The Things Sena Likes - I *

Overzealous, Sena pushed Julian onto the bedding, a low creak echoing after she tossed her phone away and focused her gaze on the handsome man beneath her. 

A carnal flame bloomed in her abdomen like a wildfire from the moment she noticed his gaze, turning away while squeezing her eyes shut. In the darkness, the heat emitted from his sculpted body penetrated her from below.

"Julian, do you like me?" A soft, needy plea escaped her pink lips. 

When she felt his fingertips brush along her exposed thighs. His fingers sank into her flesh as if melted. He grasped her tightly with a sturdy grip. Sena tensed as her heart pounded, each beat a forceful thud against her ribs.

His eyelids slipped open, gazing up at the naked beauty sitting above his waist, her soft body a work of art, each curve supple and alluring. "Sena… Is that a fair question? Especially when you're sitting on me naked?"

"Hmmm~ but you—"