Chapter 10-1 Book 8

Chapter 10-1

A Simple Plan

Part 2

We didn't want to answer any more questions as we went back to my mother's house; she was still furious about the outcome, finding out that the very people she hated were the people that were over the ward. She hated the fact that Bishop Earl had warned her that was going to happen. Not in who it was going to be, but how she would feel when she found out it was the very people who had looked down on her in the past for putting me in the system because she and my father had abused me most of my life. The very people that made her feel lower than dirt, the very people that made her change so she could have a second chance with me and Aaron. She gave a heavy sigh after tossing the crumpled paper in her hand.

She said to Bishop Earl. "Ok, I know that you don't have anything to do with not choosing who the next bishop is going to be, but how can they be the very ones that I hate the most?"

Bishop Earl said. "Karma … or the fact God knows the best way to punish you or help you. I said you wouldn't like it because you needed someone who would be even harder than I was, and so did God; he knew you needed to learn how to budget. He knew that you weren't listening to me, and you needed someone that would force you to do it. They are all good people, Linda; they all have families and know what it's like raising kids on very little income. So, listen to them, and do what they ask for once in your life.

"They also know that you have been doing your best and know you are not the same woman or mother you were before. Your husband, on the other hand, will have the hardest time getting what he wants. He will have to make the hardest decision, and that is what he is going to do to humble himself if that is even possible, knowing the type of man he truly is. Bishop Clark will either help him like he will you or become both your worst nightmares. He will not tolerate anything regarding any physical abuse of any kind. That includes your husband beating you as well as your children. He will take action the moment it happens. He knows you have signed a contract with the Rothwell's, and the state if you ever do such a thing again.

"He will be interviewing you once a month regarding your finances as I have; he will be speaking with your kids, your neighbors, and the police regarding any kind of abuse. Your husband should count his lucky stars that he didn't beat your son and his friends behind the church house today, because he would be in jail not wandering around free." My mother gasped, and he nodded because it was the first time she had heard about it; which was no doubt already spreading through town that my father lost his temper again and threatened to kill me and my friends. My mother growled and grabbed the car keys and flew out of the house and peeled out of the driveway. Bishop Earl followed her.

It was none of my business, so I helped with dinner by setting the table while Jeannie checked the roast while Mrs. Earl quickly thawed out some dinner rolls. While the girls worked on a salad and cake for dessert. Dinner was just about ready when my mother came home; Bishop Earl was right behind her. She was crying as she pounded on his chest, telling her she was at the end of her rope with my father. That he was the only Bishop who truly understood anything regarding what it was like between her and my father, Jim, and now he was leaving her with cruel, heartless people who see her as nothing as trash.

Yet when I was over at their house, they didn't seem like the people my mother was describing. In fact, it was the opposite. It also made sense as to why I had that strange, funny feeling that I could trust his wife. I didn't see or feel that she felt anything like my mother described.

Bishop Earl said. "Linda, I can't be Bishop forever, and trust me, nor would I want to. Just imagine me dealing with every woman who sees me as a threat, afraid to bare their souls to me because they are afraid. I would treat them like dirt after knowing all their little secrets. Would you like to know I don't remember what they told me? I sometimes have to ask what we talked about so I would know what we discussed.

"It takes me a few minutes to recall the discussion, but I don't remember most of it only what the solution was. Now let's go in and have one last night together and then my wife and I must leave so I can start putting our life back together. But you can call me anytime you want or come up and visit us when you want to see your son."

My father would have missed another excellent meal if it wasn't for Bishop Earl taking him a plate on their way out as they began the long trek back to Heber. Jeannie left also, so she could get her kids to school in the morning and she had promised Paul that she would be home tonight; which meant we had the house all to ourselves; which was a bad thing the moment Susan, Becky, and Aaron went to bed. I knew we were in trouble, watching my mother come into the kitchen only wearing a robe. Her hair was still wet, and she smelled of peach-scented soap. She seldom uses the store brand soap anymore, so we wouldn't taste it on her skin. She slid behind me and Eli while we were finishing the dishes; sliding her hands down the front of our boxers as she opened our robes. She said. "We have the house all to ourselves. You boys promised me when we had the house to ourselves, I could do anything I wanted. Well, we're alone now, and I want you boys to show me all those new games you like to play. I cringed when I remembered those words in the car.

