Chapter 5-1
A Mothers Castle
Part 2
It was my first visit to the Cranny's house, and to be honest, it didn't really excite me. Comparatively, my Rothwell house in Highland felt like a small paradise. My Heber home now seems enormous compared to the cramped upper floors of the Cranny house—my bedroom alone is larger. My bedroom at my mother's house is incredibly small—a true broom closet—unlike my spacious home in Heber or the one I had in Highland. The upper floors held only two bedrooms: a master with a small, standard tub—recently replaced, I thought, though still tiny compared to my enormous Heber tub that could squeeze in six—and a cramped room across the hall that Christopher and Tanya shared. Tucked between the two bedrooms was a tiny bathroom; the sound of running water was barely audible.
The living room was small and cramped with all my friends' sleeping bags and things piled in the corner. From the living room was a kitchen / dining room. That was the size of my personal Heber bathroom and the size of my mother's kitchen when they lived in a trailer.
The home itself was known as a cookie cutter duplex with a basement. I hated basements, but being a polite guest, I followed everyone else as Tony made sure there wasn't a boogie man ready to jump out of me. I had gotten over my fear of basements, mostly? I didn't linger down there longer than I had to. Just enough so the boys could show me their rooms cringing because mine in Heber were nothing like theirs
Yet my Santaquin bedroom could easily fit inside their bedroom at least three times and still have room to grow. They shared a bedroom and in some ways it surprised me because all my friends had their own bed … loving mine because it was so huge compared to their single beds. Yet I did have friends like Greg and my mermaid friends that had beds just as big as mine in Heber or close to it. Yet all in all, I had the biggest room by far, compared to theirs.
The boys were told to pack while the girls and our mothers went shopping. Paul was supposed to be helping Tanya and Christopher pack and himself so he and Jennie could have some alone time together, considering Tony and Jenny were babysitting Christopher and Tanya when my mother wasn't home or when I was out visiting my Santaquin friends.
I had agreed to babysit Robert and Michael and take them with me when I visited my friends when I was spending the night, as a precaution to keep them away from my father Jim, for obvious reasons, and if I wasn't able to Tony and Jenny would take them off my hands. But my friend's parents said it shouldn't be a problem and said the more the merrier as we followed the house rules with regard to picking up after ourselves.
Like every house I entered, it was my custom to remove my shoes at the door. Jennie smiled at me and my friends when we did so and placed our shoes neatly in a row by the door so nobody would trip over them. Paul seemed amused by the idea that it was a habit of ours. He knew my adoptive Mom and he hated the idea that the moment he walked in the house more so his that he should take off his shoes. Asking like a stuck-up idiot why we did it. My adoptive Mom said he either does it or he'll be the one scrubbing every black mark, every particle of dirt off her floor. It only took once when Jennie forced a broom and bucket of soapy water into his hand.
She, like my mother had no problem with doing it and neither did my friends. It was a custom, and it was a habit, but when he gave me and my friends a hard time about it. I simply said. "If you like Paul, I can walk through the mud and come back inside just so you can watch me track mud all over your wife's clean floors. I think she would be quite upset like my adoptive Mom would be, but you would be the one cleaning up the mess."
He growled. "Doesn't mean I have to! And besides, this is my house, not hers―!"
Jennie crossed the room in a matter of seconds and took his chin and said. "My house, my rules. I like the fact that he and his friends are considering it. In fact, the more I think about it, it is now a new rule. Boy's shoes, if I catch you and sister with shoes on in my house, you will spend the day vacuuming the floors and mopping the kitchen floor." They quickly obeyed as Paul stood looking at her with his chin in his hand.
He said. "Fine! It's not like will be needing them until we leave!" She smiled and patted his cheek as she crossed her arms and waited. He mumbled something under his breath as he removed his shoes and set them by the door with ours.
She said. "That's a good boy. If you are good, I will bring you home a treat," like he was a little kid.
She asked her boys to give us the grand tour, telling us to make ourselves at home; telling me that their clean towels were inside the master bedroom and if I wouldn't mind bathing the boys and her daughter. I winced when she asked if I knew how to change a diaper. I nodded, remembering how much I hated changing my baby brother's diaper. Bathing, I didn't have a hard time with it. I saw the light in Paul's eyes as he licked his lips, looking at me and his boys. I cringed and shuddered at the thought of giving him what he really wanted. And it was Eric / Nate sundae, with extra whipped cream.
