Thornbatch Estate

Raphael and Evelyn arrived at the entrance of the gate leading to the Thornbatch estate.

It was large and well guarded with two men with swords standing outside as security. They wore armored suits which gave them a menacing look, and stood as still as statues, always keeping their eyes ahead of them.

Evelyn seemed to be on edge as they made their way towards them.

It only makes sense... After all, this is her boyfriend's home, yet she travels here with another man.

A man that's secretly fucking her...

More importantly, though, the black dragon is somewhere within here, as well as the Phoenix Queen's husband. I need to stay alert.

"Halt!" One of the guards said as they neared. He wore a helmet that covered the majority of his face, but through the slits, Raphael saw obsidian eyes staring at him.

"State your business in the Thornbatch estate."

Raphael wondered how he should answer. But just as he opened his mouth to speak, the guard's eyes seemed to light up.

"Wait a minute." He said in shock, staring at Evelyn. "That's the young lord Leofric's girlfriend."

The other guard was staring now too, forcing Evelyn to blush.

"You're right!" He said with realisation. "But who is this other guy? He is not Leofric."

Evelyn hesitantly stepped forward. Raphael thought she might have crumbled under the pressure. After all, she had been cheating on the lord's son with him.

But to his surprise, Evelyn managed to muster up enough courage to allow a convincing lie to slip from her mouth.

"This is Raphael Brooks, the lord of a noble house far to the north. Leofric has sent him here to deliver a proposition of a family alliance, and has asked me to deliver him."

The two guards looked at each other in silence.

Shit. This won't work if they've heard of my name or Leofric's loss in the Annual Duels.

This could get bad for both of us.

He readied the White Dragon, preparing for a worst-case scenario.

But then, the guards began to open the gates.

"You should have just said so, my lady." One of the guards said.

Raphael and Evelyn both let out a sigh.


Once inside the estate, Raphael realised how peaceful it was.

Nobles walked around leisurely, enjoying the gardens and ponds that adorned the lands. The buildings were all elegantly designed, most likely by the greatest architects that the nation had to offer.

Most grand though, was the palace. It was even more impressive up close, casting a shadow on everything around It.

He's in there. Charles Thornbatch. My ticket to meeting and sleeping with the Phoenix Queen.

" Why do you want to challenge Charles Thornbatch?" Evelyn asked quietly, hoping that no passing nobles would hear.

Some of the lords and ladies of the estate greeted her as they walked by. She was clearly a known figure.

"To gain his wife's attention. The Phoenix Queen. She interests me." Raphael knew that he could be blunt with her about his exploits with other women.

After all, she still had a boyfriend herself.

"But first, I need to find someone else."

Raphael had a plan to gain the attention of the Black Dragon. It was a risky one, but he could think of no other way to go about it.

Evelyn looked at him sceptically, as his lips twisted into a grin, thinking about what he planned to do.

The pair slowly made their way over to one of the maids tending the gardens. She had black hair and was average-looking, especially when standing in front of Evelyn.

The maid bowed her head frantically.

"M-my lords." She said. It wasn't the first time Raphael had that title thrust upon him. There was something about his regal look that seemed to make people think he was a noble. "What can I do for you?"

Raphael wasted no time in expressing his needs to the maid. The longer they spent here, the more likely they were to gain the wrong type of attention.

"I'd like you to pass on a message to the knights of the Estate. Are you able to do that?" He asked. Evelyn looked at him from the side, confused as to what he aiming for.

After a moment's hesitation, the maid nodded her head.

"Y-yes, of course. What would you like me to tell them."

Seriously? It's that easy?

"Tell them that the White Dragon wishes to challenge the Black Dragon to a duel. And that they should meet me at this exact location within the hour."

He spoke as though he gave demands. The maid looked at him, awestruck, as her gardening tools hung loosely in her arms.

After a few moments, she was released from her daze and nodded her head once again.

"O-of course. I'll deliver the message to the outposts and barracks right away." Then she went scurrying off.

Even Raphael was surprised at how easily she followed his orders.

Do I look like a Noble that much?

Evelyn's face seemed to fill with worry, as she heard Raphael make his request.

"The Black Dragon? That doesn't sound like someone you should be fighting." She said, unable to keep the fear from her voice.

Raphael let out a chuckle, as he turned to face her. Then, he placed his hand on her head, giving it a light pat.

"I beat your boyfriend, didn't I? I'm sure none of his knights will be able to cause me much trouble."

Afterwards, the pair waited in the gardens for the knights to arrive.

One of them would be wielding the Black Dragon, who Raphael planned to steal from them as he had already stolen so many men's women before.

His heart rate increased at the simple thought of it.

[Don't forget to comment or send power stones to become a fan! It's appreciated, and will motivate me to keep writing.]