"I must do it quickly before he arrives again." She pulled the tile up, with much difficulty, considering the original owner of the body was a slander little girl.
However, what Eleanore found below was not a passage to some basement but a small wooden box with golden carvings at the edges forming a beautiful design.
"What is this?" She thought, before picking it up and observing carefully how it opens.
"I have to simply lift the lid, that's all!" She was about to open the box when she stopped. "It could be something personal. I must not open this." After debating with herself for a few more seconds, Eleanore quickly placed it back just as it was and closed the tile, before leaving the room.
Fortunately, she found no further hurdles and went straight to the kitchen. "There can be a basement in the kitchen, perhaps." She found a possibility that made her want to go there.