By her side, Kieran walked, his hand never far from the hilt, his steps poised and silent.
Dark as night may prove to be, even Lyra's light magic is weakly glowing on her fingertips at such points, providing but a weak boundary against the seeping darkness.
But it wasn't just the forest and haunting Duskwraiths that filled her mind. He said his name was Kieran. His previous confession sounded in her mind as his words were turning her heart with equal will and grief.
"Kieran," she spoke low, cutting into the stillness.
He shifted his keen eye over her face, then returned his focus to their environment; he shifted again to look at her. "His voice is the same, only low. We have to keep moving," he told her.
She started running faster to step alongside him. "You cannot shut me out. Not now. Not after everything you told me."
Kieran set his jaw and said nothing.
She touched him with just the tip of her fingers and barely brushed against his arm. He saw war in his eyes with the touch and stopped himself from moving. Turning to face her, she spoke, shaking her voice ever so slightly: I meant 'traits, squad ill. "I believe you. Whatever darkness you have, it doesn't change who you are to me.".
He shook his head, guilt weighing on his face, more than obvious. "Lyra, you don't realize this." The darkness is more than a feeling or a memory. This is something I comprise. Every battle seems to be depleting me once again.
Lyra's heart twisted at his words. 'Let me then assist you,' she remarked firmly. "We are best together!" Is this not what you have been telling me all along?
Looking into her eyes, Kieran hesitated, his defenses wavering.
He said softly, "I'm afraid. I… "Yeah, that one day I can't fight it. That I shall cause pain upon you."
Stepping closer, she said, "You won't. Since I will not let you face it alone.
A deep growl seemed to resonate from every angle, ending their discussion. Kieran drew his sword, ready, and moved in front of Lyra at once.
"Here they are, he said, sounding Mums.
As the dark silhouettes around him began to stir up and take form, twisting into the shape of twisted Duskwraiths, Lyra Appa's light flared brighter in her hands.
They shone as if their sharp claws and bright eyes were reflecting every flicker from the eerie light; their air grew icy with every moment."Stay close," Kieran said, argument-free.
As the first Duskwraith charged, Kieran met it head-on, cutting the beast with an accuracy that stunned Lyra. Another attacked from the side, and Lyra raised her arms; she blew it into ash with her power.
The Duskwraiths came in waves in a frenzied, brutal attack. Lyra's powers faltered under pressure, but she pushed herself forward, her willpower fueled by Kieran's constant presence.
"Kieran!" she yelled as another dark shape leapt for him.
His sword slicing through the air in a killing arc, he spun. Another one emerged from behind him, its claws bared to slash, as the creature exploded into smoke.
Lyra didn't think. Lifting her hands, she saw a flash of light magic that even she was left stunned by. Even though the Duskwraith exploded, her knees were knee-jerked.
Kieran caught her before she hit, keeping both hands flat on her chest and asking, "Are you all right?" Worried frown. The moment was gone.
Blindly nodding, she sprang up into his arms again and then staggered back onto her feet. "I'm okay.". Just. exhausted. ".
He hugged her for a second and let go. "We have to keep going." Their movement is ongoing.
Their persistence changed the forest. As they grew thicker, they interlocked to create a canopy from their twisted branches that kept out most of the light.
It was a heaviness of air with a strange stillness to it, and Lyra couldn't shake the feeling they were being watched.
"I can hardly move on," she whispered, her voice soft. "This place is too off-limits.".
"We are far off," Kieran declared shakily.
Lyra was curious and lifted her eyes up at him. "What is that?"
His eyes kept forward, though unsure of what would come their way. "The dark, he said after a moment. It's kept under control. Managed."
She could not keep from thinking. "Who is this guy?"
He remained quiet. He didn't have to speak; there was plenty being said. He continued with a murmur. 'Those who used to be Keepers.".
"Are you a Keeper?".
The power of the keeper was present as Kieran spoke in a deep voice. "But power can corrupt.".
It has happened before. We will be witnessing the same scenario once again.
The words were settling upon her back like weight, but she focused on it and replied, "We will stop this.".
Kieran looked at her with a kind of soft, tearful expression, nodding as he confessed, "You are stronger than you think, Lyra."
You are loved equally, she said, stretching out for him with her hand.
Eventually, they stepped into emptiness, where Lyra breathed uncontrollably.
At the center was an enormous stone monolith, and the runes upon it shone cheerfully in a menacing style.
It was dark and mysterious. It had an energetic feel, and shadows cast by the site were blacker than any that Lyra had seen.
Kieran said in a low voice, "This is what you have to do."
She approached the burning heat, reverberating with the light magic she had. "What do you think?" she asked.
Before Kieran could say anything, a shadow emerged. She was the same blonde from before, her fiery white eyes shining with all he had accomplished.
"Kieran, welcome, Keeper," she said with a mocking tone.
Could you face me again? I asked.
Looking at Kieran, Lyra's heart pounded. "Again?" she asked.
She laughed. "Did he not tell you?" We met before. He was not noble at the time. Tell her, Kieran. Share with her the reasons behind your betrayal of your own people.
Lyra's eyes widened at Kieran. "Is it true?".
He was tortured; a grimace distorted his face, and he held his sword tightly. "It's not what I thought it would be," he whispered. The expression flew from his face.
She came forward with a broad smile. "Oh, that's not true.".
He decided to follow his own path instead of looking after them. He is now bringing you closer to him.The words were in the background as Kieran shouted, "Enough!" and said.
With her hands up, the darkness swelled to completely engulf her as it took the shape of a swirling cloud of blackness.
"You can't stop me, Kieran," she said. Your inner darkness is already here. Inside her.".
But whenever Lyra's light blinked, the power reverberated with the obelisk and dampened its lustrous beam.
'Stopping her,' with a fearful look on Kieran's face, she said,.
Nodding, he spoke with an air of solidity: 'We're on it together.
When they stepped forward, the darkness fell upon them, and the woman laughed.
Eryndale's future balanced in the equation as they sought the heart of darkness.