Charles Thornbatch

Raphael explained what had happened in vague details to Evelyn.

He spoke of his conquering of the black dragon, though he avoided giving the details of how he had fucked her until she came multiple times.

Most importantly, he spoke of the new power that he held in his body.

The fire of the black dragon, Naomi.

He felt stronger. Every movement laced with a new level of efficiency.

If I'm already this strong with two dragons inside of me, then what will it be like having all five?

He felt excitement at the prospect. As soon as his business here was over, he would ask the two dragons about the locations of the others.

Then, suddenly, footsteps came towards them, cutting off his thoughts. The two students turned their heads to see an entourage coming towards them.

At first, Raphael was confused.

He saw eight knights, all wielding swords and spears. He wondered whether one was the Black Dragon, coming to take back what he had stolen from him.

But then, Raphael landed his eyes on a figure standing behind them.

Instantly, he recognised the man's face from the pictures.

He had mismatched eyes, one blue whilst the other red. The rest of his features were dark, and he bore a large scar across his face.

The man was tall and broad, certainly an imposing figure. His face was ripe with anger as he glared at Raphael.

Charles Thornbatch. Leofric's father and the Pheonix Queen's husband.

His target had come right to him.

The group stopped in front of Raphael and Evelyn, a cold air growing between them.

Then, Charles Thornbatch stepped forward from his group, glaring at Raphael with eyes filled with anger.

"So," the man said, voice loud and booming. "Who is it that dares to call out one of my knights to a duel" Raphael stared at the man for a few moments, weighing up his strength and power.

He was a large man, and if it was just a battle of hand-to-hand combat, he would find it very difficult.

But it wasn't.

It was a battle of magic, and Raphael had just earned a very new, powerful adversary.

"It's me." Raphael announced with all his confidence. "I'm the one who called out your knight. But now that you're here, I don't need to do that. Instead, I'll challenge you to a duel, Charles."

The Lord left out a bellowing laugh, staring at the young student who dared to come to his estate to challenge him.

"You? A mere student?" he said mockingly.

"What sort of magic could you possibly have that would hope to damage me? Do you not know what my birthright is?"

Raphael tried his best not to grow nervous. He knew nothing about Charles, or what abilities he was capable of.

All he knew was that defeating this man would be the start of his journey towards becoming King.

Raphael allowed his lips to twist into a smirk.

"You clearly haven't heard of me either. About the Annual Duels."

Charles Thornbatch's eyebrow raised in confusion, as he glared at Raphael with a new intensity.

Then, it came to him.

The blonde hair. The large figure. The red uniform of the rose school.

Charles was no longer smiling.

He removed his jacket and handed it to one of his guards before he began to roll off the sleeves of his shirt.

"I know who you are." The lord said in a stern tone. "You're Raphael Brooks. The man who has been causing my son... Trouble."

Then, the man glared at Evelyn, with murderous intent.

"Which means you, young lady, are Leofric's girlfriend that I have been waiting to meet."

Raphael jolted in shock as he looked at Evelyn. Her face was flushed and she trembled in fear.

Has she never met the man before? Why did he not recognise her until now?

But his thoughts were cut off.

An immense burst of power began to radiate from Lord Charles Thornbatch, causing everyone to shield their eyes.

His body began to glow in a dark black essence. It continued until it enshrouded his entire body, like a suit of armour.

Once done, the man stood, there, allowing everyone to take in his new form.

The armour was dark, like an abyss, with medieval ridges to its design. His face was covered entirely by a helmet of the same shade.

Then, a sword appeared on the man's back. It was so large that it would be impossible to wield with one hand. Similar to Leofric's.

Raphael readied the two dragons, pushing Evelyn behind him to a more defensive position.

"I'm glad you've come here," Charles said, gripping his gruesome weapon in both hands. "We do not need to waste time with a duel. I will just kill you both instead."

Raphael had no time to process the situation, as the lord came dashing towards him.

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