James ended up falling asleep as his body was getting weaker time by time. The dreadful incident that happened just in front of his eyes was now playing in his mind but with a twist. 

"No Jenny!" He ended up growling her name and soon he realized it was just a nightmare. The room was still dark with nothing he could see other than the frail trail of light below the door. It was nighttime, he could recognize that based on the fact that earlier that day he noticed the sunlight creak into the room from the window cracks.

'I hope they will take care of you Jenny…' he mused because he knew too well from his earlier encounter with the masked man that they were alive. He never knew he had grown so close to her in this short time period. He paused his thought when he heard the door being unlocked again. 

James balled his fist and clenched his jaw as he was anticipating something terrible but he knew he couldn't stand a chance, considering his state.