After giving the girl her diary, she asks for her cards and I take her to my place. Since I'm not used to walking with nobody, she's kinda left behind, but we eventually arrive at my place. I unlock it and we both get in; I get Real has never seen a place like ours. I get that a lot even people from an elite school like ours.

"Wow, the house is so huge. What do your parents do?"

"I don't think it matters."

I hear a silent disappointed sigh from her, sending an ounce of guilt through my spine. I didn't want to give her the vibes that we're super rich or that we're better than her, even though it's still kind of evident we are rich.

I lead her to the couch and go to the refrigerator and find a note on the refrigerator;

We're at Tiffany's, whenever you feel alone you can join us and when you feel hungry, you can just order some Chinese or pizza.

Love, mom.

"That's sick." I say crumbling the paper into a ball and shoving into a bin. I take out two milkshakes and offer the girl one. Real, right; her. then I head upstairs her cards. As I'm getting them, I hear car tires screeching on the driveway and I look from the window of my room only to see my parents. I go downstairs and look at Real with worry written all over her face.

"Umm…who's that?" She asks with a shaky voice.

"Prolly my parents." I say handing her her cards.

Her face turns from fear to terror.

"Damn, your parents are here?! You didn't tell me they were coming any time sooner. Where is the back door?"

"Backdoor, why?"

"I need to leave; your parents can't find me here." She says packing her cards in her beach bag.

"You just need to meet them coz if you leave using the backdoor, then they'll be suspicious."

She looks at me wide-eyed as if I've given her a death wish. There's no way she's leaving using the backdoor.

"W-what I'm I gonna say to them?"

"Tell them you go to Montana High with me and that we're working on a project together."

"Are your parents gonna buy that?" She looks at me with a sigh of relief.

"Relax, my parents buy anything, and besides, they can't ask a lot."

Before she could utter another word, the sound of footsteps fills the atmosphere.

"Geez…I'm so exhausted." Mom's voice fills the room.

"Honey, where should I put these?"

"Just leave them on the counter." Mom replies. I look around to see dad carrying several shopping bags and mom in her red dress carrying a handbag and holding Daryn's hand. I look at Real who is just dumbfolded.

"How was your day?" I say trying to get their attention.

"Wow, surprisingly nice." She replies looking at her phone.

"Mil has brought a girl." Daryn shouts and suddenly, everyone's attention shifts to Real, to us. She closes her eyes and I gently take her hand and she looks at me and I node I assurance.

"Oh, really? Where's…" Then she notices Real and she goes dumbstruck.

"Well, at least now he has some company." Dad says.

"She's so pretty." Mom says taking her hand; smiling.

"Is she the new Sasha?" Daryn says.

"No, she's not my girlfriend, we're just partners." I try to explain.

"Partners?" Mom asks with a confused look on her face.

"Yes…partner, we're carrying out a project together." Real comes in and I can't be prouder.

"Aren't you just cute?" Mom says pinching Real's chicks and I feel kind of embarrassed.

"I like your hair, is it natural?" Daryn asks Real.

"Yes." Real said putting her hand to her hair.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Reality…you can simply call me Real."

My parents look at each other, trying to process everything.

"Wait, isn't it-" Mom said.

"Yeah, and I like it." Real cuts her.

"Cool, glad you do dear, don't take it too personal, I meant no offense."

"Non taken."

"Right, so, I'm Misha and he's Alejandro; we're Milan's parents." Mom said pointing at herself and then dad.

"Nice to meet y'all."

I put my hand on Real's arm to alert her. She might get herself caught. Not like I really care; just that I don't wanna explain everything to her and I know dad will be so judgmental about it. I could already see a raised eyebrow from dad.

"Nice to meet you all." Real says.

Daryn clears her throat.

"Of course." Mom says putting her arm around Daryn's shoulder.

"This is Daryn."

"Nice to meet you Daryn."

"I'm honored." Daryn says smiling.

I look at the way my mom is looking at Real and wonder how her mother is like. Then it hits me, does she even have a mom? What does she do, where does Real even go to school or if she works. I just have so many questions and I'm unable to get answers.

"So…tell me honestly, Real." Mom says holding Real's arm. "How's my outfit?" Mom says pulling her dress down and just watch as Real scans it.

"It's perfect." Real says, merely whispering.

"And my hair, do you think it needs bleaching?"

"No,'s just fine."

"And my make up?" Mom says.

"Mom…" I say trying to stop her. it's too much and she's getting on my nerves.

"Relax Milan baby, we're having a friendly girl to girl talk." Mom says before her attention shifts to Real again.

"Do the earrings match the outfit?"

Jeez, mom can be so embarrassing.

"Mom please, she needs to get going."

Mom's eyes go wide and she makes a sad face.

"Oh really, this soon?" Mom asks.

"Umm… yeah." Real says.

