Chapter twelve


Looking at the almost lifeless body before her, Toriah all shocked walks to Ian to check his pulse. Her heart pounding faster with each move. Feeling weak upon getting closer, Toriah drops down to the floor next to Ian. A vivid image of what she shared with Ian strikes and she starts to think to herself. Is she ready to bury it all down?

"N-no. Ian can't die like this…"

Shaking her head in disapproval, Toriah touches Ian and puts his head on her lap. She pushes his hair backwards as she also wipes tears off her face. Not knowing what to do, Toriah can't help it but shade a river.


Amidst everything, Suge walks in with horror written all over his face and looking so helpless.

"S-Suge. You're here…Ian is is…not waking up."

Looking very confused, Toriah jumps on Suge's collar, holding it so tightly.


"He-he is not listening to me. Speak to him maybe he'll wake up."

Sounding so breathless, Toriah looks at Ian.

"Toriah!" Suge shakes Toriah so hard. She suddenly gets quiet.

"Get a hold of yourself." Toriah looks at Suge still confused. Suge knows she's not okay so he wraps his hands around her. Toriah breaks down crying.

"Ian is not waking up, Suge. I don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"I know."

Suge soothes his hands in Toriah's hair as she is crying so much. It is clear Toriah's love for Ian hasn't changed

How Ian lands up at the hospital is a story for another time. Toriah is on the benches of a hospital sitting all alone in a horrible state Suddenly she feels a warm hand on her shoulder. Turning around is Hale. Feeling startled and at the same time relieved, she jumps on Hale as she wraps her into a hug with her tears rolling down.

"Wanna go home?" Hale softly speaks in Toriah's ear.

Without a second thought, Toriah instantly nodes and the two walk out of the hospital.

"Well, I hope you have learnt your lesson now and next time you will tell me before things go out of hand."

Hale slightly smiles at Toriah who still looks exhausted. She then pulls up the duvet to Toriah's waist.

"Have some rest now."

As Toriah closes her eyes, Hale's eyes become teary with pity. She can't believe how much her little girl has grown and how much she's experienced alone. She knows she should have been there for her. She moves out of Toriah's bed and stands at the balcony with a glass of wine. She takes up a big sip and looks at the stars as the cool air hits her face.


"N-nothing will happen to you, Ian…y-you will be okay. L-look at me."

Toriah, with a river of tears on her face holds Ian while Suge is by her side. Ian is now shaking and his eyes are half-open. The two hold him as the ambulance moves faster and Ian shakes with every bump the ambulance hits.


"Ian…I won't let anything happen to you."

Toriah with her eyes half-open starts to shake as she moves left and right. She must be having a bad dream.


Toriah shouts as she hurriedly gets up to sit upright. Hale leaves everything she's doing and runs to Toriah.

"Are you okay?"

Toriah tightly throws her arms around Hale as she cries uncontrollably. While trying to soothe her, Toriah suddenly remembers Ian's wound and runs to the toilets where she starts to throw up. Hale follows her who puts her hand on her back. Toriah is undoubtedly traumatized.

Toriah is on the couch and scrolling on her phone. Hale hands her a cup of coffee. She seems to be doing better.

"Morning." Toriah blurts it as she sips on the coffee.

"You seem happy today. You going somewhere?"

"Yeah. I want to go see Ian at the hospital."

Hale can clearly see how much Toriah is fond of Ian. She is now scared on her behalf for what might happen. The journey to the hospital is really quiet with Toriah looking happy and Hale silently driving her while constantly staring at Toriah. She doesn't want her to get hurt.

"I'll call you."

Toriah slams the door as she walks into the hospital while Hale watches her before she drives off.

Suge is on the benches next to Ian's room. A chill suddenly passes through Toriah's spine. She nervously walks to Suge as she prays for some good news.

"Has he regained consciousness?"

Toriah sighs as she joins Suge on the benches. Suge shakes his head to Toriah's question making her heart beat even faster.

"You know what…he was a good guy…"

"Was? My son is still alive. He is busy fighting for his life and you're already using past tense?"


Toriah stands up shocked like a cartoon character upon seeing Viola who doesn't look so happy. Ignoring her anger, Toriah walks to hug Viola who pushes her.

"Don't touch me!"

Now Toriah can tell how furious Viola is. Startled, Toriah stops short. Before Viola can storm on Toriah, the doctor arrives.

"Ian has regained consciousness."

"Can we see him?" Feeling really excited and relieved, Viola asks looking at Suge with a smile.

"Yes. Which one of you is Toriah?"

"Me." Still shocked, Toriah steps forward. It is clear Viola isn't pleased.

"You're really loved. Are you his mom?" The doctor curiously asks as he throws his eyes at Viola.

"Yes, doctor."

"Please come with me. There some things we have to discuss about."


