
Quiiser and the female rider falls down from the plane towards the Ocean. Quiiser reaches and lands back first on a Ship, powerfully and the Woman falls into the Ocean by the Starboard of the Ship. She sinks back first into it.

Quiiser comes to and sees 7 Men circling him. He smirks and says...

"Now, now, gentlemen, let's not go there."

A Man carries up his Sword with his right hand with a dangerous smirk on his face while he continues...

"Let's not go there!! Let's not go there!!!"

The Man stabs him, he exclaims softly and the Man pulls out his Sword. Quiiser lies dead with his face lying Eastward.

The Men stare at him as the Man who stabbed him sheathes.

Not so long after a door opens up and Two Men flings Quiiser into the room. He lands haphazardly and the door shuts and locks.

The Men walk forward as one cleans off his hand.

"Filt" The Man says.

The battle goes on even harder.

Banisherica and Stella stare it each other for awhile. They start to walk towards themselves. They reach a point and start jogging before you know, they start running. They reach a point and flash towards one another. They reach each other and clash, undo the clash and flash away, clashing the more.

Anton and Kiaskia chillingly walk through the destroyed parts of the Kingdom. They look left and they look right.

"When did we reach here sef?" Kiaskia asks.

"I don't even know! Normally when I'm fighting I don't check where I am." Anton replies.

"Same here."


They stop and look their right slowly. The person walks and comes into the light. They become relieved.

"Don't scare us like that, Kintu?" Anton says as Kintu approaches them.

"Sup, boys!" He says with a smirk

The Men get taken aback.

"Does he usually sound this way?" Anton asks telephatically

"Did something happen to him?" Kiaskia replies.

"What's wrong, Anton, Kiaskia?" Kintu asks.

"Yup, it's definitely an imposter!" Anton says telephatically

"Swears down!" Kiaskia replies.

"Let's play along, okay, Kia?"


"W-We're good!" Anton says with a shaky smirk and eyes closed.

"Y-yeah!" Kiaskia says.

"Good!" Kintu says.

"These boys are good, they've already caught on. Can they read instinct or am I just plain stupid?" He says within'.

They walk forward together.

"So what's popping guys? I hope y'all are good!" Kintu asks

"Fine." Kiaskia replies.

"We're absolutely doing well." Anton replies.

"Good, good!" He nods with his right hand on his chin and his elbow resting on his left arm.

"He's really bad at this." Kiaskia says telephatically.

"I'm telling you!" Anton replies.

They walk for a while still engaging in chitchats and then laughters. They even play songs and do weird dances and make weird poses. They reach a juncture and Kintu says...


The Men disappear simultaneously and appear with their spears pierced through Kintu's lungs forming an X shape. Kiaskia to the left and Anton, to the right. Blood gushes out of Kintu's mouth as the real being comes out. The Men march the body of the imposter and take off their spears simultaneously. The imposter grunts. The Men land, the imposter falls back first to the ground.

"For all that's worth, you did make us smile." Anton says.

"Yeah!" Kiaskia backs up.

"I haven't done that in years." Anton continues.


"Wait, what?" Kiaskia says as he turns his head to the left and faces Anton.

The imposter coughs blood and says with a smile...

"I feel the same way. It's such a pity it had to end this way." He coughs heavily as the Men watch emotionlessly. He stops and says with a smirk...

"Call an ambulance...but not for me."

Immediately a storm of fighters come flying in and flooding in towards the Men. The Men stay still in shock as they observe the scenario.

"Why that!" Kiaskia says.

Immediately a storm of flames coming surging in towards the storm of fighters. It collides with them.

"Flame Control!!!" Kintu yells as his flames destroy them. They look up and sight Kintu floating.

"Are you the real Kintu?!" Kiaskia asks.

"What does your father think?!" Kintu replies.

"He thinks you're fake!" Kiaskia says.

"Well tell him his time is up!" Kintu says.

"Will do, Sir!" Kiaskia says.

"Modafucka!!!" Anton yells.

Buck drinks blood from a massive cup on his right as he and the Women watch the Woman who collided with Quiiser sinking. Lilith strokes the hairs on Buck's left arm with her fingers and with smiles on her face. She faces up and says...

"What should we do with her, my Lord? Make her a Slave or..." Lilith asks.

Buck takes a sip with eyes closed and drops his cup on a side stool by his right. He balances up and says...

"I wanna put her under me."

Lilith startles and calms. She says...

"Under you?"

"Yes." He turns his face to the left to face her.

"You know the way you put him under you?"

"Him under me?" She remembers.

Bucks smirks with a slight head tilt.

"Is that what you want my love, then so be it." Lilith says and the Woman vanishes from the Water and appears before them, with her knees on the floor, legs and hands chained. She comes and turns her face left, right, up, down and center.

"Where am I?!" She says.

Immediately, goosebumps come forth from her body and her hairs stand. She looks up slowly in fear and faces the King and Queen.

"Welcome, Human!" Buck says.