The Outsider

Tatsumaki leaned against the cold metal walls of the Hero Association Headquarters, her expression unreadable.

Her thoughts kept circling back to that day. Why had she kissed him? Did she do it just to win? No! She had enjoyed it. Her heart had never raced so fast.

But how could she accept such a good feeling? She wouldn't give in, right? Blast's advice echoed in her mind: 'When the time comes, don't go expecting someone to come save you.' So why would a relationship be any different? Why trust that he wouldn't disappoint her, wouldn't leave her in the end?

Tatsumaki had avoided him at all costs, even staying away from home and staying at hotels. She hated this behavior. Since when did she run from anything? This wasn't like her. Then again, she had never met anyone who made her feel the way Caspian did.

Why's it have to be this way? Be this way…


The high-tech automated security door, labeled 'MR,' split down the middle, its halves retracting seamlessly into the walls.

Before Tatsumaki, still pulling herself from her thoughts, could glance over to see who had entered, her attention was drawn to Atomic Samurai. Who had been standing off to the left of her but now had turned and began striding toward the newcomers.

"Oh ho, Silver Fang!"

"It's been a while, Atomic Samurai."

"I knew you would come. And this is the cyborg Genos and… Hm? Who's this?"

Tatsumaki's heart pounded against her ribcage. Why…? Why did you have to come here, of all places?

The words she wanted to say stuck in her throat. She couldn't speak. Never had she imagined he could affect her even more deeply than he already had.

Bang motioned toward Caspian, who stood beside him. "This is the B-Class Hero Caspian. His exceptional talent will one day place him atop S-Class, I'm sure, so we asked him to come."

B-Class?! I didn't even know he was a hero… What is he carrying? Is that a…?

"Hey, middle-aged hero dude! I would shake your hand, but you only acknowledge the strong, right?"

"Oh ho?" Atomic Samurai glanced at Bang. "You're right. This one's got potential." He turned back to Caspian. "That's right. Once you've climbed to S-Class, I'll greet you properly."

Tatsumaki's spiraling thoughts paused at Atomic Samurai's words. Was this samurai always such a moron?

Atomic Samurai turned on his heel and headed for the meeting room. "Besides, I'm not middle-aged yet. I'm only 37."

Her attention snapped back to Caspian, who seemed oddly amused by the moronic samurai's statement.

To her dismay, Caspian met her stare and smiled. She froze, unable to look away. Bang passed by, blocking her view for a moment, but as he went out of view she realized Caspian had stepped closer.

"Master, shall I leave you to speak with your woman?"

These words allowed her to break out of her current state.

Tatsumaki's face flushed crimson. "W-Who are you calling 'his woman?!' Don't just say whatever you want, you walking scrap heap! Did you just call Caspian 'master?' Of course, a perverse robot who runs around with a list of women's names would be his disciple!"

Caspian stepped closer. "It's good to see you again, Tats. It's been a while…"

Her reasoning slipped. She couldn't be near him. She had to get away. Without a word, Tatsumaki rose into the air and flitted toward the meeting room.

Pathetic. I'm running from him again. What if I just give in to these feelings? No!

¤ ¤ ¤

Why do I have to be here?

All King wanted was to play through the ultimate harem route of his current dating sim. After spending 50 hours completing every solo route, he was finally ready to enjoy the only ending he considered canon. But no, instead, he had been dragged into a meeting he wanted no part of.

The only upside was that no one tried to talk to him. He could sit and daydream about the game and upcoming releases that had him excited.

That was the plan, until Tatsumaki burst into the room like a storm, startling everyone. She lifted a chair, which floated after her as she positioned herself between Zombieman and himself.

"Make room!" Her shout tore through the silence.

King froze, the 'King Engine' roaring to life. Zombieman frowned but shifted over, forcing Drive Knight to move aside as well.

Why is her face so red?

"No one look at me!"

King averted his gaze. Tatsumaki's mood was always unpredictable, but today was the worst he had ever seen.

Footsteps echoed from the hallway.

King's eyes widened as he spotted the owners of those footsteps. Caspian?! Hmm, I wonder how he knows Genos. And why is he carrying around a jar?

"Don't be so down, Master. Perhaps her menstrual is in cycle."

"Genos, I think you phrased that wrong."

King's heart throttled when Tatsumaki jostled in her seat beside him. He sneaked a glance and noticed her shaking with her teeth clenched tightly.

Is Caspian why she's like this? It wouldn't surprise him. Caspian seemed to have a knack for always stirring up or being where trouble was at, to King's limited knowledge the answer was both.

