A Memorable Gift

The watch glistened with silver crystals within the black metal. It was beautiful and expensive, and it had been created with precision to be perfectly accurate. As it ticked away, each second passing by in an eternal cycle, Julian stared at the hands of the clock, his heart beating faster than it had ever beaten before.

A luxury brand watch… A Zenith collection masterpiece.

But also a watch with memories for Julian.

Or rather, specifically towards black watches, one made of magitek, given to him as a gift from Eleanor, bought and made on his fifteenth birthday and the day of her death.

The second time…

A gift that Sena bought for him, and something she placed on his wrist the night before the Devil took her life, and destroyed the last bunker in their city.

"Julian?" Sena's worried voice echoed, causing the hand holding the watch to tremble, before Julian gazed up to look at her and the world twisted… distorting.