"Alright let´s get going to that church then!" he says searching for the backdoor of the townhall. It leads to a path into the forest where the church is located in. It is fenced and there are three undead dogs waiting for him. As soon as he steps outside he hears growling followed by undead dogs attacking him. They bite and gnaw on him but he kicks them out of the way and slashes at them thrice and all of them die. +200 souls. The path is brown and muddy and is illuminated with torch poles and a sign that says "The old hero´s church" pointing into the woods which are covered in fog. At the pole is a torch lying on the ground. "I should pick that up to light the way ahead." he says picking it up. "Item acquired: Torch. Attack:10. Durability 200/200. Item description: A simple torch that can be used as a light source. Some beasts are afraid or weak to fire and it will keep them away.". He enters the forest and follows the path. He can hear some sounds coming from the bushes and the loud stomps of something inside the forest. As he ventures further in he finds large foot prints leading off the path into the forest. He doesn´t follow because he knows he will get killed and lose all of his souls. Arrived at the destination lies another challenge. A Golem with a healthbar on top of it. lvl40 Golem in red. "Oh crap. It´s level is way higher than mine." he slowly approaches it and hits it with his rapier. "It doesn´t seem to be moving at all." message pops up. "I guess I´ll enter!" he says opening the old iron gates. The church has a grave outside of it with dead villagers. The church is big and made of stone and even has bells of it´s own. He enters through the wooden door. The red carpet and rows of banks lead further in to an altar. The church has glass mosaic depictions of a hero slaying monsters and even a dragon the pillars stretch far up with a painting of the starry sky on the ceiling. He sees a woman standing at the altar where a dead corpse lies with a coiled sword in hand. "I have been expecting you undead." she says greeting him. She wears a black dress and a white and red headband and has two long brown twintails as hair. "Expecting me?" he asks. "Yes undead. Let me introduce myself. I am Himori a witch and medium of souls. I have the divine task of turning souls into strength and can use my magic to create safe spaces away from undead and from unwanted eyes. What is your name undead?" she tells him. "My name? I don´t know.." he says letting out a sigh. "It seems the sorceres curse made you forget. How about Kaijo for now?" she proposes. "Kaijo. It does have a nice ring to it." he answers. "Now, Kaijo shall I turn the souls you collected into strength?" she asks. "I want to, yes." he answers. "Then give me your hand." she says. He reluctantly gives her his hand which she holds with her warm, soothing, smooth hands. A window pops up showing his stats. "Lvl 1 Undead starting class: Farmer. Hp: 45, Stamina: 20 offensive stats: Strength: 10 , agility: 15, intelligence: 7, faith: 12, arcane: 10. Current souls: 1.400". "Hold up let me pop my soul." he says popping the small soul gaining an additional 200 souls. He gives her his hand again and starts investing his souls. "Let´s level stamina first." he says increasing his stamina to 25, hp to 50, intelligence to 10 and strength to 11. Lvl 12 Undead. "I feel stronger if only marginally." he says. "Being able to harness the power of souls is your strongest abilty with of course not being able to die. Now take the coiled sword and stab the corpse with it." she says. "What?" he asks confused. "Just do it." she answers calmly. "Alright." he says picking up the coiled sword. "New key item acquired: Coiled sword. A ritualistic sword which can be used on hero corpses to set a checkpoint. ( Normal campfires work too.)." it says. A message shows up: "Use coiled sword". He stabs the corpse and a fire appears. A soul pops out. " Good job. Here is some empty flasks made from a special ceramics that can hold the healing fire." she says. "New key item acquired: empty Healing flask: 5. Item description: an empty healing flask made from special ceramic that is used for storing healing flames from fire. Find more and get more uses and find bonedust to increase it´s potency." He takes them and puts it in the flame and gets a new item. "New item acquired: Healing flask: 5. Item description: Used to heal hp. Flasks filled with healing fire.". "Mission cleared.". "What now?" he asks. "Now what´s left is to kill the old kings champions in posession of fragmented god souls and gather all the old hero souls. This old hero has agreed to pass you all his knowledge and techniques." she says. The soul of the old hero enters his body and Kaijo is flooded with memories and knowledge from him. "New skill acquired: Parry. Skill descrption: A technique used with a shield or another weapon to displace enemy attacks giving you a small window for a critical attack. New skill acquired: Critical hit. A technique to deal twice the damage when hitting an enemy right after a parry or after depleting all the enemies stamina. (Increased chance of random critical hit increased). "It seems you have received all the old hero has to offer. The other old hero souls are scattered around the land in churches ,caves or other places where they died every single one of them passes on new skills and knowledge and serve as a checkpoint. As for the old kings champions I shall tell you know where they are but be warned each one of them is incredibly strong and in posession of fragments of god souls and keep the capitals protective barrier active. The old king and his sorceress are in possesion of larger fragmets and are stronger than all champions combined. The old kings champions are as follows: The executioner. A executioner that takes pleasure in executing everyone he pleases all legitimised by the kings orders. He is currently in the large prison tower on the coast downstream off the river that runs through the village. The next one is a corrupted dragon high in the rocky desert further up north. The next one is in the lost woods an old forest giant in control of nature. The next one is in a castle just north of the lost wood an old baron of the land of the snowy mountains. The next one is deep underground in a dungeon leading to the great bridge leading to the capital a giant spider and her spawn. And before the capital opens up on the great bridge a large demon with his army as well as old giants. And finally in the library in the capital the sorceress who cast the curse but be warned killing her will not free everyone only when her master the old king dies will everyone be freed. I recommend grabbing the old sunlight sword very powerful against the old udead king who uses a darkmoon sword which is powerful against humans and a humane undead like you. As well as an armor set of the former prince which has the blessing of the gods protection. They both are in the cathedral probably guarded by the strongest soldiers of the old king the twin knights. Other formidable opponents try to kill you on the way. Be careful out there!" she tells him. "New mission acquired kill the old kings champions to open up the capital and take the fragments of the god souls." "Main quest: Kill the Sorceress and the old king to lift the curse of the undead." "The map has been updated and will now show the location of the old kings champions." "Thank you for the info. I´ll get going now!" he says.