Chapter 56: A Change of Heart

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After much trouble, we returned to the inn, but it was in a disastrous state.

One side of the inn had been neatly sliced up like fruit cubes by the Reaper's rampage. To make matters worse, the stormy weather had turned everything into a complete mess.

The innkeeper, a rhinoceros beastkin awakened by the commotion, sat dazed on the floor.

When our eyes met as I entered the inn, he charged at me, stomping the ground, and threatened me with his horn. He demanded I pay for repairs, saying it was all my fault.

This is unfair.

If my slave caused this, I'd naturally take responsibility. That's a master's role.

But Mirabelle was no longer my slave, was she? He should take it up with Mirabelle or her guardian Naredi, why me?

Moreover, the innkeeper who showed up late wouldn't know about the Reaper's appearance. He couldn't pin all the blame on me.

I had a pretty good guess about what was going on.

He's obviously racist to humans.

He had been like this from the start. He was reluctant to accept me, a human, and Rin, a pink fox, only relenting when I threw money at him.

Now that he'd suffered financial loss, he was clearly trying to shift the blame to me.

Of course, the innkeeper made no attempt to understand my grievances. Just as I was resigning myself to having to pay for repairs, Seira stepped in.

"I am Seira, team leader of the Immigration Management Department. For incidents like this, you can receive financial support from the Disaster Management Office. Visit them when day breaks. I will do my best to assist you as well."

"Well, if Miss Seira says so…"

The rhinoceros beastkin reluctantly backed down.

Thanks to her, I avoided financial loss, but staying in the wrecked inn was out of the question. We needed to find shelter from the rain.

It would be difficult to find an inn that would accept Rin, a pink fox, and wandering around in this storm…

"For now, let's go to my place."

Once again, it was Seira who extended a helping hand.

"I'm grateful, but are you sure it's alright?"

"If any problems arise, I will bill you for it. This isn't the time for you to be worrying about my circumstances."

Seira glanced at Rin, who was shivering in my arms.

Despite being wrapped in my coat, she was trembling, already soaked through and through from the rain. She also needed treatment for her new injuries.

We were in no position to be picky.

"In that case, I won't refuse your offer."


Seira's house was located on the outskirts of the city. It took quite a walk to reach it.

It was a modest two-story house. The furniture inside was unremarkable, and if there was one thing that stood out, it was how messy everything was.

It was hard to find a place to step; this place was closer to a pig sty than a wolf's den.

In general, a room reflects its owner's inner self. You could tell a lot about a person by how they decorated their living space. In short, one could say Seira was lazy.

"I couldn't help it, I've been busy. I've been working overtime every day because of you."

"I didn't say anything."

Seira hurriedly made excuses as she threw things around with her hands and pushed them out of sight with her feet.

The house looked cleaner on the surface. She lit the fireplace and laid Rin down nearby.

First, I wiped off the moisture. I dried the wet parts with a towel and carefully wrung out her tail fur, which was heavy with rainwater, taking care not to hurt her.

How unusual, she's being so docile.

Even without specific orders, Rin didn't resist and just stared intently at my hands. Well, after all that running, she probably didn't have the energy to resist.

It was fine by me; I could continue my work comfortably. I finished the first aid by applying medicine to her wounds and wrapping them in bandages.

"I will be going to report this unusual situation to my superiors. Feel free to use anything except the second floor."

"Thank you."

With Seira's permission, I rummaged around the house for necessary items. I folded several layers of dry blankets and placed Rin on top. I covered her with a fluffy comforter.

After taking care of Rin to some extent, I lay down on the sofa to catch my breath. There was something I needed to think about.

That thing from earlier…

It was Mirabelle's Death God. No doubt about it.

Why did it appear here?

Reapers didn't have many restrictions on their movements. Even when exacting Harold's revenge, it could travel back and forth across the city in an instant.

For it to appear in Vestia…

Is it trying to get revenge on me?

It must be revenge for making her a slave.

Sure, I hugged her a bit, kneaded her belly fat a little, squished her cheeks, and sniffed her hair, but still!

That's not enough to send a Grim Reaper to kill me!

What if something had happened to Rin? If I hadn't run away that morning… Ugh, it was terrifying just to think about it.

Repaying kindness with evil. There's no point in raising them well. I must make sure Rin never turns out like that.


I couldn't help but yawn. Running around after being woken up made me even more tired.

