Chapter 6 /the dealer always win.\

The day finally come, the ORC was on Rias office get prepared while Joker was sitting on couch, a leg on top of leg while Vermeil sitting next to him eating some ice cream while the rest was preparing themselves.

A white portal open as the queen Grayfia come out from it, take everyone attention.

Grayfia: "the Rating game will start in 15 minute, the KING Lucifer will be watching side by side with the Fallen Angels leader."

Rias: "b-brother will be watching!?"

Kiba: "hm Azazel too...?"

Grayfia: "yes, please, Dealer, follow to the watching area."

Joker: "well..."

He stand up and walk to Grayfia, next to him Vermeil, before he go, he turn to Rias and exchange her hand for her.

Joker: "one last chance, you sure dont wana make a deal?"

She look down at his hand, a little unsure nervous on her face, her servants level is so weak to fight the Phonix passengers, she dont even have the full set, but with the deal, The dealer can give her the power to win so easily, but there is one thing stop her.....the prise...

She look up at his face, his wide smirk never leave his face as she shake her head.

Rias: "I trust my servants, I can achieve the victory alone."

The Joker sight and pull back his hand, he give her his back and walk to the portal.

Joker: "well, I wish you a good luck, you will need it."

As he disappear on the portal with grayfia and Vermeil

The silence fall on the room as Rias let out a deep sight and sit back on the couch.

Issei sit on front of her and ask curiously.

Issei: "what with this dead thing??? You didint tell me anything about that Joker..."

Rias: "well, Joker, knowed as the Souls dealer, he was the son of one of the most powerful demons on the whole underworld, the Radio Demon, the Radio demon was one of the strongest fighters on the great war, he wasn't with the devils or Angels or fallen angels, litterly he drop solo on the midule of the war and start killing everyone come on his way..."

Issei: "he-he was that strong!?"

Kiba: "so strong, there is stories that Radio demon get 1v4 on front of the first Lucifer and three of the great stan....and he beat them all and leave them alive just so the war wont end sooner."

Issei listen with shocked face and amazingly.

Rias: "after the great war, he appeared that he have a son, which is the guy we all know as Joker, the souls dealer..."

Issei: "and what happen after that???"

Rias: "no one know."

Issei: "huh??"

Rias: "that's all we know, the Radio Demon just dissapeared from that time, but the deals that he made get canceled suddenly from all the peopel he made deal with on the great war, and that's mean one thing....he died. And his son still alive and carried his father title as the Souls dealer."

Issei: "what the story behind this deal you all talking about."

Akeno: "the deal is as it name, a deal you make it with him."

Rias: "when you shake his hand, there is a bond will be created between you and the dealer, he will give you whatever you want, anything, money, ultimate power, immortality, anything litterly come to your mind..."

Issei: "wow..."

Kiba: "but nothing come without a price. when you make a deal with a Joker, as Rias said before, it will create a bond between you two, after he give you what you asked for, he will ask you to do somthing for him in return or give him somthing in spefetec amount of time, and if you dont..."

Rias: "your soul will be his..."

A shill goes through Issie spin as his hair stand up.

Koneko: "the highest price you ask for, the harder his request will be."

Issei: "so what if we ask for a simple thing?? Like give us a small amount of power or make the other team weaker?? Just a simple thing."

Kiba: "Joker is untrustworthy person, kts right we can ask for a simple thing and his request wont be that hard, but there is always traps when he fill your request."

Rias: "let me give you an example, imagine yourself on the midule of the desert and in very need for a water,the dealer show up on front of you, what you will ask for?"

Issei: "hmm will, I will ask for water of cours."

Rias: "what you will say?"

Issei: "eh!? I will say 'I wana water please'."

Rias: "well, so he give you a cup of poisoned water."

Issei: "huh!? But I ask him for water!"

Koneko: "you said water but what kind of water? On this state, he is win win on two ways, you still thirsty in hurry need for water and he can demand from you what he want, and of cours you wont be able to full his request even if it was simple because you are in a very bad state so he will get your soul very easily. That's the trick, the dealer always win."

The room fall silens for seconds, Issei sit there thinking about all that, he get flashback on the training camp, where the dealer was there, it's right his training was hard and exchanged, but it was some funny moments between them, like he was a friend...?

Issei: "is Joker....evil?"

Before Rias answe him, Asia voice cut the moment.

Asia: "no."

They turn their attention to Asia who was sitting there listening for all that.

Asia: "his eyes....he is not evil, that smirk of his....hide a lot of pain, like he is broken.....sad....feel lonely."

Rias stay silens looking at Asia and taking on her words, before she can say anything, Grayfia voice ring on the air ake their attention.

Grayfia: "the rating game will start in 2 minutes, Gremory house get ready."

Rias: "we will talk about this later, let's get ready."

The group stand up as a portal open under his feets as they get teleported.


Chapter 6 done!!

I wish you all enjoy it!

I know I've said this chapter will be a backstory then after it the rating game, but I didint find the time to explain the Joker power because its will be really important on the future chapters, so I made this little chapter to explain everything. I wish it was clear.

Next chapter will be a piece of Joker past, a flashback, then after it will be the main Rating game and the result, I will take the rating game shortly and say just the important events.

If you have any questions, ask here.

See ya :)