Tony left after checking the house and making sure Eli and I each had a switchblade in each of our pockets, placing three more inside each of my three boy mermaid friends' hands reminding them not to leave the house for any reason and if needed him, he would be upstairs guarding the door. The living room didn't have much in the way of furniture, other than the basics; a small comfortable couch and two end tables with cheap lamps, and a small television. Paul told him he had the big one downstairs, hoping to persuade him to stay down there. He quickly stated he was fine right where he was where he could see both doors and made sure the back one was locked. He told my friends they could watch that one if they wanted.
Paul frowned at him and said. "Fine! Suit yourself." And left him to his guard duty he mumbled something that sounds like "you little fucking prick."
Tony smiled and turned his said. "I have been called worst; I am only here to make sure my charges are safe. I am not here to please you, Paul." Paul gasped and went straight into his bedroom and closed the door while the boys showed us their rooms.
Personally, I would have preferred keeping my promise to the boys once we arrived at my Santaquin home, but Paul had a different idea as he came down the stairs, leaning against the bedroom door naked. Paul said. "I have been waiting a very long time for what you promised me, boy. I know my boys have too."
I nodded and said. "Paul, I always keep my promises. It's not my fault that I could not do so until now, but I promised your two boys that they could go first, considering they wanted the full treatment whereas you wanted the quick and dirty without the bells and whistles. Plus, the fact my Dad and Mr. Vincent gave you your free sample if I recall."
He said. "Ok, what's wrong with that? I don't really care about the cuddly kissing stuff. It seems so girlish. As far as your Dad is concerned and your friend, it was not what you promised me."
Eli said. "I happen to like the cuddly stuff, and more so the kissing." He pulled me into a kiss and lingered, making it even deeper as we kept an eye on Paul.
He turned his head and said. "I don't see why you like it. It's just wrong." I asked the boys if they felt the same way.
They shrugged their shoulders, Robert said. "I liked when he did it, Dad, when he gave us a free sample."
Eli said. "Well, then Robert since you two boys are first you get to decide between the quick and dirty or the cuddly and kissing."
Robert said. "Does it include chocolate-covered penis and whip-cream?"
Michael agreed, and Eli smiled. "Of course it does."
Paul growled. "We don't have all day and besides I am all out of chocolate and whipped cream."
I tried to slide past Paul as he tried to stop me; he asked where I was going; I said. "Back upstairs so I can run your boys a bath. You already know I hate basements."
Paul said, pushing me back inside the room. "No, you're not until I get what you promised me, boy; your mother and your adoptive parents said you would be just fine as long as there were windows down in the basement and you could see out. Look, what do you know two windows and the sun is still shining?"
Eli was about to argue on my behalf, I said. "Fine, but it's my way or you get nothing."
Paul said. "As long as I get what was promised, that's all that matters." Now take off your damn clothes. I am done playing these games."
I growled back. "No! Paul! You agreed to my rules! I promised your boys they could have the entire package; it's not my fault that you decided you wanted the other package where it doesn't include the cuddly girlish stuff. So, grab a seat while I send Eli upstairs for the things we need to keep our promises to you and the boys." Eli asked what flavor of bubble bath they wanted. I cringed when they said Peaches and Cream.
Eli said. "Sorry, but that flavor has been discontinued." He knew as well as I did the reasons why I didn't use that one anymore.
Robert said anything would be better than none. I knew it had to do with Paul ruining a nice bath that was more girlish than what he was used to. Eli said. "How about a mixture of each?"
The boys nodded. Paul said. "I rather you didn't."
Eli said. "Tough, because I happen to like bubble baths … and so do all my friends. We were told to bathe your boys and your daughter. We were not told to bathe you; besides it comes with the cuddly package." Eli slid by and told me not to do anything until he got back. I nodded and opened the boys' closet and helped them pack.
Paul mumbled. "It's not like they will be wearing clothes at your mother's house."
I turned and said. "If you hadn't noticed the weather outside; it is a little chilly to be running around outside without your clothes on Paul." He took a seat and glared at me as I ignored him. I knew he was right, mostly? But I knew better than to let him have his way. By the time Eli came back, the boys were packed and ready to go. He shook the thermos that we had marked for only the sex drink.
The girls had already packaged several packages where all we had to do was dump them in and pour warm water to steep it like a hot drink. We offered a cup to Paul which he declined by saying he preferred the pills over that stuff. I knew what the real reason was; he was afraid that we would drug him with some truth serum like Dad and Mr. Vincent did. I shrugged my shoulders and let the four of us drink the entire thermos.
Paul acted bored as he waited his turn. I asked him if he wanted to go, and we call him. He shook his head no and stated he didn't trust me to keep my promises. I shrugged my shoulders and said. "It could be a while. I promised your boys the entire package. It's not my fault that you declined it."