But he still couldn't shake the feeling that he had known Caspian for a long time. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall where or when. Maybe he hadn't actually met him before. After all, how could he forget someone so peculiar?

Caspian and Genos took their seats at the far end of the table.

King glanced away, observing how the other heroes reacted to the duo's arrival, or rather, didn't react. It was as if they were all absorbed in their own worlds.

The only sounds around the table were the steady rumble of the 'King Engine' and Pig God devouring a bag full of burgers.

"Demon or Dragon, bring it on!" Metal Bat, incapable of reading the room, voiced his thoughts.

A few seats to the left of King, Bang exhaled and asked, "So… why are we all here?"

One unrelated response to the question came from the far end of the table.

"Can I have some tea?"

All the heroes beside King and Tatsumaki turned toward Caspian.

What?! That got all your guys' attention, but that loud comment saying 'her menstrual is in cycle' didn't make any of you bat an eye…

The dark, heavy metal doors that led out into the hall groaned as they parted, their echoes filling the room.

Three men stepped inside.

At the center stood a man with a bulbous nose and gray hair slicked to the right—Sitch. To his left, a tall man with short black hair and sharp brown eyes—Busho. On his right, a younger man with hazel hair, his most distinguishing feature being the silver, round-framed glasses perched on his nose—Jinzuren.

Sitch spoke as he entered. "My apologies for being late."

He came to a halt at the opposite end of the table from Caspian, who was being served tea by a robot. The glow of the large computer screen that made up the table bathed the room in a soft blue light.

"We do not know the whereabouts of Metal Knight or Blast, nor can we reach them. No sense waiting any longer, so let's begin this emergency meeting."

His gaze swept across the gathered heroes, his expression grim. "You can call me Sitch. I'm with the Association. I will be briefing you.

Let's get right down to the brass tacks. You heroes are here because you're the best of the best. And now…"

Sitch slammed his hands down onto the table. "We're asking you to save the Earth!

However, even with your S-Class Skills, there is no guarantee of survival. Walking away also takes courage."

Hearing this, King realized he had more courage than he had thought. Sadly, he knew he would have to save it for when no one was watching.

"Should you choose to do so now, you will retain S-Class Hero status. But those who stay and hear me out will not be allowed to walk away. You will be confined here until the incident is over in order to avoid a general panic."

I can still excuse myself to the bathroom later.


King glanced to the other end of the table where Caspian was obnoxiously sipping his tea. Does nobody else hear this?

"Are you willing to hear this?"

Metal Bat, who was reclining back in his chair with his feet kicked up atop the table, said, "Whatever's going on, it better be worth calling all of us here. I skipped out on my little sister's piano recital for this. If it's a load of crap, I'm gonna tear this whole building apart."

Beside King, a particularly irritable Tatsumaki who to King looked like she was about to go on a rampage, lashed out. "You're just an idiot with a skinny stick! Quit speaking, I'm tired of hearing your voice.

"What!? How 'bout I bust your head open instead of speaking?"

Tatsumaki slammed her tiny fists down. "Go on and try, pill bug head!"

"Hurry up and get on with it." Flashy Flash spoke up. "Otherwise, Mr. Pompadour here is going to die."

"Hey, bobby pin, you siding with the girls?"

Sitch leaned forward. "The great seer, Lady Shibabawa, is dead!"

Zombieman was the first to respond. "Shibabawa? Was she killed?"

"No." Jinzuren said. "While looking into the future for the next six months, she became agitated and had a coughing fit. She popped a handful of cough drops into her mouth and ended choking up on them…"

What?! Why so many? King would never be able understand these eccentric types.

"I get it!" Superalloy Darkshine raised up his pointer finger. "So we have to figure out how to prevent disasters without the help of predictions. That's the focus of his meeting."

Sitch shut down such an idea quickly. "No. Lady Shibabawa has only been able to predict a handful of disasters."

King for a while now had thought Tatsumaki kept looking at him time and time again, but in fact he came to realize she kept stealing glances at Caspian. From her expression, King had no idea if she was angry or embarrassed.

Busho's voice broke King's train of thought. "We've gotten through many crises without Lady Shibabawa's predictions. But even so, we provided a bodyguard and gave her special treatment."

"Yes, because her few predictions were 100% accurate. The crux of the problem though…" Sitch reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. "…is her last, greatest prophecy. Even as she choked on those final cough drops, she managed to leave this note."

Sitch placed the note on the table's screen. Quickly it scanned and uploaded the note's contents. "It is a prophecy that will absolutely come to pass. Here it is!"

A holographic representation of the note materialized in the air.

"Can you read it?"

Multiple voices cried out. "'The Earth is in trouble. Find the outsider!'"