Ivan, The Lion

"Your strength is up to par."

Raphael leaned back in his chair, considering Harmony's words. He had dealt with many reserved women before, and he had always enjoyed the challenge they presented.

Women like that treated you the same as everyone else at first—cold, distant, making you work tirelessly just to earn the smallest acknowledgement. They guarded themselves well, never revealing too much, forcing you to break through their barriers piece by piece.

But once they cracked… it was like unleashing a flood. Every suppressed emotion, every hidden desire, everything they had bottled up inside came rushing out all at once. And those women, once they truly let go, could be the most lustful of all.

Of course, getting them to that point was the hard part.

Raphael nodded to himself.

"Alright, that makes sense," he said, standing from his seat. "So all I need to do is impress her with my strength and wait for her to come running."