"Aren't you enjoying the chat?"

"I mean I am, but I need to get home, it's not very close." Real explains.

"Fine then." Mom says taking a deep breathe, trying not to hide her disappointment. She needs to understand that Real ain't no Sasha, she's her own person and not everybody cares about fashion. But I couldn't blame her, she was just really happy.

"I'll walk you to the door." I say going towards Real.

"Bye Misha." Real says and mom gives her a cheek kiss, she's bougie.

"Take care of yourself, and do visit again."

"I will. Bye Alejandro."

"Bye, do visit us again." dad says.

"Bye Daryn."

"Bye pretty girl, take care." Daryn says waving at Real.

"Come-on." I say to Real and we walk out the door and I close it.

"I'm sorry about my family's weird behavior."

Real looks at me wide eyed.

"Are you kidding me, your family's amazing." Real says with a huge smile on her face.

"They were just excited that I finally have some company." I tell her.

"Where are your friends?"

I just shrug. Prolly somewhere enjoying their fucking lives.

"I understand. "Real says sighing. "And your mom, she- "

"I know, she's annoying, right?" I cut her sentence.

"No, silly, she's a fun person to hang out with."

"You didn't have to pretend everything was okay when it wasn't."

"Come on, it was to me."

I just stare at her.

"Your family was tickled pink, do speak more often." Real says with a warm smile.

"I do, but people just shut me out, so what's the point."

"You ain't the type people would just shut out." Real says.

"You don't know me." I tell her. Real just gives an understanding look.

"I need to get going." Real says.

"Can I have your number?" I say; breaking the ice. She gives a confused look.


"I Dunno, maybe to speak more often."

"Fine." Real said smiling and I pass her my phone. She types her number and name.

"I'll get going now." Real says.

"Take care."

 I watch as she disappears into the darkness, looking at her number; I'm kind of surprised I actually had to ask for a number from a girl. I've normally never asked for a girl's number. Then it hits me, will she be okay, what if she meets those guys again. What's her life like. I get back inside and go straight to my room to sort my assignment.



This is the most boring day of the week. I get into my school uniform; a white shirt, dark blue pants, a dark blue blazer with white stripes on the collar, and a matching dark blue top, dark blue and white stripped tie and dark blue socks with two double white lines. I get into Math and Chemistry class, and the fourth period, I'm supposed to meet my school counsellor Maria. So, I get into her office.

"Morning Milan." Maria says looking at some papers.


"How did the game go last Friday?"

I clench my teeth and fold my hands into a fist. I don't wanna think about what happened on Friday.

"Have I ever lost a game?" I reply.

"Of course not." Mariah says shoving the documents into her draw and her attention shifts to me.

"I heard you weren't happy. Tell me what happened on Friday?"

I just don't feel like answering. So I just seat there and stare at her for a while and it becomes a staring competition. I just give in and face away.

"Now do you wanna tell me what happened on Friday?"

I take a deep breath.

"Troy was being an asshole, I didn't wanna pass him the ball." I tell her.

"Then why did you pass him the ball? Did you have an episode?"

I shrug.

"I thought I was going to; my vision was blurry. But Troy had been an asshole the whole game. And after that, I had to deal with my dad's fucked up attitude just because I wasn't the man of the game for some stupid reason that I passed the ball to Troy."

 I see Maria writing down some points in her diary which she always brings every Monday.

"Sometimes it's good to talk your thoughts out. Let your father know how you feel about it all." Maria says reaching out to me.

"Oh, right. So that they can all see how weak I am, right? You know what aMaria; I don't even give a fuck if they hate me or if my fucking dad thinks I'm not good enough just because I couldn't make the last goal. All I know is that I'm the best."

"But Milan-"

Before Maria could complete her sentence, I just get up and get my bag.

"There goes the bell."

"Maybe it's time you met your psychiatrist again, she might help you out with your problems." Maria says and I shake my head. I never wanna meet Khushi again.

"No, she can't help me out. In fact, no one can. See you on Monday." I say as I leave the office. 

I walk into the cafeteria to grab my food and everyone is literary staring at me; I get that most of the times, but this is because I'm on the same table with Sasha and Troy. It's what people call the high table as it is composed of what they call the cool kids or famous people. I decided to just ignore everyone and have my food quietly. The noise from our table just never stopped.

"Sasha's house is pretty huge, right Milan?" Troy asks and the table mates' attention shifts to me. Troy is super mean. I swallow the food in my mouth.

"Why don't you ask her yourself, she's right here." Say grabbing a napkin to clean my hands.

"Relax Bruh, I'm just playing with you." He says putting his arm around Sasha.

"Excuse me." I said getting up and going to my locker to grab my books and check the modules. The next class is Biology and Sasha is my biology desk mate and nobody is allowed to change until next year. Damn, my ex is my Bio desk mate.