Philosopher’s Stone

As a "Time Remnant" of the Flash, simply a clone, when created, Savitar was shunned by the Flash's close ones for such.

He wasn't the original Flash, and they were sure to always remind him of that.

Therefore, he became Savitar. Travelling through time and creating the rumour that he was the first speedster.

Along the way, he picked up the Philosopher's Stone.

And although this was all great, the greatest act that defined his very existence was killing Iris West.

The Flash's greatest loved one.

This act was the start of the birth of Savitar. 

It toppled the first and most crucial piece, creating a chain reaction that inevitably led to Barry once again creating that same Time Remnant who would go on to be shunned, creating an infinite loop.

However, in the show, Iris survived. 

This meant Savitar could never be born, causing him to be wiped from existence.

It was a little confusing since it wasn't thoroughly explained in the show but I understood it enough.

Currently, at this time, Savitar was trapped in the Speedforce, the entity that gave speedsters their power.

The figure that was currently set loose was merely a projection, as a result of the many abilities of the Philosopher's Stone which he possessed and controlled, like in the show.

However, projection or not, it didn't help me in my current predicament.


"Who are you?"


I thought to myself. 

Why was he hunting me if he didn't even know who I was?

In fact, why was he hunting me at all and how did he know to do so?

I knew Savitar, a speedster who was quite easily the fastest in the world at this moment, could have killed him a thousand times over by now.

The fact that he didn't suggested he needed something before that.

And this thought slightly quelled my racing heart. 

Enough for me to realise all hope wasn't lost.

"Answer me!"

I jumped slightly at the roar that echoed on for miles, forcing me out of my trance.

"Who are you and what have you done with the timeline?"

'The timeline?'

"M-My name is Derek Bond. And...I don't know anything about a Timeline."

I feigned ignorance, though I doubted it was very convincing.

I was simply hoping Savitar didn't know much about me and I could play myself off as a regular civilian who was clueless about what was happening.

But of course, this was false.

After the latter question he asked, I had a better idea of what was happening.

'Ugh, I'm an idiot. My being here interferes with the Timeline. I'm an anomaly.'

'It's because of me and the system that the Timeline has been changed and Savitar is here far earlier than he's supposed to be.'

"You lie to a god? Do you not fear death?" Savitar stepped closer.

At that moment, I breathed as I tried to calm myself.

'He's right. I can't keep this up if I want to survive.'

In the next moment, my lips curled upwards. 

Probably because of the excitement of knowing what I was about to do.

I was going to use the only weapon in my arsenal. 

One even greater than any power Savitar had.

My knowledge.

'Fuck it. If I'm going to die, I'll do it right.'


"I'll ask you once more..."

Savitar, towering over Derek despite being a few feet away, stepped forward once more, his tone booming with malice.


Savitar halted, taken aback as he watched Derek raise his head, a grin plastered across his face.

His demeanour was completely different. 

Going from scared prey to someone who looked as though they had nothing to lose.

"You know my name," Savitar stated the obvious.

"Of course I do. You're the great Savitar, one of the Flash's greatest enemies."

Derek pointed to Savitar, bringing his hand back as he spread out both arms.

His excitement was overpowering his fear of death, making the insanity in his green eyes grow more evident.

"You asked who I am, right? Well, the truth is, I'm from a future that no longer exists."

Savitar stayed silent, staring at Derek who was looking more and more like a showman.

"It's because of this that I know you will eventually lose to him and you'll be erased from existence."

"No, you're lying," Savitar muttered after a pause, his low tone doing little to hide the weight and power in his voice.

"Oh, I'm lying? Perhaps this will convince you. Your name is Barry Allen. Well, a Time Remnant of him at least..."



Derek's eyes widened as he was lifted off the ground by Savitar who held the former by the throat.

All the youth saw was an eruption of white lightning before his airway was strangled.


Savitar roared, letting out his rage with his words as Derek struggled to keep the grin on his face.

"Let me finish..."

Derek struggled to say as evidenced by his strained voice. 

Though Savitar didn't put him down, the grip around the youth's throat was loosened. 

He took this as a sign to continue.

"With me here and with what I know, it doesn't have to end like that. I can help you change things."

Derek paused, taking in whatever breath he could before continuing.

"We both know the Philosopher's Stone was discovered too early."

"You shouldn't be here so prematurely. Just you being here risks your mere existence."

