The Reason

"Just one final question, Genos." The glasses wearing Hero Association interviewer placed a tablet on the table, its screen facing him. "Does this building look familiar to you?

We've been secretly investigating a group of troublemakers that call themselves the House of Evolution.

Just when we identified its center of operations, we found the building had been mysteriously destroyed."

A stubbly bearded man who looked a bit like Caspian chimed in. "And with overwhelmingly intense firepower."

The glasses wearing man changed the tablet's screen and asked, "Are you responsible for this?"

Silence filled the room.

I must protect Master Caspian's interests at all costs!

"I am solely responsible. Why?"

The interviewers' moods lightened upon hearing his confirmation. The balding interviewer on the far right stamped a piece of paper.

After shaking the hands of the three and hearing their praise and high expectations for him, he exited the room.

Master, I hope my words cause them to cease their investigation.

Traveling down a long, well-lit hallway, he noticed a sign for the men's locker room and entered.

It didn't take long to find Caspian, as he was the only person there pacing back and forth.

"What's wrong Master?"

"Ah, nothing Genos." Caspian stopped. "So, you finished too, then?"



Genos, though unconvinced, didn't pursue Caspian on the matter and attempted to cheer him up.

"Both the written and fitness tests were far too simple, weren't they, Master?"

"Yup, haha. Is that all it takes to become a hero?"

Genos, proud that he had made Caspian laugh, continued, "We should get our results soon.

70 points is a passing grade. The written test was so easy anyone could get full points on it.

That just leaves the fitness test, which for us should not have posed any problems."

"At least, that's for certain."

¤ ¤ ¤

One hour, masquerading as many—Is how Caspian would describe the wait for the Written Tests' results.

Caspian sat in silence beside Genos on the locker room bench.

A nervous sweat had formed on the back of Caspian's neck.

How was I supposed to answer those ridiculous questions? I didn't get called for an interview either… Oh Saitama, did I have you all wrong?

Mercifully, his maddening thoughts helped him forget the passage of time and before he knew it, a Hero Association staff member approached the two.

The staff member approached Genos first, his attitude a night and day difference between the blank look Caspian received when handed his sealed test results.

Genos stood up. "I got 100 points."

"I knew you would."

"Thank you for having faith in me, Master. It says I'm certified as a S-Class Hero."

"Of course," said Caspian as he rose to his feet, turning his back to Genos.

"I am sure these rankings mean little. How did you do, Master?"

Ploddingly, he slid the test results from the envelope.

Caspian shuddered. No…


"As it turns out…" Turning to face Genos, he raised up his test results. "I'm only a C-Class Hero with a score of 72 points."

Genos narrowed his eyes. "It must be a mistake. I will lodge a complaint with the testers."

"No, don't! I don't want to draw unnecessary attention to myself."


A voice echoed through the locker room's PA system. "Mr. Genos, Mr. Caspian, there will be a seminar for successful candidates at 4:00 PM. Please come to lecture hall No. 3."

"All right, let's go." Caspian motioned for Genos to follow. "Let's just take care of this and get back home."

¤ ¤ ¤

After taking an elevator to the correct floor, Genos followed Caspian down a curving hallway. On the right side, tall barred windows offered a clear view of the city outside Hero Certification Exam Venue No. 6.

Genos wore a proud smile, his gaze fixed on the reflections dancing across Caspian's head.

Master won't admit it, but I understand why he purposefully failed the written test.

"Genos, did you bring what I asked?"

He reached into his pocket and handed Caspian the items. "Yes, several packs of gum. I wouldn't let you let you down."

"Thanks Genos. Ah, there's our room."

Genos opened the door.

Inside the room were rows of desks, each with two chairs.

"We appear to be the only new heroes here," said Genos as the two sat down at the frontmost center desk.

"The passing rate can't be that high…" Muttered Caspian.

A slight movement caught Genos' eye. He glanced over and observed Caspian stuffing an entire pack of gum into his mouth.

The reason for your choice...


The door latched shut behind a serious-looking man with spiky black hair. Stepping onto the elevated platform, he made his way to the multimedia podium and placed both hands on it.

"First, congratulations on passing.

Now one of you only made it on a fluke, so unless you want your luck to go to waste, I better see you giving it your all."

Genos tuned out the second he heard the man put down Caspian.

Master, to discover the true character of those around you, you did poorly on the test in order to start at the bottom. I feel foolish for not following your lead.

The seminar teacher pointed to Caspian. "From here on, keep you hero status in mind and act modestly! After all, your faces will be placed on the Hero Association website."

Peeking over, Genos realized his master's gum chewing had grown in intensity, growing into an enormous bubble. Master's bubble-blowing skills are immense!

"Did you hear me? That goofball head of yours is gonna be shown to the whole world.

If you don't want to humiliate yourselves…" The teacher leaped onto the podium and began performing some type of ritualistic dance. "Aspire to be a fine hero like me!"


"Master! This cheap of gum can't handle your level of talent!" Genos cried out as he tried to offer Caspian a handkerchief.

Struck in an odd pose, the teacher continued. "As an A-Class Hero, I have some influence over the Association.

I'll make sure those who behave irresponsibly…lose points and get demoted. Don't you forget it!"

You're already being targeted because of your decision. I hope when the time comes, I'll be able to let everyone know of your greatness.

¤ ¤ ¤

The setting sun bathed a dejected Caspian in golden light as he trudged along a riverside path, its name a mystery to him.

I had forgotten how terrible I was at writing essays back in school. Not sure why I thought I'd ace the Written Test then, but still those questions...

Caspian paused, his gaze drifting to the cityscape across the river. Oh well. On the bright side, Genos seems even more supportive than usual. Whatever issue he faced the other day appears to have resolved itself as well.

The sound of someone's rapid footsteps approached.

I knew you'd come find me regardless of where I went.

"The newcomer seminar isn't over yet!"


Sneck landed in front of Caspian. "In this business, there's a thing called rookie crushing."

Caspian kept his hands in the pockets of his 'Oppai' hoodie, his patience on a thread.

"A lot of us hero—"

"I'm honestly not a big fan of yours at this point. Just come 'crush' me, okay?"

Sneck, enraged, charged forward. "Arrogance!" he shouted as he launched his 'Biting Snake Fist.' "I'll give you an extended rookie-crushing lesson... like this!" He landed a direct hit.

