Azazel look at the dealer as he enter the room with his familiar and the ultimate queen as he smirk.
Azazel: "well well well, the Souls dealer, finally I get the pleasure to meet Alastor's bloodline!"
Joker: "ha! You must be Azazel, the fallen angels leader, what a pleasure to finally meet you."
The dealer make his way to empty chair and sit, he snap his finger and another chair made by shadow apear next to him and Vermeil sit on it.
Lord Sirz: "I wish you keep your side from the deal, Joker...."
Joker: "oh just sit and watch!"
Azazel: "ho ho ho, dont tell me the lord Lucifer made a deal with the demon himself?! Aren't you the one who order to not interact with the dealer~?"
Lord Sirz: "the price wasn't that much so why not?"
Joker: "Hah! Wana made a deal, big crow?"
Azazel: "eh! No thanks, I wana keep my soul on it place..."
Withote they notice, the Rating game was already playing and let's say...
Thinks goes fast.
We see Riser on top of the school main building holding bleeding Issei by the neck while Rias on the groun in front watching while crying.
Riser: "hah! Weak as f*ck! It's annoying, VEEY ANNOYING!!"
He squeez harder on Issei neck make him scream in pain.
Riser: "it waste my time, I was expecting a good fight science I give you ten days and with the Red dragon Emperor, but you disappointed me."
With the other hand, Riser charge a fire ball prepear it to finish Issei, until Rias shout.
Rias: "I am out! Me, Rias Gremory, I lose!!!"
Riser stop then smirk victory and throw Issei on side, Rias dash to him knee down start check his wounds as the rest of the ORC dash to him too and they all look in bad state.
Lord Sirz break his chairs holders and stand up with a red distraction aura around his body glare at the dealer.
Lord Sirz: "what the meaning of this!!? We made a deal!!"
The dealer grin goes wider and unfazed by the kind angry state as Azazel watch.
Joker: "the deal said I shold stop the married withote doing any problems, And they didint get married yet, right?"
The Lord stop for a second and look at the battle screen as his aura calm down.
Joker stand up and start walking to the door while Vermeil follow him quickly.
Joker: "it will be boring to end this very soon, just keep with the wedding preparations normal and I will fill my part of the deal..."
Joker: "just sit and watch the show."
With last words, he dissapeared on the shadows leave confused kind and amused leader behind him...
/time skip 3 days.\
On Issei room, we see him laying on the bed, it was almost midule of the night, he start open his eyes slonly and sit up grour in pain.
Issei: "what...happen?"
???: "you lose."
He surprised for second and turn his attention to the voice source, it was the demon himself sitting on a chair in one of the rooms corners while his legs crossed with his stick on his lap.
Joker: "how pathetic. I was expecting more from you."
Issei eyes goes wide as he stand up from the bed, still a little dizzy.
Issei: "wait what happen now?!"
Joker: "the tomato head will get married tonight, the wedding will start in 30 minute."
Issei: "wait, no! I cant let that happen, I promise the president that I will-"
He get cutted by a knee hit on the stomach from the Joker who teleport suddenly on front of him, make Issei fall on his knees holding his stomach.
Joker: "hahahahahaha! Weak, what exacly you gonna do? Fight Riser again? He didint even use his Phonix form and he take the shit out of you."
He step on Issei head press him on the ground as Issei scream in pain.
Suddenly the door open show Asia on standing there, her eyes open wide on shock from what she see.
Asia: "No!!"
Suddenly, the dealer move his hand as Asia float on the air with grip mark on her neck like an invisible hand holding her from neck tighty.
Issei: "ASIA!!!"
Joker: "I can tear her head off her body so easily right now and no one will dare to blame me."
Issei: "y-you wont dare!!"
Issei press on his teeths, his eyes goes wide under the Joker foot as he watch Asia struggle try break free while losing her breath slonly, the gear on his arm start glow and glow.
A strong wave of energy come out from the boy arm, The demon grin widely and move his foot and Asia drop on the ground catching her breath.
Issei stand up and his gear start charging and charging but suddenly stop and the glow stop.
Issei: "why.....why I cant get stronger!!? I reach to a very high level then stop there, Is those my limits!!?"
The dealer grin go wider with evil aura.
Joker: "yes...those your limits."
Issei: "I-i cant....I cant stay like that...I need to be stronger to protect who I love! I need..."
Joker: "power."
Issei turn his head to the Joker and see his hand expanding to him.
Joker: "power is what you want, power is what you need, and I can give it to you."
Issei look at Joker hand histering, Asia look up at him from the back with worry face.
Asia: "I-Issei no! Rias tell us to not make any deal with the dealer, its dangerous!!!"
Issei continue staring at Joker hand and thinking about what Asia said.
Joker: "so what's your answer, Red Dragon Emperor, will you shake my hand and save your priencess, or stay here and watch that chicken take her to his bed?"
The boy close his eyes and take a deep breath and finally give his answer.
Issei: "am sorry, president, but I dont have a choice..."
Chapter 8 is done!!!
I wish you all enjoy it!
Finally the Joker get what his want, a deal and a chance to get the soul of the red dragon Emperor. What he will even do if he get that soul?
If you have any questions, ask here.
See ya :)