Derek hoped Savitar would ignore the fact that his being here was all his fault.

If Savitar were to enact his plans now as he would in season three, they wouldn't work. 

Or at the very least, killing Iris now would have unpredictable and unknown possibilities.

There was no benefit to his current presence in season 1 and things would only become more complicated if the Flash were to learn of him this early.

"But your early arrival doesn't have to be a curse. I can help you. Killing me here is a waste and you know it." 

Derek used the last bit of air in his lungs to put out his plea, his face turning red as the lack of oxygen was starting to negatively impact him.

However, at that moment...


Derek violently coughed as he hit the ground hard, clutching his sore neck.

"You're right. You're too valuable." Savitar spoke, the god complex he had seeming to diminish after Derek mentioned his name.

"I'm glad I know this now. Perhaps my early freedom is a blessing in disguise. With this…"

Savitar paused, slightly looking back at the downed Derek before…



Before even a second passed, Savitar had left and returned before the dazed and awe-struck Derek could even blink.

'Is this really just speed? How can anything be this fast?'

He thought the feat he'd witnessed looked more like teleportation rather than speed.

He'd seen this countless times on screen but seeing it for the first time in person was a completely different experience.

It was because of this surprise that it took a few seconds for him to notice the new figure that stood beside Savitar.

Wearing a dark cloak that dragged on the ground, the hooded figure peered at Derek.

The hood did little to conceal his face, but it didn't matter as it fashioned a crude brown gas mask with stitches running along its face.


Derek thought, instantly recognising the figure as Alchemy, Savitar's Proxy while the latter was trapped in the SpeedForce and also the main bearer of the Philosopher's Stone.

'This is the Archeologist the system spoke of. Or to be more specific, Julian Albert.'

Also a character, like Savitar, who wasn't supposed to be here yet.

'But what's he doing here and why is he brandishing…that.'

Derek asked, staring at the dark rock in Alchemy's hand. Though it was a rock, it had a smoother texture like marble.

Additionally, it fashioned a white light in its centre, beating rhythmically like a heart.

Alchemy clutched it in his hand, his breathing being exactly what you'd expect from someone wearing a gas mask, and stepped closer to Derek without saying a word.


Derek shot to his feet, holding out his arm. However…



Derek suddenly witnessed Savitar disappear faster than he could perceive.

At the same time, a groan escaped his mouth as he felt both his arms being pulled backwards, restraining him.

"Do not worry. I won't kill you. You will be the treasure I use to change the future." 

Savitar spoke, his metallic fingers coiling around Derek's forearms.

He couldn't even budge. Even if his stats were higher, they were still that of a human.

He couldn't possibly compete with whatever Savitar's suit was.

Knowing this, Alchemy stepped closer until he was face to face with the youth.

"You will indeed help me. You will bow before me and shall become a tool for my plans."

Saying this Derek widened his eyes as Alchemy pressed the Philosopher's Stone onto the youth's chest.

And in the next moment…


Derek let out a feral scream as a white light erupted, almost making it seem as though the sun had risen in the immediate surroundings.

No matter how much the Youth struggled, he could do little to nothing as Savitar's grip tightened around his arms.

'Am…I dying?'

Derek thought, the torturous pain making it so he couldn't even think straight. 

Though he couldn't see it, the Stone was being absorbed into his body, disappearing as it sunk into his chest.

And as Alchemy pushed in the last bit of the Stone in the boy's chest…

[System Alert! Immediate Action required!]

All time seemed to have come to a stop, the colour disappearing from the surroundings until it was all a dull grey while Derek regained a sliver of his sanity.

Enough to read the words on the screen at least.

[You have become a vessel for Savitar's Philosopher's Stone. You will become an extension of the Stone, its powers able to be emitted through you.]

[However, as an extension, like the Philosopher's Stone, you will belong to Savitar. You will be used by him like he uses the powers of the Stone.]

[As a Stone cannot have free will, emotions or even a conscience, you will become an empty shell that obeys his commands.]

'Great…death isn't sounding too bad at this point.'

Derek, his mind somewhat clearer than before, weakly chuckled inwardly.

However, his eyes widened at the next screen that appeared before him.

[All Requirements have been met!]

[You have met the Requirements needed to unlock a new Feature in the System exclusive to you alone!]


[You have 5 seconds to choose before time resumes]

[Will you become a Vessel…or will you choose the path to Indomitable Power?]