Chapter 10 baby!!!
Thank you all for the support! We reach 1k and almost 10k! I wish I wont disappoint you all, dont forget the start ☆.
/in the under world.\
Engagement Party
It was now the time of the engagement party. Everyone was gathered around all in formal attire.
Standing alone included Akeno in a kimono, Koneko in a pink dress and Kiba in a tuxedo, with his hair done.
Kiba, Akeno and Koneko turned to see Sona standing there.
Kiba: Sona, what's up?
Sona: The outcome not withstanding, I thought it was a good match. Though...I wouldn't have complained if the end result had been a bit different.
Akeno: Thanks for the support, but I promise this thing isn't even close to being over.
Kiba: We'll get another shot at them, I'm sure...Only next time, we'll be ready for their tricks.
Koneko: Yeah screw those d-bags.
Soon, it was now the arrival of the soon to be groom, Riser Phenex. He arrived in a seemingly groom-like attire.
Riser: Greetings renowned devils of the underworld! On behalf of the House of Phenex...Riser would like to thank each and every one of you for coming today!
Riser: This is an historic moment for the world of devils...And I want our dear guests to be the first to know. Two great dynasties are about to become one...Lord Riser of the distinguished House of Phenex, shall wed Lady Rias of the illustrious House of Gremory! And now...I present to you.
Riser let out his arms and focused on his space.
Riser: My bride. Rias Gremory!
In a split second, the Gremory magic circle appeared, and out arrived a closed eyed, frowing Rias in a wedding dress.
On the midule of clapping, the main big door of the place explode send the huge doors flying across the room take everyone attention, standing on the door way, Issei with his sacred gear and his Kouh academy uniform.
Rias: "I-issei!?"
Issei: "Riser Phonix!!"
He point with his gear at Riser who look full angry like he is about to explode.
Issei: "I, Issei Hyoudo, challenge you for Rias freedom!!"
Riser: "what the meaning of this!? Guards!!"
The guards apear suddenly, was about to attack but the ORC apear from magic portal around Issei and take down the guards.
Issei: "guys!!"
Kiba: "dont tell me you think we will leave you alone?"
Koneko: "it's right you are pervert, but I admit your bravery."
Akeno: "go save her, Issei...~"
Issei node at his friends and walk to Riser face him, Riser grunt on his teeth tighty as flames start cover his body.
Rias: "you!"
???: "HAHAHAHAH!!!"
The sudden laugh catch all on the wedding hall attending, they look up at The huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling, sitting there with his grin leaning on his hand. The souls Dealer.
Joker: "well well well, what do we have here...~"
All on the hall withote exceptions goes eyes wide in shock, a shill goes through every devil was on the hall, Their devilish instincts warn them.
Randome devil man: "t-the demon...."
Another randome devil man: "ITS THE SOULS DEALER!!"
The women start scream and hide behind their men or brothers who was also shaking from fear.
Joker: "oh come on, you all speak like I was some kind of monster, not like I mind. hahahaha!!!"
The dealer jump and land between Riser and Issei as he lean on his stick.
Riser collect some balls and step ahead as his flames calm down.
Riser: "dealer, are you behind all this show?!"
Joker: "hahaha oh fride chicken, the real show didint even begin!"
He open his arms wide while holding with one his stick. Taking a deep breath by his nose.
Joker: "ha~ the underworld smell, it have been years~"
He suddenly milt with his shadow and apear next to Rias, suttles her and start check on her dress.
Joker: "heh! Nice wedding dress, Gremory, suit on you."
Rias: *blushe* "eh!? T-thanks....?"
Riser finally lose it and shout.
Riser: "JOKER!!"
The dealer stop, look over his sholder amused as the chicken get to his limits.
Riser: "what exacly is goin on here!!?"
Joker: "oh you already answer the question by yourself before, it's a show!"
He turn face everyone and open his arms wide with his unfazed wide smirk.
Joker: "After all, the world is a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment!!! HAHAHAHA!!"
that line and the laugh was enough to send a shiver though everyone soul, some of them even get a dark flashback from the past and the last one who said that line.
???: "I thought I would never heard that line again..."
Everyone turn to the voice direction, it was an old looking man with yellow hair and beard.
Riser: "father...?"
Joker look over his sholder at Lord Phonix with smirk as the lord walk and stand there, dig his gazes at the dealer.
Lord Phonix: "son of Alastor."
Joker: "ah you must be the Lord Phonix, what a pleasure to meet you."
He turn to face him and bow.
Lord Phonix: "what you doing here, Dealer?"
Joker: "I have some work here, and my work is to ruin this wedding, interesting, huh?"
Lord Phonix: "is it....a deal?"
Joker: "yep!"
The lord give a direct glare at Rias who get nervous and look at the ground.
Joker: "dont worry, it wasn't her."
Lord Phonix: "who then??"
Joker: "cant tell! Hahaha!"
He turn around and look back at Riser and Issei then smirk.
Joker: "how about a thing make us all win?"
Issei: "huh???"
Riser: "what you mean??"
Joker: "a fight! Man to man! The strongest chickens member VS the red lizard!"
Lord Phonix: -_- "you know you just insulted a whole pure blood family and one of the strongest creatures been on the whole history, right?"
Joker: "I know and I am not sorry!"
Joker: "anyway, that's a good for all of us! A chance for the lizard to have his chance, a chance for the chicken to prove his muscles, and a pure entertainment for ME!!!"
The place fall silens, all the eyes was on the two standing face each other, and then, Riser smirk then node.
Riser: "well then, I accept, but in one condition..."
He point his finger at Issei.
Riser: "I will take his head on my wall if he lose!"
Rias gasped in horror and same with the ORC, she turn to Issei and shake her head.
Rias: "Issei, no! Dont do it!"
Issei: "if it's the price for your freedom..."
He rise his sacred gear at Riser and point.
Issei: "then I will beat this fride chicken even if it cost me my life!!!"
Joker smirk get the widest it can, if someon have weak vision he will swear that the smile reach his hair.
Joker: "now this what I call entertaining!!!"
Chapter ten is done!
I wish you all enjoy it.
Look like we will get to the end of the wedding arc, I wish our trip with the dealer get your like ☆
What you think?
Next chapter "it was all my plan."
If you have any questions, ask here.
See ya :)