Chapter 12 /the Lizard VS the Chicken.\

Behind the wedding, the two fighters was standing facing each other, between them was the dealer standing, while the rest of the wedding guests, ORC and Sona passengers was inside the hall watching from a big magical screen.

Lord Phonix: "there is somthing being planning behind the shadows..."

Rias: "huh?? What you mean, Lord?"

Lord Phonix: "Alastor lived for one thing, a big plan, a huge big plan he was working on it in shadows, that kid over there is not here to just for some souls, that's just some tips for whatever on his head..."

Kiba: "if I may ask, what was the Radio Demon plan back then?"

Lord Phonix: "the great war."

All who was on the room gasped in disbelief and horror except Lady Phonix and Lord Sirz who was also there.

Grayfia: "w-what does that mean?!"

Lord Phonix: "do you think we was just sitting in our thrones and say 'oh, let's just start a war goes for thousands of years and lose a lot of our people and sours', no, it was all planned from one person, Alastor!"

Rias: "but...why he did that?!"

Lord Phonix: "we ask him the same thing...and he just answer with..."

Lord Sirz: "...I was bored."

The room fall silens, watching the two lords with wide eyes as the Lord Phonix dig his sharp eyes at Sirz.

Lord Phonix: "it was you, right? You made that deal with the dealer."

Lord Sirz: "I cant lie."

Lord Phonix: "what was the price?"

The Lord sight, he know there is no way to hide it anymore.

Lord Sirz: "the deal said he will stop the wedding if I give him the pass to enter the underworld."

Lord Phonix eyes widen as he Clint his fist angry.

Lord Phonix: "are you f*cking serious!!?"

Lord Sirz: "it was the only way to stop all this."

Lord Phonix: "I dont care about the wedding get cancelled, my problem is you leave that monester moving freely on the underworld!!! Dont you remember what his father did!!?"

Rias: "wait wait wait, you saying that the dealer wasn't on the underworld from the start???"

Lord Sirz: "no, Joker was since he leaves the house of Gremory, I send him to the humans world and put a barrier that prevents him from getting to the underworld."

The place fall silens, the thoughts speeding inside Rias and her group heads. What cut their thoughts was the voice of the dealer coming from the screen.

Joker: "well, is the fighters are ready!?"

The Phonix and Red dragon node and Riser smirk amused.

Joker: "well, Red Lizard, what your request from winning? Money? Women? Power?"

Issei: "you already know my answer, Joker, I will take the one and only, Rias Gremory!!"

Joker: "ah such a romantic line, well, fried chicken, what your request from winning?"

Riser: "simple..."

He point at Issei with smirk.

Riser: "I want that low class devil head!!"

Joker: "woah! Such a horror line, if I can say, I start like that chicken, maybe I will drop the price."

Riser: "really?!"

Joker: "ha!! Sorry, but one of my personality side is that I am a liar!! Hahahahah!!"

He then rise his arm up.

Joker: "on three. One-"


suddenly, a powerful strong light come out from Issei sending a strong winds around the field. Shocked Riser.

Joker: "oh come on! That's rude, you know?!"

The dealer dissapeared and apear on the wedding hall surprised everyone.

Joker: "WHATS UP!!"

Rias: "ah! Stop do that!!"

Lord Sirz: -_- "remind me..."


We see Lord Sirz sitting on his guardian with his wife, drinking tea and enjoy the beautiful day, until Alastor apear suddenly on next to them.

Alastor: "WHATS UP!!"

Grayfia: "AH!!"

Lord Sirz: "F*CKING STOP DO THAT!!!"

/end flashback.\

The force from Issei power burst send Riser flying some meters. After the light gone we see Issei standing there in red shiny armor.

Kiba: "is that!?"

Rias: "the balance break!!!"

Withote waiting, Issei with his new armor dash to Riser land a strong kick on his guts send him flying to nearby rock and then open his wings wide, start sending bunch of green balls from his wings at Riser withote stop.

The guests watching the fight shocked and on same time the ORC was confused.

Akeno: "how??"

Rias: "the only thing to get the balance break is to made a contact with the red dragon Emperor, it take years to achieve, instead he..."

Suddenly, she freezes and turn her head to Joker who was sitting on table and a wine cup on his hand.

Joker: "made a deal~"

Kiba: "you kidding!!!"

Rias: "y-you!"

Suddenly, Rias apear on front of the dealer and grap his suit sides roughly and glare at his eyes.

Lord Sirz: "Rias, no!!!"

Lord Phonix: "do she planning to kill herself?"

Rias: "Issei will NEVER break an order of mine, you manipulate him, right?!!"

