That's a Sweet Mask

Yesterday, to Caspian's surprise, he not only found Yuta but also had the chance to save her.

With Yuta met and rescued, he had now met half of his pursuits in person. As for the other three… There had been no information on their potential whereabouts before they appeared in the plotline. This, of course, left Caspian in a frustrating position, leading him to make a choice.

Now that Genos was his disciple, he decided part of his 'training,' would involve him helping him track down the final three, as well as get an idea where Tatsumaki and Yuta, typically stayed. He already knew where Mosquito Girl was, which saved him one headache.

He knew his behavior and fixations weren't normal, but why care? He never saw himself as righteous or morally superior, unlike those preaching in social media comment sections. If anyone stood in his way, well, he had a solution…

Caspian would inform Genos of his task after—.

"Master, as you promised, please go all out in our sparring match, likewise I too will give it my all."

¤ ¤ ¤

While Caspian and Genos sparred, a frustrated Yuta sat in the meeting room of the 'Council of Swordmasters' back in G-City. At the low table, her father, Amahare, sat to her left. Across from her was Nichirin, the Council's head, while to her right sat Kamikaze, better known by his hero alias, 'Atomic Samurai', accompanied by his three disciples: Iaian, Okamaitachi, and Bushidrill.

The Council members absent from the room had volunteered to patrol the city's outer edges.

Today's meeting was called in order to discuss yesterday's events. Now that G-City had returned to its previous state, it was determined that the city's threat response had been found lacking.

Nichirin crossed his arms. "Yuta, are you certain this man claimed to be a C-Class Hero, and then killed Demon-level Threat in a single strike?"


"Tch." Atomic Samurai interrupted. "Nonsense. A meager C-Class Hero is incapable of such strength. Besides, we already know who dealt with the monster."

Amahare chimed in. "My daughter would not fabricate such a tale."

Yuta's lips curled faintly. Her father had always had her back, and this incident proved no different.

Hushed side conversations went over the details.

Nichirin cleared his throat, drawing in everyone's focus. "Yuta, while I do you believe you saw this man, I believe the thick smoke and fog likely obscured the last moments before the monster's demise."

After waiting to see if anyone spoke up, Nichirin continued. "Atomic Samurai is correct. It has been confirmed that King, who had been visiting G-City, defeated the monster and departed right after."

King? This…

Yuta couldn't get through to them, yesterday, or today, it seemed. She would have to find this lecherous powerhouse herself.

All those in the room, beside Amahare, clearly believed King to be responsible without a single doubt.

Now all she had to do was leave bef—

"Now that issue has been resolved. Let us move on next topic."

Yuta internally sighed.

There was a reason she never sat in on these meetings when offered the chance — they always dragged on until nightfall.

¤ ¤ ¤

Does he think I won't teach him a lesson?

Tatsumaki had spent the entire day searching for a festival. Just as she found one and was about to reach the candy apple stand, a call came through about another atmospheric disturbance near Z-City Ghost Town.

Down below her, lied a large desolate gorge. Scattered across it were various signs of a recent battle.

What could he have been fighting?

Descending from the cloudy blue sky, her gaze naturally fell to the aftermath of the fight. Sizable scorch marks marred the makeshift battlefield, blackened streaks cutting jagged paths through the terrain.

She felt certain that Caspian was responsible for this atmospheric disturbance as well. But what kind of monster could battle him like this, given his somewhat impressive strength?

Her eyes widened when she saw a massive section of the gorge carved out to the opposite end, and even a distant mountain bore a similar fate.

"Hmph! Is he trying to show off? He's not the only one who can," she muttered.

Extending her hands, she summoned a massive vortex of psychic energy, the air around her crackling with power.

What followed was the most intense battle Tatsumaki had ever had—against nature.


Tatsumaki stood on the ground, sweat coating every inch of her petite figure.

Annoyed, she answered the phone. "What?!"

"Tornado! What happened? We received reports of another atmospheric disturbance. Does that mean you located and defeated the monster?"

"There is no monster I cannot defeat. Don't imply I could fail!"

"Right. Great work," the caller said. "Regarding Z-City Ghost Town, there will be a hero assignment posted to investigate the area. With this second atmospheric disturbance occurring so close to the first, it's imperative we uncover why such powerful monsters keep appearing and launching seemingly aimless strikes."


"I will also take part in this assignment."

