After the long day I just had; I attend the party Joey's throwing for me and it seems most guys are clearly after me. I encounter this dude named Ethan and he's really flirty, but I just keep thinking about Milan. He asks me what my ideal man is and are you kidding me; it's obviously Milan. I just feel like I and him fit perfectly like a puzzle and I just tell him that it's too personal.

Ethan starts telling me how much he likes me and I honestly tell him that I understand and respect how he feels about me and that I'm not ready to be in a relationship with him and that this is all too fast and sudden and tell him he's however welcome to be my friend. He asks whether I'm single or dating and I tell him it's complicated. I leave the party early because I have an interview on the next day; I guess that's what being famous costs.

* * * * *

"I don't know how I'll ever cope without you."

Milan says gently laying on my lap and I put my palm on his cheek.

"I just feel like I'm so addicted to you." he says looking up at me and I look at him too as I smile.

"Oh really?"

"Do one thing."

Milan takes my hand.

"Be my forever."

This sends shockwaves across my spine and to hide it all; I burst out laughing leaving a confused mark on his face. I was always the unserious one.

"Is it funny to laugh at?" Milan asks; his face as neutral as it before and as it always is.

"I mean look at you, it's hard to believe you because you always so cold and you don't show any emotions on your face. You literally don't have facial expressions. Do you really feel anything at all?"

"I mean, yeah. I do feel happiness, sadness, sorrow and all sorts of things. Even pain; but my face doesn't really show. I do laugh sometimes."

"Yeah, but not casually though."

"Just like animals." He says and I'm confused.

"What you mean?"

"I mean, an animal has feelings, knows what it feels but the face doesn't show any emotions because they are certain of what they feel inside. Trust me, my feelings for you are real."

* * * * *

My phone starts ringing making me snap out of my little flashback. I spit out the toothpaste and wash my face and mouth and quickly grab my phone. It's the people from the show and they want to confirm if I'm still attending which I agree to.

After getting ready I set off for the interview and they ask me my full name; whether I have a middle name or not and I tell them I don't. they go on to ask about the awards and about my music career. Questions like hen did I start singing and I tell them ever since I could put notes together and especially about how my mom influenced me. They ask me about my relationship status and I decide to keep it private and not say much about it and ask me for how long I would love to be in a relationship with a guy and when I think of Milan, I just say infinity. The interview goes on and we discuss a lot of topics.

"Well, I faced a lot of problems in my life, for example; my mom's death and before she died, she told me to always be myself. Plus, when I moved to California, I met a guy who taught me to be happy with myself the way I am and always be me so he inspired me. he was actually even the one who took me to the first studio where recorded and got signed and all this inspired me. in short; the song "Being Real is technically about me and how much his influence inspired me."

"Wow, so speaking of guys, who sang verse two; it's literary a guy's voice. Where it talks about joy leaving pain being the only the companion."

"It was actually the guy I was talking about, but his identity is withheld because he doesn't want anyone to know it's him.

They respect my decisions which makes me love this show even more and they ask for some free styles and I do just that. I leave words of encouragement to all the youth like me out there.


It's Friday and I still have to meet Cam; he said he'd hit me up on Instagram. Not that I have some kind of special interest in him, but just because I have a lot to do. I decide to check my Instagram and I find this verified account written Cameron. I click it and there are a couple of messages.


Sup cupcake, this is Cameron

Hit me up


Morning, just wanted to remind you

That I'm picking you up this afternoon

 09:01 am

Damn girl, are you alive?

I'm on my way to your place






All I reply is okay, so I grab a glass of water and try to reply to the people's endless messages. I wear my casual clothes and wait for Cam. Thirty minutes later, there's a knock on the door; it must be Cam. He's five minutes late. I get the door and find him smiling at me.

I tell him he's late and he apologizes telling me there was traffic. We both get into his car. I press the button and the seatbelt comes across me. He starts the car and I ask him where we're going and he tells me I'll find out soon. I try to push him to ask me, but he tells me it won't be fun anymore.

"Hope you remember it's only a song we're working together for, nothing else. If it's trash, I'll leave."

Cam looks at me and puts his left hand on his chest.

