Chapter twentytwo: The old bridge

Kaijo leaves through the door to the outside. The cave extends some more and the ground is covered in smooth stone roads leading outside. He sees the light at the end of the tunnel and sets foot on the old bridge. The old bridge is long and made from stone with huge pillars extending into the sky and lights in the road. At the far end of the bridge lies the old capital and the walls surrounding it. Looking over the bridge he can see a lake at the bottom of the ravines and a pirateship arriving at the lower docks. "That´s their ship what are they doing here?" Kaijo asks himself. His gaze follows up the surrounding mountains that extend over the capital. The old capital towers rise far over the walls and the old cathedral and palace can be seen from here. Kaijo continues on and sees giants and demons roaming along the old bridge and a tall and muscular demon with a giant mace tall horns and small wings as well as a short tail. It almost looks like a flaming ox. The giants are chained up and manage the massive gates and are short even in comparison of the walls. The demons roam around to control the giants. Some demons have crossbows halberds, spears, swords and shields varying in size as well as some metal and cloth armor on top. The demon´s faces are long and have horns extending from their foreheads. They have tails and claws but have no wings. Kaijo gets closer and the tall demon roars and points his mace at him commanding them to attack him. "Seems like my cover is blown!" Kaijo says casting fire storm. The demons approach and Kaijo incinerates a lot of them using fire storm that explodes around him and through the ground. Other demons come rushing through and surround him. Kaijo looks around and spins around using his sword to controll the demons who slowly get closer. Kaijo uses his fear dominion skill to controll some of the demons and stir chaos. Their eyes turn purple and they get crazy and slash their own kin. Kaijo takes advantage of the chaos and clears them up and his controlled demons who slowly turn back to normal. The giants get released and run at Kaijo to kill him by smashing him into the ground. Kaijo dodges their attacks and looks for an opening but they swing when the other one recovers and leave little to no opportunity to attack. Kaijo uses the gods armor to minimise damage and gets in close toppling one giant on the other using gigantification. The giants fall and Kaijo slashes their exposed necks poisoning them and killing them off. "Phew! That takes care of them!" he says dusting his armor off. The tall demon jumps in and throws the giants out of the way. The giant demon looks over him and his title "Demon general" pops up as well as a healthbar. The demon screams at Kaijo towering over him like a mountain of muscle. The demon wears no armor but his fire and thick skin are tougher than steel. "Let´s get this started then!" Kaijo says readying his sword and shield. The demon general smashes his mace into the ground multiple times in quick succession and charges up his mace with fire slamming down. Kaijo observes it´s arms and shoulders and as soon as they move he uses his shield to parry and displace the attack slamming it into the ground near him and smashing it out of a two hand grip. The demon general is not strong enough to lift the mace one handed and Kaijo runs up an it and jumps into the demons face digging his sword into it´s skin dealing critical damage and inflicting poison. The demon general resists the paralysis effect by distilling the poison with his heat but the rest of the poison remains because it´s heat resistant. This reduces it´s hp to 90% slowly ticking 0.5% every second for two minutes. The demon general recovers and swings his mace again. This time horizontally and uses it´s centrifugal force to spin around launching it into the air and comes down crashing on Kaijo. Kaijo runs back to avoid the attack. The impact sends out a shockwave and tremors flinching Kaijo. "Whoa!" Kaijo says with his feet wobbling. The demon general sticks it further into the ground and explodes it in a large fire orb. Kaijo blocks the wave of flames. The demon has already moved on through the dust and is behind him. "That was fast!" Kaijo says turning around parrying one swing. The demon general just swings again and blows through Kaijos block. Kaijo vulnerable uses his invisibility to slip under the demon generals gaze. He slashes at his ankles reducing his hp to 85%. The demon turns around and kicks Kaijo away. Kaijo is sent flying and takes some damage. "Hp:40/75". Kaijo smashes his sword into the ground to slow his flight and comes to a stop before he could fly off the bridge. Kaijo takes a swig of his healing flask and another healing back to full. The demon has already moved up and charges it´s mace smashing it down in a fiery trail. Kaijo dodges and gets out of it´s aftershock. The demon continues swinging it´s mace having now been cured off the poison. The poison has reduced it´s hp to 45%. The demon general roars and it´s eyes flash red. It charges in swinging it´s mace around fast and with fire every strike. Kaijo dodges around increasing the distance between him and the demon. The demon general starts flying and slams down with it´s butt creating a loarge fiery explosion leaving cracks in the old bridge. Kaijo gets a flash of inspiration. "What if I use it´s power to drop a pillar on it?" Kaijo says heading off to one of the pillars extending above. The demon charges in with it´s mace shoveling the stone path out of the way. Kaijo uses dragon flight and flies over it and it comes crashing into the pillar the pillar collapses and drops on it. This reduces it´s hp to 25%. The demon general is now more furious and his flames turn blue. "OH crap!" Kaijo says realising the gravity of the situation. The demon general is now even faster and leaves Kaijo in the dust stepping around him swinging even more than befor. Kaijo can only barely dodge the attacks with it´s fire trail hitting him reducin his hp to "HP: 50/75". The demon general slams it´s mace into the ground exploding like a supernova. It extends and hits Kaijo head on. Kaijo uses the gods armor and his shield to block the attack. All this breaks the armor and his stance leaving him with no stamina and 5 hp. Kaijo takes three swigs and is back to full. "Healing flask:0". The demon is now gray and steaming off cooling down. Kaijo can fly in and cuts the demon up inflicting poison and paralysis again reducing it´s hp to 5%. The demon general screams again catching fire again but dies to the poison. "This is quite effective!" Kaijo says. "Victory achieved!" "+ 300.000 souls" "Bone dust acquired." "Healing flasks acquired." "New sorcery acquired: Blue flame. Item description: launches a blue flame dealing magic and fire damage." "New sorcery acquired: Blue supernova. Item description: slam the staff into the ground and create a giant supernova." "New weapon acquired: Demon generals mace. Attack 700. Requirements: 40 strength. Special effect: can be used as a catalyst for sorceries." Kaijo rests at the burning demon general corpse and levels up his arcane to 15 and can now inflict statuses much faster. Kaijo gets ten uses of his healing flask and upgrades it to plus three able to heal him back to full with a single use. "What kind of challenge is ahead if I get this much stuff only from the door guardian?" Kaijo wonders shivering. Kaijo gets the chains and uses gigantification to open the doors. This is so intense that Kaijo uses all his stamina and a lot of health. "Hp: 30/75". He feels his muscles tearing. Kaijo takes a swig of his healing flask and is all fine. "This is amazing!" Kaijo says. He enters the old capital and sees the ground floor with buildings and towers extending into the sky covering the old capitals ground floor in the shadows inside house undead soldiers and citizens. The whole capital is littered in corpses and burning market stalls and houses. "What is this chaos?" Kaijo asks. "Another undead enters the old capital! I need to kill you! All undead are enemies!" A knight says running up to him. The knight is controlled by the old sorceress who enchanted him. Other knights are roaming around as undead as well as the other undead soldiers. The knight wears shining silver armor and uses a sword and a shield. "Human?" Kaijo wonders. From the knights perspective he is a monster covered in red mist with red eyes and speaks an unkown tongue. The knight attacks him. Kaijo defends himself and it fades to black. "You have died!".