat beside me as I sighed.
"Who's the Third Claw?"
"They are the Kingdom's counterespionage group, a secret department of soldiers working directly for the Royal Family. When I arrived back in the Capital after visiting you at Stronghold Beta, the Third Claw captured and interrogated me thinking I had fed the Church my designs for planes. They got nothing out of me after a bit of torture and they dumped me back on the street after leaving behind some threats. They forced me to dissociate with the black markets and promise never to enter them again, the Hotel included. Then I had to pay taxes."
"They dared…"
"I know! To think I had to pay taxes!"
"No, that's not what I…"
I chuckled a bit, Umara letting out an exasperated grunt.
"You know what I mean! Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"
"It wasn't pertinent at the time, and both of us had enough to worry about. But I'm telling you now, because there's something else I need to inform you of."
"What's that?"
"While we were at the Church getting the Crown situation sorted, I handed the Pope my designs. And I mean just about all of them. The Elemental Crystals, the Mana Engine, the planes, everything."
She gawked at me, staring in disbelief as I smiled.
"Why would you do that? The Kingdom will brand you a traitor!"
"If they find out, yes, they will. But at this point I could care less. The Church having my designs will massively boost their combat power. Umara, they have an entire war front that nobody knows about, and they're doing more damage to the Scourge than the Kingdom is. I gave the designs to them so humanity has a better fighting chance, but I also got promises that they won't expose them to the Kingdom either. For now I'm safe, but even if they discover it, they have no power over me. I could just leave for the Church at any time. Nobody can pin me down."
"...We could leave."
She reiterated, my smile widening.
"We would leave for the Church. You don't get to leave me behind."
"Indeed. That was poor wording on my part."
I pulled her closer.
"If I become a traitor, then you'll have to be a traitor with me. You're my accomplice now since I've told you my evil plan."
"Oh, you're the villain now? I can't believe I'm dating a bad guy. Good thing you're rich."
"You mean you didn't like me for my smoldering good looks?"
"The only thing smoldering are those cigars of yours."
"Ah, I see. Baldy."
"Shut up! Not fair!"
"Ah, don't turn your head. The moonlight bouncing off of it blinds me."
"I'll just blind you with my fingers then."
She tackled me and we started to wrestle, so I threw in some tickles to keep her on her toes.
We did that until we both got tired. By that time it was really late and both of us were tangled together, things having gotten a little warm.
I didn't push further though. I had a feeling that Umara was still sensitive about things so I decided to give it a while before I took any opportunities to get dirty.
So we ended our night, my head still filled with the list of things I needed to do tomorrow.
Things were about to get busy.
Support That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World
Comments (21)
Most Liked
Castle954· Mar 6, 2025
Never forget that this story started with a Transformer truck-kun elbow drop isekai.
Reply · 32 Likes · ·
Tokra· Mar 7, 2025
I mean, the how isn't important.
Reply · 3 Likes · ·
Kwehtzalcoatl· Mar 7, 2025
Still the greatest isekai start ive ever read so far.
Reply · 7 Likes · ·
Whybe· Mar 6, 2025
John being from Texas, it makes sense that he didn't learn that the actual saying is "I couldn't care less." I've never met a Texan who did.
Thank you for the chapter!
Reply · 10 Likes · ·
yocka· Mar 6, 2025
Okay John, now do 10 push-ups, 10 squats and 10km a day and the scourge will disappear in 3 years.
Reply · 8 Likes · ·
Krongrah· Mar 6, 2025
If your referencing Saitama that's 100 push ups 100 sit ups and 10 Km every day till your hair falls out
Reply · 8 Likes · ·
yocka· · Mar 6, 2025
@Krongrah I was wrong by a zero
Reply · 5 Likes · ·
EpimeTheAus· · Mar 7, 2025
@yocka two separate zeroes technically.
Reply · 6 Likes · ·
RichardDangerous· Mar 7, 2025
I honestly think the Keymaster was disappointed John didn't authorize him to stretch his legs a little bit. Looking forward to the next chapters and the first true combined arms unit John's going to create.
Reply · 7 Likes · ·
LogicalWarning· Mar 9, 2025
Keymaster is too cool to care about anything John doesn't care about. The Keymaster is my favorite character. I picture him looking and sounding like Winston from the Continental.
Reply · 1 Like · ·
Diogenes· · 12 hours ago
@LogicalWarning Hell yeah, that was the vibe I got from him too. It fits with how many pew-pews John has been collecting lately too.
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Draxifiel· Mar 6, 2025
Weddings tend to be busywork. Same with overthrowing a kingdom... and building an army... And industrializing an economy into a war machine...
Reply · 4 Likes · ·
The_neverending_search· Mar 6, 2025
He is going to be really busy. And he will get to counterattack the scourge in due time
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CaptSharky· Mar 6, 2025
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LemonZephyr· Mar 6, 2025
Ah, the calm before the storm.
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Galenorla· 20 hours ago
"Could care less" > "Couldn't care less."
Come on man.
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YourLocalChairCultist· 12 hours ago
he's texan. also I use could care less too
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new_to_reading· Mar 7, 2025
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Big_Havok· 5 hours ago
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