"Do I look like the one to do so?"

"No, but you're the type to do so." I admit.

Cameron bursts out laughing making me feel awkward.

"I didn't know miss attitude could also crack jokes, nice one." Cam says.

Cam looks at me and opens his mouth again.

"Are you always like this?"

"No, it's prolly because I just won an award twenty-four hours ago."

Cameron starts laughing again as he shakes his head. He tells me my attitude is making him like me even more. Honestly, the thing is I haven't been having enough sleep ever since the hospital. The rest of the ride is in silence and Cam parks around a familiar café. Sebastian's café and I kind of lose it. I used to come here quite often with Milan, what kind of game is this?

"Sebastian's café, why we here?" I look at Cam.

"You don't like it?" he worriedly asks.

"Take me home, please."


"You should be nice, I said please."

Cam says it's fine and reverses the car, he takes the left turn and my home is the right one, I tell him my home's the other way and he tells me he knows but isn't taking me home easily and tells me we going to his place.

We arrive at this white mansion and he helps me out. I let him lead the way and I follow soot. The house has these incredible walls and there's this chandelier and some fancy chairs and a huge TV on the wall. He leads me to the couch where I take a seat.

"Sorry, things might not be as expected coz I just bought it and I didn't have much time to mend things."

"I like your house." I say looking around.

"I'm glad you do."

"You leave alone?" I ask upon realizing how huge the house really is. It's crazy to think about it all at the same time.

"Yeah, wanna move in with me? there's a lot of room." Cam says winking at me and I just blush it off and decide to play along.


"To be safe you need to sleep in my room. You know, anything could happen."

We bot burst out laughing at that. Cam is so funny. I tell him how courageous he must be to leave here all alone and he tells me of how he always has company and I suggest it's his girlfriend and he tells me that he's single and that he might soon; referring to me.

Cam tells me that he's gonna invite his family to stay with him and how pushy families can be. He offers me orange juice, which I agree to because I'm kind of feeling hungry and thirsty and he leaves for the kitchen to prepare something and claims that we can't work on empty stomachs.

I start watching TV and there's keeping up with the Kardashians and Kim and Kendoll are fighting. I look over at Cam, I see him so focused on his cooking. He's so sweet. Milan can't cook; but he's always been there for me and so sweet.

Bored, I start scrolling on pics on my phone and come across mine and Milan's pic and kind of become so emotional. I just miss him and my tears start to water.

"Getting emotional, are we?" Cam says.

I tell him I'm fine, but he insists and I just end up snapping. I scream at him telling him I'm okay. I don't remember losing it that easily.

"I…I didn't mean for it to come out that way." I tell him.

"Come on, it's okay. I actually have a friend who's a king to mood swings and tempers. So, it's nothing." He says.

He tells me lunch is ready; he's prepared some pasta and meat balls. He waits for me to try it out. I take a spoon full and it tastes amazing. I complement him on the nice meal and he's glad I like it; who wouldn't.

After lunch, I and him begin working on the song and I grab my phone on the page I'm writing down my lyrics. I can feel Cam staring at me so much.

"I was serious about you moving in with me by the way." I look up from my phone and at him. I can't believe it.

I tell him that I'm gonna move into my own house soon enough only that I need to get a few things done and that there's nothing to worry about.

"What's the percentage?"

I look at him confused; trying to figure out what it is that he is trying to mean.

"The percentage of being with you." he adds, so I put my phone away.

"Look, I'll be honest with you Cam."

"I really like you, Real." Cam holds my hands making me feel scared rather than safe.

"But how, you don't even know me."

Cam tries to defend himself by saying he liked me the first time he saw me and that he doesn't like to beat around the bush. I don't know how he really thinks and whether he really means it or not. I just zone out and start thinking about my personal life.

Cam asks me if I'm listening whilst still holding my arm and I am brought back to reality. I let my hand go from his grip and begin my explanation. Cam tells me I'm free to tell him anything which I stake to my advantage.

"Listen, Cameron; it's okay if you like me as a friend, it's very common. However, if you like me more than a friend, then I'm sorry to say I already like someone else."