Chapter 3: Unexpected Guest

The day of the departure has arrived kitty is waiting min-ho to pick her up outside the girl's dorm, her phone on her hands listening to her mother's favorite songs on her old pocket player. Suddenly she feel a hand touching her solder softly she turn to see Juliana.



"Hey Are you leaving?" Juliana asked her and stand next to her.

Kitty took off her headphones and the pocket-player and placed them in her backpack. Looking back at her friend she gave her a big smile and greet her back.



"Good morning Juliana Are you still here?"



"Yes my parents will come pick me up later. I show off Praveena"

"Oh Great. So.. You and Praveena huh?"

Kitty asked with a teasing tone on her voice but also concerned. Since Yuri already told her about her family situation and About Julianna and Praveena she wanted to know the whole story but also didn't want to look like Yuri put her to get informations.



"Ye we are not together but we seeing each-other we will see where it goes."

Julianna answered her with a small almost noticeable smile.

"I see. That's good for both of you"

Kitty said with a smile not able to look at her directly. She still feel guilty for her break up with Yuri.



"Kitty don't feel bad about it. Sooner or later would happen. Not with you but maybe with someone else."



" Yuri loved you. Still loves you the most and right now she needs you the most." Kitty raised her head and looked at her straight into her eyes. She knows she can't change Julianna's opinion and wouldn't like to to see her friend to be in a relationship that doesn't feel right for her anymore, also she doesn't like the idea of Yuri being this hurt plus losing everything . Since she can't be next to her maybe someone who also cared about her a lot could feel that gap.



"I know. I love her too but feels better this way for me. And of course I'll stay by her side. She needs us at this moment of her life."

Julianna placed her hand on Kitty's and ensure her that's everything is okey with a big smile. Kitty smiled back and they both continue to talk until Min-ho interrupted them.

"Covey, Are you ready to go?" Min-ho called hr out and took her luggage

from her side and start walking towards the campus where the same black car was waiting for both of them. He didn't give Kitty any time to properly goodbye her friend.


"Min-Ho wait up… Ugh Sorry Julianna I have to go We will stay in touch. See you next year"

Kitty stood up and start running behind Min-ho who already reached the middle of the campus.

Julianna smiled at her and looked her running off to catch with Min-ho. A small smile appeared on her face looking at them fighting like children. They reminded her and Yuri when they first met. Yuri indeed was her first love but she wasn't ready to accept her back or not as a lover again. She wants to stay by her side but not as a lover. She turn her back and start walking towards the cafeteria humming a melody.



Back with Kitty and Min-ho who are fighting more like flirting on their way to the car. Min-ho put her luggage in the back of the car and let her go into the car. After the both enter the car start driving off to her aunts and cousin's place.

"Min-ho You should let me goodbye Julianna"


"Covey, We don't have time. Also at the dinner will be my father ad my brother with his girlfriend."

Min-ho is looking at Kitty who is totally speechless. She stares at him and Tries to say something but Min-ho stopped her before she start yelling to him.

"I thought would be better for your father to meet my family so he will let you come with us"

"Min-ho… Joon-Ho and Mrs Moon will come to my house? Are you crazy ?"

Kitty start panicking taking her phone out of her pocket and searching fer sisters to call them to inform them about this but min-ho stopped her taking the phone of her hands.

"Calm down Covey. This will be a good chance for us to experience how a normal family is." Min-ho said with a soft smile looking into her eyes to trust her.

Kitty nodded and stayed silence until they arrived at Jiwon House. They picked up both her and her grandma and drove off the airport where Min-ho's private jet is waiting for them along with Mrs Moon , Joon-Ho and his soon to be wife and mother of his unborn child.

Arriving at the airport the driver is helping them to move their things through the building and the Jet. It's their second time going back to Portland with this Jet in a few days. They aborted on the Jet and sat down. Min-ho family there are waiting for them to make themselves comfortable and then sign the pilot to take off.

Mrs Moon's mood is definitely different than the one Kitty was used to, even Min-ho is surprised of how caring and kind his father is. That's the father he wanted all these years probably that's the man his mother fell in love too. The kind a man he wants to be a loving caring man.

"Your Father is different Today. In a good way"



"Indeed. That's MY father"

The plane took off and min-ho and Kitty sitting next to each-other talking and laughing like old friends.



Their arrived at Portland and min-ho is helping Kitty and her family with their things. Outside the airport there's another car waiting for them to take them to the Covey house. This is the first time for both and kitty but different.

Min-ho is the first time he will have a proper dinner with this father and his brother after the divorce with his mother. Feeling this warmth around him makes his heart feel alive again like when he was kid again.

As for Kitty is the first time that brings a boy home. Even though they were together with Dae for 3 years he never visited her home not even once but now min-ho who isn't even her boyfriend comes home to meet her family, so stressful.