70. The Night has Fallen


A lone blooming rose as red as blood laid alone and almost shining over the log under the last rays of sunshine. 

Nothing grow around here. My eyes sifted through the tree as far back as I could see, yet not a single flowering plant, not a mere color present. 

And in the dull green and brown of the surrounding, the red rose stark vibrant and proud. It was taunting me, beckoning me to come forth and touch it.

My finger fell forward and just like the dream, the razor sharp thorn pricked my finger drawing blood. Instantly it fell through my fingers.

I looked at the blood the dripped over the rose and faded into it's red, tainting it. Another drop tainting the vibrant green of it's leaf and stem.

I half expected the pain to begin, just like my dream but it never came. I was watching the rose and when I blinked something changed.

The rose laid still in its place but the vibrant red was now shifted to an enchanting maroon. 

I realized, it was dark. The moon was full in the sky and the night has fallen.

But- it was not even twilight just a moment ago. 

How long was I standing here staring at it?

My skin began feeling the oncoming of the goosebumps as my palms became clammy even under the cold breeze, with an ominous feeling settling deep in my chest. With one last look at the rose that laid unmoving I turned and beelined to my house.

If this keeps up, I might even have to see a shrink.

I made sure to lock the doors and windows in the living room like it was necessary. Was I scared? Kind of. From whom? At this point; of myself.

I washed my hand watching the trail of blood mixing in swirls with water. I looked up in the mirror of my bathroom. The coming of dark circles under my eyes a reminder of the feelings growing heavy in my chest.

Confusion, uncertainty. Helplessness. I sighed turning the lights out and leaving the bathroom.

The moment I was in my bed, I heard a knock. An unmistaken rap of knuckles gently coming from down below.

Was Jake back? But he has the keys to the house.

Another knock came. It was very calm, too gentle like the calm from the storm. As if the person on the other side was in no hurry and no expectations at all.

I was almost with mind to ignore it when the knock sounded again and my rationality returned. 

May be it's someone asking for help. Perhaps it's the neighbors, telling me to put my car on the driveway for street cleaning tomorrow.

It could be any number of things that are perfectly normal reasons for people to knock over your door, Rose. Why am I being so paranoid?

I'm staring at the shadow again.

Throwing the sheets off, I went down. I was standing in front of the door and waited for it to knock again. But it never came.

Should I open and check.

Normal Rose would. I shrugged and opened the front door to our house. The porch was empty. No one there.

Shaking my head at myself I and turned around making sure to lock before I walked away.

I was about to go back up the stairs when I saw the light to the backyard still on. And being a good citizen and caring for the earth, I groaned and flopped my way to turn it off.

Unfortunately the switch for the outside lights are conveniently also placed outside.



I had opened the door to the backyard and was about to step out when I looked down. My step halted mid air my mouth gaping.

The red taunting me with it's crimson once again.

The rose. The exact same one.

 Blooming red and tainted with my blood.

The things in the shadows are not just moving in my mind anymore, is it?