Eli asked. "Did you ask our wives first?" Hoping to delay it knowing how I felt about it, but he knew sooner or later we were going to have to do it.

My mother said. "Oh, please … Eli of course I did. They said they wanted to join me once they finished taking a shower."

So, he said. "Let us finish the dishes and take a shower first." My mother nodded, leaving us to it opening the pantry, and pulled out two bottles of chocolate sauce, and two cans of whipped cream from the fridge placed the thermos under her arm after making the sex drink. She liked the idea of only having to dump the pre-measured packets into the thermos and add hot water and shake it. Once she had everything, she told us not to take too long because she was extra horny, then walked down the hall.

Greg chuckled, and Chad said. "I guess that means she is in the mood for a chocolate-covered penis."

I laughed. "You think?"

Once the girls were done with their shower, it was mine and Eli's turn. If I was in my Heber home, we could have all shared the shower or the tub, but here in my mother's home, it was barely big enough for two, and even then, we had to share the shower head.

Eli and I didn't say anything as we took our time showering until our wives asked if we were coming, as they opened the shower curtain, standing completely naked in front of us. Which really put us in the mood as they turned off the shower and helped us dry off. I opened my bedroom door and cringed because I wasn't exactly expecting to see, Greg's little brother Timothy who was fourteen laying across my mother's lap naked with my mother's right breast in his mouth as his sister Samantha who was twelve and would be thirteen on Friday had her brothers penis in her mouth, both with chocolate all over their faces.

My mother smiled up at us and said. "Finally?" patting the bed telling Timothy to take his sister and climb into her bed. She said. "They just wanted a little snack before going to bed." Greg and Chad acted like it was no big deal and neither did his sister, Cindy. Then again, what did I expect? I knew Greg's parents, and I knew my adoptive parents most likely did this with Jody and Kerry. It wasn't just my adoptive brothers they stimulated. It was just a shock for me to see it for the first time, seeing their little sister sharing her brother's penis. It wasn't as if I had the right to judge anyone because I too liked having a good penis and I have done so many times with my adoptive brothers, yet I was still shocked to see it.

My mother had me and Eli get into a spider position as she opened a condom, adding Greg and Chad as she told them to lie next to me, letting Jackie place another opened condom on theirs. Watching, my mother adds chocolate sauces and whip-cream to all our penises, and got into position, getting on her hands and knees. Rhoda and Cindy slipped on a fake penis and climbed up behind my mother and Jackie. My mother smiled as she bent over and placed Eli's and mine in her mouth, watching Jackie taking Greg and Chad's.

Everything seemed to happen at once when Becky screamed, running down the hall, opening my door the rest of the way, and telling my mother that my father was home and was putting his bike into the shed. My mother quickly got off the bed and put on her robe, ushering Timothy into my room and having Becky take Samantha and Cindy into her room. She closed my door, telling me to lock it until she found out why my father was coming home.

I heard my father yell. "Why are all the lights on in the house? And why are you standing in the kitchen naked?"

My mother said sweetly. "Waiting for you, so you can see me naked and take me and make sweet love to me like you did when we were young."

My father yelled. "Not in your wildest dreams Linda! It is never fucking going to happen!"

My mother said, asking. "Then why did you come home then, if you weren't going to make love to me?"

He growled. "Because I didn't have a choice. That fucking new Bishop Clark had me thrown out onto the streets. To tell me, my days sleeping in the church house were over. That this wasn't a hotel for husbands hiding from their wives. That the next time he caught me sleeping there, he would call the cops and tell them I was trespassing. Now get out of my fucking way! So I can make sure there are no boys having sex with my daughters!"

My mother said. "Jim, you are such an ass. Trust me on that. There are no boys in our daughter's rooms?"

He said. "Linda, I trust you as far as I can spit."

She growled. "Go ahead and look all you want. That the only ones having sex is my son and his two wives and husband."

My father pounded on the door of Becky's room and told her to open it up, Becky said. "Dad, what do you want? It's late and we are trying to sleep."

