Michael just finished his dinner and this time too it was Nana who helped him while eating. Layla glared at him at times and skipped her meal once again. Now considering her hungry stomach and the amount of work she did today, it took a toll on her physique. 

'I hate you Master!' She screamed in her mind while eyeing him as he seemed to enjoy the meal prepared by Nana. This was a new change that Frank instructed as well where Nana and Layla could only cook for Michael. 

"Layla!" A sudden scream of Anna's voice echoed across the hall; when everyone followed her horrified gaze, they noticed a fainted Layla, lying on the floor. Michael grew anxious now after witnessing the scene. 

"You! Bring her to my room… Frank!" His loud voice could be heard even from the outside. It alerted even some of the guards who were just concerned about his safety. Some of them barged inside the mansion with their finger on the trigger.