Paul said. "Whatever, I am still not leaving." I had been getting used to having an audience over the last few days. I told Eli to take his time, in hopes of getting rid of Paul. He nodded as we whispered, sharing a kiss. We no longer had the ability to link with each other. The only thing we all shared was the ability to see and communicate with Jeff. For everyone else, he had to be in the room. I missed that, and I was hoping in time that we would get that back. It was like a part of me was missing.
Because I had promised the boys, the entire package and re-promised them that tonight they could have all the chocolate-covered penis and breasts and sweet spot all they wanted once we were back at my mother's house. Paul got so bored he left the room to see if he could talk my friends into a tasting. I knew the answer before he did, hearing them telling him no, they just wanted to watch some TV. Paul said. "I thought you nudist liked doing that with anyone that was willing."
Dillon said. "Sorry, Paul, we have strict standards. If you haven't realized that none of us are naked; and we won't be until we know we are safe from people that could harm us."
Paul growled. "It's my house, my rules. I am telling you to strip and give me what I want."
Dillon said. "Come on, guys, we can watch TV upstairs, Paul if you haven't noticed that ringworm around your penis? You might want to see a doctor."
Paul screamed as he punched a hole through the wall. "It's just a rash from shaving my privates! It's not anything you haven't done a million times! Now get down here and satisfy me!"
Dillon yelled down the stairs. "No, Paul! We didn't promise you anything! And as far as Eric and Eli are concerned you have already declined the package they offered! I and my buddies prefer the cuddly and kissing package that includes a nice bubble bath!"
Paul stomped his way up the stairs and slammed the basement yelled. "Damn it! Linda! How could you do this to me?" I smiled and made myself comfortable on the bed and Eli lay next to me. I smiled as Robert giggled when he kissed him and said he was the second boy he had ever kissed. Somehow, that didn't surprise me. Knowing Paul, he preferred the quick and dirty. If I didn't know better, I would think he was trained by the old dead Queen.
Paul soon came back. He growled at us as he noticed we still were not naked. We had only removed our shirts and were barefoot. He asked the boys if they had tasted us yet, Robert said. "Dad, go away. We wanted to take our time."
He growled. "Damn it! This is why I don't like the cuddly stuff! It takes too much time! Robert, Michael, by the time I count to ten you better be naked and have a penis in your mouth!" Robert cringed as he quickly obeyed and so did his brother. I gave a heavy sigh and removed the rest of my clothes.
I said. "Fine! Paul, if you want it now then let's get this over with! Boys, I promise once we are at my mother's house we can take as much time as we want!"
Eli did the same as Paul smiled, seeing we were more than ready as the boys quickly did what he asked. They did it the quick and dirty style their Dad taught them. Which had nothing to do with the cuddly stuff? Once they had their little quick snack, Paul waited for us to start tasting them before he made his move. The air changed in a heartbeat as I felt Paul slip his penis inside me as I was just making myself comfortable. He had muscled me into position, making it impossible for me to move. And every time I moved, he forced me down on my stomach and laid on top of me and pinning my legs and feet so I couldn't use them.
He roared with laughter. "Your mother said you boys really like it when you have sex together and I have been wanting too―"
His words were cut off as I heard Eli growl. "Paul! If you don't pull that penis out of my husband! I swear I am going to cut your dick off and feed it to you! Nobody has the right to have sex with him without my permission!" I felt Paul remove himself as Eli backed him off the bed and into the corner with a knife at his side, threatening him that if he even moved, he was going to lose a kidney. Eli told Robert and Michael to go upstairs and bring back Tony.
They quickly nodded even though they looked confused, wondering why their Dad was told he couldn't have sex with me or Eli. I knew the answer because he had forced his boys into it until it was perfectly normal. Tony was there in a flash as he looked at Paul and the moment, he heard what had transpired he slapped him across the face. He told me to go upstairs and pick up the phone and tell the person on the line that they had a Gorilla that needed a lesson in manners.
Paul said. "I was just doing what you all have been doing … so why are you so picky about me having a little fun?"
Tony growled. "Oh, we're going to have fun! Paul! You and me, and a couple of my guys! Apparently, you haven't heard the reason why these boys are doing the unspeakable, in which you call fun. So, I'll let you in on a little secret. They don't do it for pleasure, they do it to stay alive; they do it so you and your family can stay alive. Now get over on the bed and lay down on your stomach. You're going to have a little taste of what they go through every day just to keep you safe. Then when your wife and his mother come home, you can explain to them why you wanted to stick your penis inside them and rape them so you can have a little fun.
"And if you ever so much as try it again without their permission. I will kill you. You should know I have an extensive video collection of everything you have done. I am going to give your wife a copy sometime this week that shows you having sex with your two sons. I wonder what she'll do when she finds out."
