The List

Caspian sat at the table in his living room, notebook in hand. Genos sat across from him, his unwavering gaze fixed on Caspian, waiting in silence.

This notebook detailed the extensive fruits of Genos' 'training' over the past week.

"I'm impressed," said Caspian as he placed the notebook on the table.

"Master, I encountered a couple of issues. But I held off on reporting them right away because I didn't want to spoil the good mood you have been in."

"I may be your master. But, even more so, I'm your friend, Genos. You don't need to keep apologizing or calling me master."

"Understood master!"

Caspian sighed. "Alright, what issues did you face?"

"Regarding Wavygyaza, I haven't been able to track her location. As far as I can tell, she's disappeared."

"Right. She's currently undergoing cybernetic and physical enhancements. We'll need to expand the search to a certain newly established organization, but that can wait for now." He paused, his tone shifting to something more serious. "That leads me to a question I need to ask. Do you think Doctor Kuseno would help her when the time comes?"

"While I can't answer for the Doctor. I'm confident he will agree. He is a very kind and selfless man who I am forever indebted to."

"I look forward to meeting him. Regardless, even if he agrees, until Wavygyaza completes her enhancements and reemerges, a firm answer won't make a difference. What about the other issue?"

Genos leaned forward and planted his elbows on the table. "The note you gave me is gone. Stolen."


"Yes. Two nights ago, I was passing by our sparring area and spotted a duplicate of the aftermath of your punch."

Duplicate? What's going on?

Genos continued. "I analyzed both samples. The duplicate exceeds the original in every measurable way."

"My first thought was that you had returned, but before I could conduct any further tests in the area, an unseen force seized my body and dragged me into the sky."

"Could it be…?"

"You're correct, Master. Tatsumaki, the 2nd Rank S-Class Hero, was in the area—likely investigating the aftermath of our sparring session."

That was definitely what I was going to say.

"I would never toss out a note you gave to me, so when Tatsumaki saw it in my hand, she seized it."

"Genos, just summarize the important details instead, please."

"Certainly. She questioned if I knew anything about the battle that transpired there."

Caspian's palms turned sweaty. "And the note? Did you mention me?"

"On no account. I told her I was hunting monsters in the area and that the list was of individuals I was a fan of."

"And she bought it?"

"Presumably. However, her obsession with your attack and the duplicates seemed off. She kept asking if I could discern how superior the duplicate was."

"She actually called it a duplicate?"

"No. She called it an 'evolution.'"

"R-Right." Caspian stifled a chuckle. "And after that, she just let you go?"

"Not before accusing me of bringing down the S-Class Heroes' reputation by acting like a creep with that list of names. Though, it mostly boiled down to her younger sister, Fubuki, being on the list. She threatened to turn me into scrap if I ever got near her sister."

Sorry, Genos... But dammit! If she ever finds out the true meaning of that list…

"My bad, Genos. But this brings us to your second lesson as my apprentice."


Genos withdrew a notebook and pen by the time Caspian finished his sentence.

Caspian held out his hand and said, "Willpower."


"Correct." Caspian's tone sharpened. "Sufficient willpower greatly minimizes an Esper's hold. Master it, and you will become their worst nightmare."

Genos scribbled notes, grip tightening on his pen. "How do I train it?"

What do I say? Telling him to abstain from AC in the summer won't cut it.

"Uncomfortable. Do what makes you uncomfortable."

Genos sprang to his feet and said, "Simple, yet profound. Thank you Master! I must begin my training now."


Genos blurred out of the apartment.

"He's going to break that door someday. Well, he'll fix it so it's not really an issue."



Caspian looked toward a jar that sat on the counter that rested below the kitchen's pass-through window. "Little M, you've been quiet lately. Still not hungry?"

He discovered, to his surprise, that Little M required no food and grew more energetic each day. It defied logic — but then again, this mosquito had been an anomaly from the start.

Caspian arrived beside the jar. "Don't worry, one of those 'great things' I mentioned will take place soon. I know so, for this 'great thing' has been prophesied."

BZzZz Little M frolicked in the air.

"When Mosquito Girl comes here, maybe we can have an actual conversation with her as the interpreter.

Anyhow, I need to wrap up my C-Class Hero obligations today."

¤ ¤ ¤

How many cities must I scour through? Where are you hiding Caspian?

Sonic had traveled from city to city, scrutinizing every square inch, and yet he still couldn't find Caspian.

He didn't care. He would search the entire planet if he had to. But that wouldn't be necessary today.

For when Sonic entered the business district of Z-City, he spotted the eye-catching reflection off his target's head.

Your days of hiding are over! Huh, what is he up to?

Sonic observed as Caspian stood on a crosswalk, stationary, pondering over some unknown detail.

As my fated rival, I'll teach you why you should never let your guard down.

Sonic launched a kunai toward Caspian.


"What?!" Sonic's voice slipped out.

Instead of piercing through his fated rival, it passed through him before losing momentum and bouncing off a building.

How could I miss? He didn't move at all.

Sonic reassessed the situation. Caspian remained in place, unaware of his impending doom. If that was the case, he would hold back no longer.

He grasped the hilt of his ninjato and blazed forward at a speed beyond sound.

My speed has grown even more! You can't keep up!

The moment before his blade connected with Caspian's neck—it vanished from his hands.

I swung into his neck, but my ninjato vanished instead of slicing through him!

Sonic, baffled, came to a stop near Caspian, who by now had noticed him.

"Hey! You're that guy… 'Seed-on-the-Ground!'"

"It's 'Speed-o'-Sound Sonic...'"

A woman's cry rang out in the distance. "Ahhh! Help! Somebody is dropping swords from the sky!"

Sonic frowned. Z-City has really gone downhill. Once I defeat Caspian, I'll depart immediately.