Heavy breathing, Exhaustion, Profuse sweating these were all the things you could spot on these three boys sitting in an unknown alleyway. It looked like they were running from something and they managed to get away bringing a form of relief to their state of being.

"Don't tell me that was the food you threw on those guys earlier"

These were words coming from one of the boys after being able to catch his breath. Another boy gently removed something from a black rubber which was by his side and raised it. Showing that he still has their food.

"Yes! I wasn't planning on sleeping on an empty stomach today "

The third boy said whiles trying to get on his feet.

Moments Later they were at a place they called their home. It was basically a building whose construction had been abandoned. But they managed to make it a place they could slumber. The three boys from the alleyway earlier alongside one other boy and two girls sat around a bonfire. Turns out the food they went hustling for were two loaves of bread which they had cut into multiple sections and shared. Some took advantage of the heat coming from the bonfire to heat their bread making their own toast.

"Do you still remember?"

Words which came from what looked like the youngest of the boys sitting there

"Remember what?" One of the other Boys replied.

"How daytime looked like, or the sunrise even the sunset"

"Yep, I still do, you might had been young so you don't remember much from then but trust me it was wonderful"

"You never know how much you love something until you lose it, they say" a comment which came from one of the girls sitting near them.


"Well, I always liked night time better "another boy pointed out.

"I might had been young but I still remember that day"

5 years ago (6th march)

The sky portrayed a red color due to the strange eclipse that occurred. Usually, eclipses are announced weeks or even months before they happen but this time there was no such news about this natural phenomenon. Strange enough this had lasted for almost a week now. Everyone questioned this including astrologist who couldn't find an explanation for this. Six days after the beginning of the eclipse six strange figures were seen in the sky. Exactly positioned in the middle of the eclipse creating a silhouette of them.

They were immediately tagged as UAP's (Unidentified Arial Phenomena), the ministry of defense put it upon themselves to research these strange figures. They were there for about six hours until drones were sent to observe them but were immediately put out of commission after getting within a few radii of these UAP's. They finally decided to study them from afar.

Using advanced telescopes, they zoomed in to see what they were in for. They began to question reality after seeing what they saw. First of all, whatever was floating midair wasn't any air craft or machinery but what looked like humans. Secondly the thing that terrified them the most was a symbol they all held which represented human sacrifice. If what ever was there turned out to be anything having extraordinary abilities then they were doomed for sure. This information was immediately broadcasted through out the country and measures were taken by the ministry of defense to kill their targets at all cos.

It was a gamble but this was one to save the whole country. All forms of firearms and weaponized aircraft were sent to terminate these threats. These firearms expected to be able to destroy the largest mountain in the country and were all fired at the targets. The impact was so strong it sent shockwaves running through out the city. This created a thick smoke which cleared up after sometime. Everyone looked into the sky and saw nothing there. The ministry of defense was glad cause they didn't even expect parts of their bodies to survive since the attack was to vaporize them completely.

Well, that was until everyone far or near felt it. Blood lust erupting from a core purely formed and shaped from the flames of absolute hatred. In a blink of an eye the aircrafts all exploded at once. The remains of the aircrafts fell on the city causing people to panic and run away from the scene.

No one knew what happened including those from the ministry of defense observing the skies. They didn't know what was happening and couldn't keep up with the situation. At this point they knew lives would be lost including theirs. A few moments after the situation multiple plane parts moving at an unbelievable speed came crashing in the base of the defense team. Creating an explosion which demolished everything.

Screams, Wailing, Cries for help these was all that was heard on that terrible day. As they all feared these super abled humans had no mercy on those below them. As they had requested earlier human sacrifices had to be made. They bathed the whole city with blood, that day 1,957 lives where lost and the rogue eclipse transitioned to darkness