Viola leaves with the doctor. One can tell she is tired. She has just landed after a 10-hour flight. When Ian was slitting his wrists, Viola was in Dubai. As soon as she heard the news, she took the earliest flight back.

Toriah doesn't know what to do. Suge holds her hand and gives her a go-ahead node. They both walk into the room where they find Ian and a nurse. Ian is seated upright while the nurse is tying up a bandage on his wrist. Toriah vividly looks at the water drip and canular connected to Ian and starts to feel dizzy. She can't move.

"Sup cuz, how you doing?" Suge excitedly walk to Ian. The two vibes for a moment until the nurse finalizes and starts to leave. Ian then notices Toriah.

"Can I speak to Toriah in private?" Ian blankly stares at Toriah.

Suge walks out leaving the two talk for some time. Toriah walks to Ian with her eyes sparkly with tears.

"What do you think of yourself. You wanted to leave me, huh? Whom do you think I would've stayed with?" Toriah pokes Ian on the chest.


"Look at what you have done to yourself. All because of me? I hate you!"

Ian hugs Toriah who is crying. She feels relieved with the hug. Toriah knows he's sorry.

Toriah playfully touches Ian's chain which is on his neck as they both look in each other's eyes. Ian tightly holds on to Toriah as the bed is smaller for the two and yet they want to be close. Toriah feels hoarse and Ian can see it.

"I don't know what I would've done if you died. I would've died too."

"That's enough." Ian wraps his hands around Toriah as tears flow down her cheek. Ian wipes them off for her.

"I hate to see you cry."

Toriah smiles. She then holds Ian's hand and looks in his eyes.

"Let's be like this forever."

Viola and Suge walk into the room with a bouquet of flowers. She becomes furious as they are welcomed by a stunning image of Ian and Toriah sleeping so close to each other with Ian's arms wrapped around Toriah. Viola's nostrils flair up and her cheeks go red as she glares at the site of Toriah and Ian together; walks up to Toriah and pokes her in a not so friendly way. Confused, Toriah has a blurry vision of Viola. She quickly opens up her eyes and jumps out of bed. Viola ignores Toriah and sits on Ian's bed while pressing the flowers on the table just next to Ian's bed.

Ian moves his hand on the other side of the bed and opens his eyes upon noticing that Toriah isn't there anymore. Seeing Viola, he hurriedly sits upright.

"Mom, you're here. When did you arrive?"

"About an hour ago."

Viola is so warm towards Ian and Toriah can see it. However, all Viola can see for Toriah is hate. Toriah standing at the door, not knowing what to do starts to feel her legs heavy and she can no longer hold her tears.

"My son is in this condition because of you." Viola says pointing at Toriah, rage written all over her face.

"Mom what are you doing?" Ian asks from across the room.

"Get out of my son's room, I don't want to see you." Viola says holding Toriah's hand in a tight grip and walking her to the door.

Toriah overpowered by Viola's vengeance simply looks at Ian with her teary eyes as she walks to the door with Viola.

"Mom, stop it." Ian says about to get up, but he loses his balance as he is still very weak.

"This is all your fault!" Viola angrily says pointing at Toriah and slamming the door.

Viola then rushes to help Ian out.

"It's okay baby, mommy's here. Nurse!" Viola calls out.

Feeling really embarrassed and defeated; Toriah sits on a bench next to Ian's room. 'Ian is in this state because of me,' she thinks to herself. 'Wait, then I have to fix things.' Toriah wipes her eyes and walks back into the room. While the nurse attends to Ian, Viola helplessly looks in the other direction just to see Toriah walking back in.

"You again. Did you get what I said to you?"

"Ian is in this condition because of me. He did it for me so I will be here for him."

Viola is astonished at Toriah's sudden confidence. Not knowing what to do, she holds her peace while Toriah walks in with a soft smile.

"Correction, I didn't do it for you. I did it for me." Ian finally comments while trying to persist the pain from his wrists.


Toriah stops short, trying to digest what Ian had just said. She suddenly sees the world trembling in her face. Like soldiers ready to defend, her tears vividly flow down her cheeks.

"You heard him. Now leave this room."

Viola once again holds Toriah by the hand and drags her out of the room making her fall to the ground. Closing the door, she looks at the nurse.

"Nurse, don't let her in here again."

Filled with pity, Suge walks out of the room. He is welcomed by a sad scene of Toriah still on the floor and crying. He places his hand on her shoulders and help her to a chair. He stays with her until she soothes up.

"Am really sorry for what happened."

Toriah sniffs in and checks her phone. She then stands up. "I have to go."

"Take care."

Suge also stands up. Before he can say anything else, Toriah walks away.

Toriah gets into her mom's car who is just arriving. Excited to see her daughter, Hale realizes the sorrow in Toriah's eyes making her to slowly lose her smile.

"I have decided." Toriah sniffs in while she wipes off some tears making Hale to have some mixed emotions.