The Red Dragon

The second floor of the Three Divine Academies was filled with nothing but screams.

Christopher Reynolds' agonized cries echoed through the hall as the violent black and white flames tore through his body.

His once-golden hair sizzled, curling into ash. His flesh blackened and cracked, burning layer by layer as the flames consumed him from the outside in.

The students watched in horrified silence.

None of them had ever imagined Christopher would be defeated so easily. He was known for being one of the strongest men enrolling into the new academy.

He had been given the title 'Dragonborn', due to his incredible birthright that put others to shame.

And yet there he was, being eaten by flames.

One student, blessed with a water-based birthright, instinctively tried to step forward. His trembling hands reached for a spell that could perhaps put out the flames, but his legs refused to move.