Joker: "oh my dear Rias, I did nothing, I am just filling the promise we take years ago~"

She suddenly stop as her eyes goes wide, memories flash on her head like they was hidden for years.

Joker: "remember now~?"

She let go of him and hold her head with her hand.

Rias: "h-how did it..?"

Joker: "you shold as him~"

He look at Lord Sirz as Rias turn her attention to her brother confused.

Rias: "what's the meaning of this?"

Lord Sirz: "well, I think there is no use of hidden it anymore *sight* after I take the dealer to the humans realm, I delete every memories about him from your head like you never meet him..."

Rias stay silens for moments and turn her attention back to the battle.

Rias look back at the fight as Issei keep spamming beans at Riser while she bite her lip nervous.

Issei then stop, after the smoke goes, Riser come out all clean and unharmed.

Riser: "is that all you got? So weak."

Riser dash at Issei kick him hard in the guts but it didint effect, the armor was strong.

Issei: "boost!!"

He send a punche in Riser face send him flying on the sky, Riser spear his fire wings stay flying.

Issei start running charge at Riser but in the midule of the way, he fall on ground as his armor start dissapeared.

Issei: "damn it!! I ruined out from time..."

Kiba: "no!!!"

Riser land in the ground and walk to Issei body smiling.

Riser: "well well well, look like your littel toy didint help you much~"

He charge a fire attack on his hand.

Riser: "die!!!"

Rias: "NO!!!"

Issei with fast move land a punche with what he still have to Riser guts, surprisely, Riser fire disappear as he take steps back as his knees get weak.

Riser: "w-what the heck!? W-w-what happening to me!?"

He look back at Issei and see him holding a cross on his left hand.

Issei: "heh, got you..."

Riser: "t-that a dirty move!! Its not allow!!"

Issei: "oh sorry,.

Issei stand with no armor this time and hold up his punche.

Issei: "I didint read the laws book~"

As he land a hit on the midule of Riser face make him fall directly passing out.

Lord Sirz voice heard on the air accounts.

Sirz: "Riser Phonix cant fight anymore, the Red dragon Emperor win!!"

the group start cheering happy and Rias break crying.

Kiba: "he did it!!!"

Koneko: "yay..."

Akeno: "hella hooooya~!!!"

Zoro: "he really did it!"

Kiba: "wait who the hell are you!?"

Rias: "Issei..."

Rias jump from the balcony flying to where is Issei, he look up and see Rias coming fast as she can.

Issei: "breaks breaks breaks breaks brea-"

And he get smashed on her boobs, the both fall on ground as tears full Rias eyes.

Rias: "you really did it!! You really did it!"

Issei: "of cours, I promised you after all..."

The rest of ORC members come checking on Issei and congratulating him for the win with Lord Sirz.

Lord Sirz: "you are brave and smart worrier, Red, I can give you that."

Issei: "hehe thank ya!"

Riser: "please please no!!!"

The shouting catch their attention as they watch in horror crowling Riser with Joker on front of him.

Riser: "one more chance!!! Give me one more chance!!!"

Joker: "ah sorry, as they say, the deal is a deal. Hahahahaha!!!"

Riser : "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

A shiny black light start come out from Riser body, Lord Phonix watch in far as Lady Phonix gasped in horror.

Lord Phonix: "deserve it."

The light dissapeared as Riser body fall on ground.

Issei: "w-what did just happen?!"

Lord Sirz: "he lose his soul, that what happen."

The dealer turn to the group with his wide smirk and walk to them like nothing happen, leaving Riser body behind him.

Joker: "if I can say, I am really surprised."

Issei: "eh dont say that, if it wasn't you I wont be able to get this power."

Issei rise his fist to Joker with wide smile, surprise him a little but the dealer fist bomb him.

Joker: "it have been years since someon escape my deals, can't say it really annoying."

The dealer turn around and start walking, before he dissapeared, a pair of arms warped around him hug him from behind.

Rias: "thank really keep your promise."

Joker: "its business, not personal thing."

He dissapeared as Rias fall on the ground, looking down at the shadow pouting.

Rias: "cant you at last hug back!!?"

The other explode laughing and everything is over now.....right?


Chapter 12 and the first arc is done!!!

I wish you all enjoy it.

Finally it's done, the coming arc will be as the main story, Kokabiel arc, with you all excited. By the way, the Joker ultimate plan wont be like Alastor, the great war, nah, he have different plan you will know later.

I love this character FR!! My favorite character between all my books.

I take the name of "Joker" from persona 5 royal (dont ask me why.)

If you have any questions, ask here.

See ya