Drowsiness was overwhelming me, but I couldn't sleep tonight. The Reaper had retreated once, but there was no telling whether it would appear again or not.

Just endure for tonight.


Crackle, crackle.

The sound of crackling embers filled the living room with a cozy atmosphere. After some time had passed, Rin poked her head out from under the covers.

Running around in the middle of the night must have been exhausting, as Karami's determination to stay awake had crumbled under the weight of sleep. He was snoring away, fast asleep.

Rin stared closely at the bandages and blanket wrapped around her, blinking a few times, then turned her gaze back to Karami.


She carefully got up, approached the sofa on all fours, then hopped up onto it.

Rin stared at Karami's sleeping face from up close. There was a small scratch on his cheek, likely from when he caught her and rolled.

She licked the wound with her tongue, only stopping when his face was covered in saliva.

Then, she settled on Karami's stomach, curling up into a ball.

Sniff, sniff, she smelled him. There was a refreshing forest scent, but mixed in was Karami's own scent, which still brought her a sense of comfort.

Rin buried her face deeper and closed her eyes.



Karami's eyes snapped open. The realization that he had been sleeping hit him subconsciously.

Despite warning himself that he absolutely must not fall asleep tonight, when he came to his senses, he found he had slept deeply. Judging by the sunlight streaming through the window, it was already morning.

Hurriedly gathering his wits, Karami first checked if Rin was safe. Fortunately, the house was in the same state as yesterday, but Rin was nowhere to be seen by the fireplace.

Did she run away?

Karami hadn't given any specific orders, in case the Grim Reaper appeared and she couldn't move.

He hadn't even chained her. There was no need since he had assumed he'd be awake, and it would have been difficult to find chains in the middle of the night anyway.

This was no time to be idle.

He needed to find Rin as soon as possible. With the help of the cat people spread throughout the city, finding Rin's pink fur shouldn't be too difficult.

"You're awake?"

"Miss Seira?"

Seira emerged from the kitchen holding a mug of hot coffee. She was wearing the same office attire as yesterday, with dark circles under her eyes.

It was evidence of her all-nighter.

"When did you get back?"

"Not long ago. But why do you look so rushed?"

"Rin has disappeared."

Seira took a sip of coffee with an expressionless face. After licking the coffee from her lips, she spoke calmly.

"What's that on top of you then?"


Only after Seira pointed it out did Karami look down and discover Rin curled up on his stomach. She was sleeping soundly, like a small fox kit.

As he became aware of Rin's presence, he suddenly felt the slight weight he hadn't noticed before.

"Why is she here…?"

This was Rin, who had stubbornly insisted on sleeping on the hard floor even when tempted with the bed. Due to her wariness of humans, Karami hadn't forced the issue.

For such a Rin to voluntarily climb onto his stomach was nothing short of ironic to Karami.

"Seems there's been a change of heart."

A change of heart.

Karami mulled over Seira's words as he looked at Rin.

Perhaps all the meat he'd fed her had finally paid off. Maybe his [Generous Master] skill was showing its worth. He gently stroked her head, careful not to wake her.

"More importantly, there's something we need to discuss. It's about the Grim Reaper."

"Were there other damages elsewhere?"

"Yes. We thought it had left quietly, but it went on quite a rampage. However… its targets were rather peculiar."

What could she mean by peculiar targets? Karami remained silent, waiting for Seira to continue. She shared the information she had gathered through the night.

"The only ones attacked were the street cat people."

"The street cat people…"

Seira nodded as if confirming his suspicion.

"All of them had slave contracts with you. Fortunately, or unfortunately, there were no fatalities."

"No one died?"

"According to witnesses, they were struck down by the Reaper's scythe but got up moments later, completely fine. They claim they don't even feel any aftereffects. But…"

Seira's voice trailed off.

"Why do you look like that?"

It was because Karami had a strange expression. His eyes were as wide as they could possibly be, like someone who had just seen a ghost.

Though she hadn't spent much time with Karami, Seira had never seen him this surprised before.


Karami stared blankly into space, not responding to her call. Had he been possessed by the Reaper? Seira began to feel uneasy.

He couldn't take his eyes off the empty air. Or rather, from others' perspective it was empty air, but Karami saw something invisible to others.

A system window that could hardly be called a status screen.

It was floating before his eyes.

[Fully Liberate the Main Slaves. Progress: 2/5]>[Fully Liberate the Main Slaves. Progress: 1/5]