There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"T-Tornado, do you really need to participate? It is an A-Rank Assignment and—"

"I said I'll take part!"

"…Understood. We will send you the details shortly. Would you like us to dispatch the aircraft?"

Tatsumaki enveloped herself in a glow of psychic energy, slowly ascending into the sky. "No need. I'll fly myself home today," she replied, a hint of pride lighting up her face.


She ended the call and glanced between two distinct points in the terrain below.

Her efforts had paid off. Beside Caspian's devastating strike lay an identical replica—except hers was slightly larger in every measurable way.

Let's see if you're still so cocky now.

¤ ¤ ¤

"I had a feeling you liked udon."

"Yes, I'm not very picky."

The sun had set by the time Caspian and Genos finished sparring and made their way to a small udon shop.

"Well, I'm also kinda low on funds—actually," Caspian smirked. "I still have enough left from my rookie crushing."

Genos lurched forward. "What? Did someone attempt to crush you, Master?"

"No worries. It was just our seminar teacher looking out for me. He even rewarded me afterward."

"To even reward you after his defeat. I may have misjudged him."

"Maybe… How about we get two large bowls of udon, my treat?"

Genos nodded.

Caspian recalled that Sweet Mask is likely to arrive soon. Leaning in closer, he whispered. "Oh, by the way Genos, you're about to have your very own rookie crushing experience."

¤ ¤ ¤

What an ugly place.

Sweet Mask stood outside the location given to him over the phone.

Sliding open the wooden door, he stepped inside.

"Welcome?! Huh?"

There you are.

Sweet Mask continued forward, wearing the fake smile he knew best.

There, ahead of him, seated at a table, was the person he was looking for.

"You must be Genos."

Genos looked at him. "And you Sweet Mask, A-Class Rank 1."

Hmm… He already knows of me. No matter.

"I'd like to talk to you."


"It's Sweet Mask!"

"He's so gorgeous!"

The udon store customers started fawning from behind.

"Talk? I already know why you're here."

Sweet Mask felt the rare tinge of surprise. Is there some piece of information I'm missing about him?

"Please wait here, Master. I'll handle this," Genos said as he stood up from his chair. "Let's go. This will allow me to digest my food better than walking."

Sweet Mask smiled. That's right. Fall in line, I'll inform you of the other expectations a hero must follow in a moment.

He turned around, Genos in tow, but came to a sudden halt when an unknown voice reached his ears.

"That mask you wear is pretty sweet."

Sweet Mask's yellow eyes turned bloodshot as he snapped back toward the speaker. A coincidental tasteless play on words? Who is this baldy?

The baldy stared straight at him with a smug smile.

"Genos, why didn't you introduce me to your friend?" Sweet Mask asked, forcing his murderous emotions back.

"My apologies." Genos puffed out his chest. "This is Caspian, my master."


Caspian remained seated, his expression unchanged. "That was a bit too revealing, wasn't it, Mask? Are the cracks beginning to show?"

Sweet Mask's thoughts spun into a chaotic mess. How could he possibly know?

Before he could snap, a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Is everything okay? We should take care of this now."

"Y-Yes, you're right." Sweet Mask ran his hand through his light-blue hair, while his eyes remained on Caspian, filled with baleful intent.

¤ ¤ ¤

A couple minutes after Genos and Sweet Mask left the udon shop, Genos reappeared at the entrance, frowning.

Caspian paid for their meals and approached Genos.

"Well, how did the rookie crushing go?"

Genos shook his head. "He wanted to do no such thing. I have not the slightest clue what he wanted from me. He asked several odd questions about you and then left in a hurry."

Caspian chuckled to himself. He hoped Sweet Mask was losing his mind at the moment. If this didn't grasp Sweet Mask's attention, then he would have to resort to an alternate method.

"Why did your odd phrasing affect him so much?"

Caspian patted Genos on the back and said, "Uncovering that on your own will be a form of training. Speaking of training, there's an important matter I need to discuss with you. Let's head home first. You planned on moving in tonight, right?"

"Master, your knowledge and foresight are second only to your strength."

"Right... Don't forget to pack your own toothbrush."

"I will not!"

Before the two could leave, several customers ran up to them.

"Excuse me!" a teenage girl called out. "You're both friends with Sweet Mask, right?" She extended her arm. "Can I shake your hands?"

Caspian smiled. A pleasant change.