I quickly climbed the stairs, and as I shivered in his arms, Eli quickly embraced me. In that moment, I never felt so helpless with someone who could have overpowered me so quickly, especially when I had my pants down. It was clear to him that I was helpless when it came to basements, and he took advantage of that vulnerability. From that day forward, I swore to myself that I would never allow myself to feel that helpless again. It was evident that I needed to find a way to confront and overcome my fear of basements so that I could always be in control of my environment.
As if on cue, two of Tony's men came charging into the house, their size reminiscent of the incredible Hulk. It was only moments later that I heard Paul screaming in pain. While they cruelly laughed and taunted him. They callously exclaimed, "It feels good to have a man's penis inside of you when you don't use a condom or any lubricant. You have no idea how many times those boys have been raped this past weekend just to keep people from killing you and your family."
"Boys like them should never have to feel this! It was never on God's menu, and you know it! Now go upstairs and pack as your wife told you to do and put some clothes on! We have just canceled your nudist membership! I'd give you a refund, but I doubt you would want it back after I tell your wife the reason why." I heard someone hitting the wall and Paul screaming in pain begging them not to kill him or tell his wife. Tony laughed. "Sorry Paul, but if I let it go this time, who's saying you would continue trying to rape your boys?"
Eli quickly put his arms around me as Paul made a beeline to the bedroom. He cursed at us all as Tony watched him pack. Once he was done, he and his men told Paul to sit on the couch and reflect on his life, and hope his wife forgives him. Nobody else said a word as they left the room and went back downstairs. Eli had Dillon, Walter, and Scott bathe the boys and their sister; while he and I went for a nice long walk around the block and sat outside on the front porch where I wouldn't have to be anywhere near Paul. Knowing if I did, it would take everything I had not to kill him with my bare hands. I wasn't helpless anymore. I was no longer in the basement trying to get out. I was a Tiger, and I was in the mood for fresh meat.
The moment I went inside Paul smiled at me and said. "You are nothing, just like I thought you were."
Tony smiled and said. "I bet you two hundred dollars that he can beat you in a fair fight." Paul eyed the money as he placed it on the end table.
He smiled and said. "I'll take that bet. But If I win no one tells my wife what happened downstairs." Eli and my friends quickly added their money to the pile. There had to be at least 2,000 dollars on the table.
Tony said. "Man, you are stupid, Paul; everyone knows this boy here can kick your ass. So, I will agree with those terms. In fact, if he beats you. You're the one that is going to tell his mother and your wife everything that is on the tape that I am going to hand them. Before they put it in and see that it is true. If you win, they will never see it and the money is yours. Until you screw up again. No more second chances." Paul shook on it, and we all knew he would break that promise.
Tony quickly outlined the fighting ring with rope, providing me with plenty of room to do anything I wanted. With a shake of his head and a chuckle, Tony watched as Paul put up his fist, mimicking a kid in a boxing ring. Smiling, I braced myself as he charged at me. However, it was over before it even began. With a swift strike, I broke his nose, sent two of his teeth flying, and cracked a couple of his ribs. I wasn't touched, he never laid a single punch on me. Paul laid on the ground, panting and suffering, crying like a baby, desperately pleading for his wife not to find out. Tony said. "Sorry Paul, a deal is a deal you lost fair and square." By the time everyone came back from shopping, Paul was still nursing his injuries. Jennie took one look at him, and it was all she needed to know that Paul had done something stupid.
Tony crossed his arms as he waited for Paul to explain himself. He refused, so Tony said "Mrs. Cranny, tonight dinner is on me. I have a feeling that you would very much like to see what your husband has been doing while you're not home or behind your back. I'll start by saying he just tried to rape Eric and Eli."
My mother growled as she slapped him across the face, hitting him so hard his head turned from the impact and spitting another tooth out seeing the blood and tooth hit the wall. She did it again and yelled. "Paul you pig! I never thought for one minute that you liked having sex with boys! If you ever come near me and my family again, I will kill you! Jennie, you are more than welcome to come to my house, but I would prefer you to leave this pig at home!
"Boys, get your things. We're leaving before I do something I will regret. Other than cut his penis off and stick it in a blender and make him drink it as an extra protein shake." Jennie looked at my mother and me and then back at Paul. She looked at her boys, and Tony nodded. She fell to her knees as her boys ran to her as she asked Paul, "Paul, why? Why did you do this?"
Paul growled. "You refused to give me what I wanted, and you denied me every time I wanted it."
She got off the floor and slapped his face and said. "Get the hell out of my house! I don't ever want you near me or my boys ever again!" She took off her wedding ring and tossed it at him as he watched it fall to the ground. He didn't bother picking it up and walked out the door and peeled out of the driveway.