He said. "Open the goddamn door, Becky, or I am going to break it down!" I heard the door slam open, he said. "Linda! I thought I told you I wanted them out of my house?"

My mother said. "Yes, Jim, you did, but you said they had to be gone by the time you came home on Monday after work. You said nothing about them not spending tonight here."

My father growled. "Linda! You knew I told you that I wanted them gone! I assumed the worst Becky, because I don't trust your fucking whore of a mother, and I didn't see them with their parents when they were kind enough to drop me off for something to eat."

Becky said. "Sorry Dad, but you did say Monday, not tonight. As you can see, there are no boys here in my room. They are all in Eric's room."

My father said. "Becky, I am sorry, but I need to check."

Becky said. "Go ahead and look. It's just us girls who were all wearing nightgowns and, as you can see, there are no boys in the closet or under my bed. I told you they are all spending the night in Eric's room. Mom insisted just in case you did come home."

I heard the closet door open and close, and my father said. "Good night, dear. At least I know that you're safe and not sleeping around. Like this fucking whore for a mother and these goddamn Earls that are determined to corrupt my family."

I heard someone get slapped and Cindy growled, "Fine, if that's the way you want it, sir, I am going to go inside your son's room and fuck his brains out and every boy in there." I opened the door and let her in, letting my father see us all naked. I said. "Happy now Jim?" And slammed the door shut and locked it before he could make his way across to the door, as he pounded on it, telling me I had ten seconds to get out of the house before he called the cops.

My mother said. "Go ahead Jim, call them. In fact, I'll open the door so they can come right inside."

My father said. "Good, then I can tell them that every one of them is trespassing on my property." Tony came into the house with the cops and my father said. "I want them out! I have filed a complaint against the Earl's family for trying to rape my two daughters, and they are trespassing on my property!"

Officer Knox knocked on my door and asked. "What's the real story, boys?"

My father gasped. "I told you?"

Officer Knox said. "I heard you Mr. Shepherd, but I want to hear it from both your daughters and these boys."

Becky said. "No, Officer Knox, they never tried to rape me."

Susan said. "You liar! I saw you with them, Dad. She is lying!"

My mother said. "You're the liar Susan. These boys never touched you and you know it. You are just angry because no one wants to have sex with you."

Susan began to cry, which was fake, hiding her eyes so no one could see them, and cried. "Daddy, I never and they tried to rape me tonight! But I got away before they could and locked my door so they couldn't get in!"

Aaron said. "Yeah, Right? Like anyone would want to have sex with the Ice Queen, we all rather cut our penis off than let you even touch us."

She ran to my father, and he put his arms around her. "Daddy, they tried to rape me and now they're going to get away with it!"

Officer Knox asked Greg about his side of the story. Greg said. "Mrs. Shepherd invited us to spend the night tonight, but we had to be gone by the time her husband came home tomorrow. We never touched his daughter's Officers …. and Aaron's right. We rather cut our dicks off than have sex with either of them. We never touched Susan or Becky. The only one's telling the truth are Becky and their mother. Susan is nothing but a stuck-up bitch because nobody likes her, but if it will solve the problem once and for all. Give us a few minutes to gather our things and we will leave."

My father said. "Good! And in the morning, I will be down at the station filing a restraining order against you and these immoral deviants!"

Officer Knox said. "You do that Mr. Shepherd, but I don't think it will stick, because his mother has the right to see her son anytime she wants to."

He said. "Fine, but not in my house! I don't want him even near me or my daughters! I am calling family services and making damn sure he and his brother never come back!"

Officer Knox gave his permission, saying, "Go right ahead. In fact, I am eager to inform them about your attempt to harm them and their friends today. I have witnesses who can support my claims. Furthermore, I will remind them that this is not the first time you have tried to cause harm. Last Friday and Saturday night, you and your friends attempted to burn down the Earls' house while they were inside. Not to mention, I have an extensive file that documents all the other occasions when you have made similar attempts."

My father gasped. "But I―"

Officer Knox said. "Oh yes, you did Mr. Shepherd, don't you dare try to deny it? In fact, the boys and fathers I caught implicated you as the leader. The Clarks said you were standing in their living room window Friday night with a brick in your hands and tossed it into his window telling them to get out of town, and the same with the Smiths, and the Johnsons, but we ran you and your friends off before you could do any real damage. In fact, tonight alone you were caught trespassing on church property tonight when there was no reason for you to be there."

My father growled. "I had every right to be there! I was given permission to stay there when I have nowhere else to go and you know it!"

Officer Knox said. "Really, then? Who gave you that permission?"

My father growled. "Bishop Earl gave me permission! And you and your cop buddies know it!"

Officer Knox said "The same Bishop whose house you tried to burn down, the same Bishop family that you are kicking out of your home and pressing charges against. Interesting? That's going to look really good in front of a judge on Monday. Yet, it wasn't Bishop Earl that kicked you out tonight now, was it? It was the new Bishop, Bishop Clark, and his two councilors. The new Bishop, Bishop Clark, threw you out for trespassing on church property, giving you a warning, because you hadn't received the memo stating that Bishop Earl was no longer Bishop, and thus you had no right to be there tonight.

My father growled. "We'll see about that goddamn it. When I tell the judge about these fucking rape charges, and all physical abuse charges regarding these boys and you and that goddamn Bishop Earl how you and they tried to kill me, multiple times! Not to mention you trying to rape my fucking worthless whore of a wife in front of me!"

My mother said. "Yeah, right? When you have no proof and no witnesses to back your story; so, go ahead Jim, let's see who they believe … you or me? In fact, I can't wait when his caseworker comes down, and she plants that great big file in front of the judge, listing every injury and showing him everything you have done to our boys and me, just last year alone. He'll laugh you right out of court. Yet the best part will be when your own mother tells them everything. And how must he call her and his adoptive parents every day to make sure you haven't touched him or his brother? So, for now, we will see how this plays out tomorrow when we stand in front of the Judge."

My father said. "Linda trusts me. He will see your fat ugly goddamn ass and he'll see me and in my crippled state and will ask how can a man like me hurt a fly? It's time things changed around here. Goddamn it! I'll have all your badges for what you and Officer Kenly did to me at the hotel! We will see who's laughing then! Now get the hell out of my house?"

I said. "Fine, Mom. I'll pick you up in the morning?"

Tony said. "Actually I'll be the one picking you up. So, Jim can't say Eric and his friends are trespassing or trying to rape his sisters; then when we sort this out once and for all."

Officer Knox said. "It will be at least Tuesday or Wednesday or even Friday, depending on when the Judge will be able to hear your cases. But I'll take Eric, Eli, and his wives with me and they can stay at my house and we will send the Earls over to Stringham's house for the meantime. Aaron will stay here until the Family Service determines if Mr. Shepherd has a case. And I'll have an officer inside the house watching the house just in case he tries to do something."

My father growled, "As long as it's not you!"

Officer Knox said. "Don't worry it won't be, but I'll be the first one notified if you move from this living room because if you do Mr. Shepherd, I'll put you inside a jail cell so quick you'll think God was on your ass." We quickly dressed and packed all our clothes. I left no clothing behind. I told my mother that Bishop Earl would send someone to pick up the rest of my stuff and store it once I had returned to Heber. My mother nodded and quickly gave me a hug and I left out the door with our sleeping bags under our arms and our backpacks with Tony and the officer helping carry everything and placing it in my car.

My father growled. "The car stays here!"

Tony said. "No, Jim it doesn't. The car is in his and his mother's name, not yours."

My mother said. "Not everything is yours, Jim, just because you think it belongs to you because you are married to me."

Jim said. "The agreement is that the car belongs to us until he graduates from high school."

My mother said. "And the agreement is that when he is here visiting me, he can drive it any time he wants to."

My father said. "He is not visiting you, now is he Linda? He has moved out, taking everything with him?"

My mother said. "I'll be ready to leave around five, Tony. I am letting you borrow the car, so my son can go with his friends and Officer Knox until we settle this once and for all." We all got into the car and Tony drove. My mother waited outside until we had all disappeared around the corner as another police car pulled up beside us. Officer Knox gave them their orders, and we drove off in different directions.